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    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    The Last of Us | My Last Of Us 2 Tattoo I got yesterday

    The Last of Us | My Last Of Us 2 Tattoo I got yesterday

    My Last Of Us 2 Tattoo I got yesterday

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:47 AM PST

    Thought i would share the painting i drew. Tell me what you think, it helps a lot.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:50 AM PST

    Troy Baker takes the controls for The Definitive Playthough - Part 2 (feat. Brian Dechart from Detroit: Become Human)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:35 PM PST

    Cosplay photo animation by me ( cosplayer-keyvei) photography by (nerina_photo) and (nikolay_photo)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:06 AM PST

    Cosplay photo animation by me ( Cosplayer - sparrowhawkcosplay) photography by ( j.a.vilches )

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:15 AM PST

    Troy’s thoughts about Joel’s broken watch

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:28 PM PST

    Just got myself one of these in preparation , for part II. Can't wait for release now.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:23 PM PST

    Just screwing around and fond this crazy easter egg......

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:09 PM PST

    In The Last of Us, there is a scene in which you enter a toy store and one of the boys you are traveling with picks up a toy, and his brother says: "What is that?" The boy responds with:: " nothing." his brother says "get rid of it" blah blah blah, I won't say the whole scene, but the girl your smuggling, "Ellie" will pick up the toy and give it to the boy later on.

    But ill cut to the chase...

    I found a way to walk backward and use listen mode to watch Ellie and leave the toy shop, but she never left my line of sight, and I used listen mode to look at her X-Ray through walls.

    SOMEHOW... when I left the toy shop Ellie was out of the shop and the toy was still on the ground, and later in the game, there is a scene where Ellie would give the toy to the boy. But since I left the shop without her being able to pick up the toy cause I was watching the whole time, the cutscene didn't trigger!!

    maybe its because in the last of us coding the script was basically: "pick up toy = cutscene

    I don't know if this is just a glitch, or maybe Naughty Dog really just loves their details...

    submitted by /u/dimesonjumper1529
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    Seraphites and Cordyceps Immunity Theory

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:20 PM PST

    Maybe I'm crazy but after poring through all trailers, I wondered what clues were in them, knowing full well how Naughty Dog can be misleading. I will give my two conclusions and then explain how I came to said conclusions.

    (1) The Seraphites are all immune and/or know that immunity is a thing.


    (2) MW/Buff Woman with the hammer is a member of the WLF and is infected but might have an idea that a cure/immunity is possible.

    Theory (1): Seraphite has the stem "Seraph" which is "an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity." According to Wikipedia, Seraphs would do God's work for him. They are clearly very holy beings. In the Paris Games Week trailer, the Seraphites mention:(a) MW is "nested with sin";(b) Clipping Yara's "wings"; and(c) Clickers are called "demons" by Yara who was an ex-Seraphite (or "Apostate" as the word used in the trailer) so she still uses their terminology.

    Therefore, demons are the infected whereas the Seraphites regard themselves as the angels of the world with their own pair of 'wings'. My hunch started when I realized...why do the Seraphites regard themselves as so special? Why them? How are they so sure they can trust one another and how have they proven to each other that they are not sinful? If Infected are so full of sin, so demonic, why aren't the Seraphites worried that they're at risk of infection, and in turn becoming "nested with sin"? Why are they choosing to disembowel and sacrifice the people that they are sacrificing (in the Gameplay trailer where Ellie is outnumbered in the store, the last man she kills says "This is Sacrifice Land" right before he dies)?? At first, I thought maybe they are just worried that outsiders are possibly infected and that's why they kill them. But with the WLF, they just shoot outsiders on sight because clearly they worry about threats to their territory, they do not take the time to capture people and have a ritualistic killing. Neil Druckmann never mentions that the Seraphites are a xenophobic group, he specifically reserves that label when discussing the WLF in various interviews or panels. After all, if the Seraphites are some type of religious group/cult, wouldn't they want to spread their message by recruiting more people? Why else would they disembowel people that could be potential new members unless those same people are all "infected" with sin? Thus, that's why the Seraphites think they are so special, they think it must be them who are chosen holy beings of God meant to cleanse the world of the infection because they are immune to the infection itself. This is where it begs the question, what made Yara and Lev want to leave the Seraphites? Perhaps their MO, ritualistic killings, or not wanting to figure out a way to spread their immunity made them call it quits.

    Theory (2):

    As depicted in the Outbreak Day 2017 poster, it appears to be MW's arm holding the hammer she pulled out of the Seraphite who almost killed her, and there's a wolf in the flames and trees. For whatever reason, the one Seraphite told MW she was nested with sin and was about to begin disemboweling her. Going off part of my first theory, this leads me to believe that MW was "infected with sin" and the Seraphites planned to kill her. Yara and Lev clearly don't know who she is beyond the fact that she is a WLF or "one of them". Now, why would MW be venturing out into territory where Seraphites are? Why risk being killed? Why at the end of the Paris trailer was she getting ready to fight the infected alongside Lev and Yara? After all, as David said in TLOU to Ellie "No one that's infected fights that hard to stay alive". This is where I think MW's significance to the game is her journey towards finding a cure before its too late, risking everything with time running out. Why else would promotional content have depictions of MW, if she wasn't a large presence to TLOU2, when even Joel has had little face time in trailers?

    submitted by /u/wingstopbluecheese
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    Just the outline so far, but couldn't be more happier :D (the lower area of the moth was a lil intense, but I managed)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:04 AM PST

    I want to thank everyone involved with the creation of this game. I can say with full confidence that I am now ready fo TLOU 2.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:52 PM PST

