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    Tuesday, August 3, 2021

    The Last of Us | Please; she had nothing to do with this.. she's pregnant.

    The Last of Us | Please; she had nothing to do with this.. she's pregnant.

    Please; she had nothing to do with this.. she's pregnant.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    Early shambler gameplay

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    PERFECTION !!! (@VOLDSBY, twitter)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    I always stop to look at this area in The University chapter

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    crossed fates

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    TLOU2 destroyed gaming

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    I was born in the late 70s and I've had and loved thousands of games, starting with my C64 and the NES, then Amiga, then a break, then PS1, then another break, then PS3, then another break and all of a sudden I'm 40-something with a bunch of kids and I landed "us" a PS5 for launch. Played some Sackboy, Morales etc, all good and fun. Because of the lack of PS5 games, I had a look at PS+ and finished Days Gone and stuff. Had a great time, but nothing mindblowing.

    I had seen the "playstation classics" freebie for TLOU but I had never heard of it and the cover didn't pull me in, but one bored day I downloaded it and started playing it. I can't say I was mindblown, I mean, I liked it a lot, I had started many games before that and then stopped playing them, but this one intrigued me.

    Eventually, I really bought into the story and I spent a lot of time outside of the game thinking about moral and survival in a post-apocalypse world, and as a father of a couple of girls in the same age as Sarah and Ellie, that added a certain dimension for me as well. Please note that everything was under control until about this point.

    Then came the ending of TLOU. I was playing on medium difficulty which was hard enough for me at the time, and I restarted the encounter at the hospital to see if I could avoid killing the surgeon. I couldn't, so in the end I blasted the heads off of all three of them and took my baby girl out of there and didn't feel that bad about it.

    I thought about the game some more in the next few days, and then I started it again. What's this "DLC" thing? What, there is more? So I played Left Behind and took my time, I didn't exactly understand why sexuality was a thing but OK, it was still beautiful and I loved it (although I prefered the action parts).

    And then I was done.

    Or so I thought.

    This is where I realized there was a part 2.

    I started it, and the first minutes I didn't like it really, I thought the graphics looked blurry (as in motion blur) and much less smooth than part 1. I tried tweaking some display settings but it didn't help.

    I wasn't sure how to feel about late-teen Ellie who wasn't that nice to Joel, there was a lot of walking and talking and no action and the intro is nothing like part 1, I didn't really understand what they were talking about and the whole thing just seemed like the-day-after-the-party and I've had many of those myself and don't really need to play a Hangover Simulator, thanks.

    Then switch to some flat-top hair gel dude in the snow with some other character I've never seen and at this point I was like: "You've got one more hour to turn this around, game".

    And then it just took off, and I feel like my life changed a little bit from that point. I don't have to tell you all the emotions that I went through, because probably you went through them too. I don't have to tell you where I cried and where I hesitated and where I marveled, because you did too.

    I have a life, so I couldn't play 24/7, but I could think of nothing else. I was Ellie, I was Abby, and my heart was beating for both.

    About a week later, it was over. I was shaking, in the same way that Ellie's hands were shaking before entering Joel's home. It has taken me some time to realize, but I had just experienced the deepest and most engaging computer game of my sorry-ass, 40-something-year-old life.


    Fast forward a few months: My first TLOU2 run was on medium. Since then, I replayed it on Hard+, Survivor+, Grounded+ and then I went back to TLOU1 and finished it on Grounded (for those that want to know, TLOU1 is much harder than TLOU2 on Grounded).

    I want to leave my TLOU addiction behind, I've spent so much time thinking and playing this game that I know that there is nothing more there. But literally EVERY game I try just reminds me of how great TLOU2 is and how nothing compares to it.

    I've tried Bloodborne, Horizon Zero Dawn and God of War. I tried Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Solid 5 and Call of Duty. I feel nothing, five hours into each game I turn them off.

    I forced myself to finish Uncharted 4, that UC4 expansion thing, Far Cry 5, Days Gone and Miles Morales. I feel nothing.

    I built up some hope for A Plague Tale. Played and finished it, and I had the same void in my body during the entire time.

    I even played some FIFA shit, that's how desperate I've become. Total numbness.


    I started another round of TLOU2 on Saturday. I'm thinking I will do a grounded-kill-all round, just something to make myself believe that I'm not actually playing the same game for the 6th time in a row and that my behavior is somehow normal.


    I fear that I will never be able to get out of this and that TLOU2 has destroyed gaming for me forever. What can I do?