    Mods, can you make a sticky for the definitive play through series? I remember reading a post saying that would be it but i haven't found it again.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:52 PM PST

    Wouod be nice so we could talk About each episode.

    submitted by /u/nirvroxx
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    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 01:19 PM PST

    I dont know why but lately I have been imagining young ellie with her hair loose, we saw her with different outfits but i would LOVE to see some fanart with her hair done differently, I cant draw to save my life but id love to see someone attempt this

    submitted by /u/Killrdoll
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    Wait a sec, what difficulty is this again?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:45 PM PST

    Parallels (and spoilers) between TLOU and a Netflix movie (Fractured)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:39 PM PST

    Almost 0 health, no melee weapon, no ammo AT ALL, one molotov. Sewer is impossible. Is there a way to restart a level?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:21 PM PST

    This is my 2nd time through the game, and I am stuck. One hit and I get killed.

    submitted by /u/hugebigballs
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    Am I the only one who finds eating mushrooms uncomfortable or weird after playing the game?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:34 AM PST

    I know that I sound like a freak, but this game changed me. I used to love mushrooms, but after the whole fungi zombies scenario I just feel uncomfortable, almost grossed out, when eating them. Am I the only one who feels like this?

    submitted by /u/GirlGamerBGr
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    What I think may happen to Dina, who is responsible and why Ellie ends up in Seattle.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:28 AM PST

    Whatever it is that happens to send Ellie on a revenge mission almost certainly happens to Dina. It would have to be someone that Ellie loves but we know it isn't Joel. The name Dina is Hebrew for 'Avenged' which seems to be a big clue and we know that Neil Druckmann likes to play around with Hebrew naming conventions. Neil has even confirmed that Dina is Jewish and of middle eastern ancestry, which makes the Hebrew thing all the more prescient.

    The state of play trailer heavily implied that she was going to die which to me confirms that she probably isn't. Naughty Dog loves to use misdirection in their marketing, the launch trailer for the first game made it look like Joel was going to get bitten and that Ellie was going to have to kill him and all the marketing for Uncharted 4 made it seem as though Nathan Drake was gonna die, from the trailers to the box art even down to the name of the game 'A Thief's End.' We know that Joel didn't get bitten though and that Nate didn't die and I don't think Dina will die either.

    So what could happen to her? It would have to be something terrible to make Ellie so bent on revenge. Well it's horrible but I think she may be raped. Going back to the Hebrew thing, there is a character in the book of genesis called 'Dinah,' she is the only daughter of Jacob, a Patriarch of the israelites and she is raped by the Prince of Shechem, another city. In response Dinah's brothers travel to Shechem and kill every last living man in the city. Every. Last. One of them. Just like Ellie says in that first trailer. It all seems to add up but in a much more subtle way that makes me think that it isn't just more misdirection. There has to be a reason why they chose that name for her. I would hope that Naughty Dog would not show it happening of course, that would be way too much but I have faith that they won't show it, there would probably just be a very heavy implication of what happened.

    So who did it and why? We have been introduced to 2 enemy groups at this point, the Seraphites and the WLF, but I don't think either of these groups are responsible for what happens to Dina. The guys who ambush Ellie in the basement don't seem to be Seraphites, the one guy who's face we see does not have a shaved head, does not have 'Glasgow smile' scars across his cheeks and does not wear a brown anorak.

    I don't think the WLF are responsible either because from what we hear about them they are a xenophobic group who don't tolerate any outsiders from entering Seattle. Their Identity seems to be heavily linked to that city so I can't imagine what would motivate them to leave it and travel all the way to Wyoming and attack two teenage girls. We also know from the recent hands on demos that you can get through that whole Seattle suburbs area without killing anyone, but that doesn't seem like it would be a possibility if Ellie was there to kill them all.

    To me it seems that the people who attacked Dina are people who Ellie knows personally, specifically Dina's ex boyfriend Jesse and some of his friends. Neil Druckmann has said that this game will be all about the pursuit of vengeance and justice in a lawless society. What if that doesn't just apply to Ellie? Maybe Jesse was angry and jealous about Ellie and Dina making out in front of him and maybe attacking them was his fucked up idea of getting justice for that.

    Ellie, Dina, Jesse and apparently many others from Jackson are all part of this group that goes out on patrols together. Maybe Jesse planned to attack Ellie and Dina while they were out on patrol away from Jackson and convinced his friends to go along with him. Being a bunch of young people that have grown up in this lawless world their sense of right and wrong is probably skewed and they probably went along with it.

    After this I think they fled for Canada, possibly Vancouver, because they couldn't go back to Jackson. After E3 2018 there was a little QandA with some Naughty Dog devs and someone asked if Seattle was the only place that we would visit and one of the devs said "no" and " Well Washington State is basically Canada" and then he winked. That almost confirms to me that we're going there and that's why I think Ellie ends up in Seattle, she has to pass through there on the way to Vancouver and encounters the Seraphites and the WLF along the way and ends up getting caught up in their conflict.

    Ellie probably caught one of Jesse's group as they were fleeing and tortured him to find out exactly where they were planning to go. Why would they go to Canada? Maybe Jesse or one of his friends knows people up there or maybe there are Fireflies up there and they think they can take refuge with them, either way I fully expect to encounter the Fireflies again at some point in some form or another.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/JupeJitsu
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    The game hard?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:42 AM PST

    I just downloaded the first one and the opening cutscene I keep dying. Is the whole game like this?

    submitted by /u/My-At-Work-Account
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