    EDIT: Lot's of nice, friendly people suggesting RDR2 here. I played that on my son's computer a couple of years ago. I really liked it, I identified with Arthur and was hoping to find a cure. At that time, I would have loved to get my hands on Micah to... discuss serious matters with him. HOWEVER: Although RDR2 is a replacement for TLOU2 in terms of game beauty, it does not manage to have that direct connection to my heart that TLOU2 does. Some other people are suggesting GoT, I will give it a go when the PS5 thing comes out (but €80 wtf!).

    submitted by /u/omnitsuka
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    I only played “The Last of Us” for the first time within the last 12 months, along with completing Part II; I just had to draw some fan-art of Joel. This drawing is originally from late last year though.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:30 PM PDT

    The Miller family and I have the same plant.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:38 PM PDT

    Part II was exhaustingly heart-breaking *SPOILERS*

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    So last night i made this post

    After finishing the game i wrote down some words and opinions in my Notes.

    I'm sure all of this has been said & discussed a lot before, but after seeing all the responses to my last post i figured i'll post it here anyway.

    I don't have anyone i know in real life who has played these games. And this journey was a lot to take in, so discussing it here helps me a lot.

    This is not gonna be some well thought-out collected analysis of the game. It's just some chaotic regurgitated thoughts i had right after completing Part II.

    I was extremely stoned and emotional at the end lol so this rant is probably all over the place and way too long. I'm sorry for all the profanity, i was shook.

    So for any daring soul who cares to read on, god bless you.

    I just finished The Last Of Us Part II.

    This game dragged my ass through the mud. Drug my ass through the mud? Idk.

    I actually ended up taking like a month off from this game around when it switches to Abby. I was trying to keep an open mind but i could not get over….

    Joel's death scene. This scene, the scene, got a reaction so REAL out of me, that i just have to give props to Naughty Dog. Although it may not have been where i would have liked to see the story go, lol, it shows how powerful these characters are.

    Ellie and Joel's relationship was built so well and i felt so fucking attached to them.

    Which brings me to that.

    Ellie and Joel's relationship also frustrated me in scenes like the one at the end of the game. When Ellie tells Joel she'd like to try to forgive him.

    Fuck man, i wanted to scream at my TV like "Hello! Hug each other! For gods sake say you love each other!! Please!"

    This was another impressive thing to me though.

    Anyone who has dealt with losing someone probably agrees, that you beat yourself up for moments where you should have did this, or should have said that.

    And the scenes like this in The Last Of Us Part 2 highlighted this real human dynamic to me.


    So after taking a much needed break from the game, i came back with a fresh mind.

    I found myself able to empathize for Abby from a more neutral perspective during her part, and i loved her relationship with Yara & Lev.

    And even though Ellie murdered all of Abby's friends she still let her live. I know Lev stopped her, but for real i can't say i would have done the same if i were her.

    But still

    I couldn't bring myself to root for Abby over Ellie, and having to play as her in their first fight together was honestly straight up painful.

    And i may have let Ellie kill her a few times, just a few, shh.

    I could really go on & on about the many scenes and action sequences in this game that had me gasping or yelling out loud while playing lol. Which leads me to what i thought was the most powerful part of the game.

    The final "act".

    Ellie leaving the farm to track down Abby in Santa Barbara and finish this once & for all.

    Holy fucking shit.

    Everything about this last hour or so was just amazingly done.

    I don't think it was the right thing to leave the farm and go after Abby. Probably not what Joel would have wanted.

    But at the same time, i wanted Ellie to go. I felt for Abby, and i understood her decisions. But i was still angry.

    And if the game had ended on that farm, with Ellie Dina and JJ living happily ever after, i would've felt unsatisfied. It was a happy ending for Ellie, but it just felt unfulfilling to me. So i was ready for Ellie's journey to California.

    Walking into the slave camp, seeing these monsters called the Rattlers. It was so fucked up.

    When i found Abby i legit didn't recognize her. And as Ellie cut her down, it broke me watching her scramble to pick up and save Lev.

    During this next sequence, when Ellie lets Abby & Lev get into their boat it looked like this was finally it. As they're about to go their seperate ways, i still was hoping the game wouldn't end here.

    Cue the ominous music.

    Flashback of Joel, and Ellie turns around for one last fight with Abby.

    The revenge plot has won me over again. Fuck it

    I jack the difficulty up all the way, let's go

    This final fight between Ellie & Abby was straight up fucking brutal.

    The longer the fight went on the more painful it got to watch.

    The part of me tied to Ellie & Joel, the part of me that was angry, and wanted to see Ellie destroy Abby. This was when i realized that part of me was wrong. Fueled by my emotional attachment to Ellie & Joel.

    My entire body cringed through this fight.

    In the end i was glad Ellie spared Abby. And it made me smile to see the post-credits scene of their boat facing Catalina Island. I hope her and Lev made it alive.

    But man! Her fingers. Abby bit off her fucking fingers!

    This curbstomped my already broken heart into the ground, watching Ellie fail to play the guitar.

    To me, this was a literal symbol of punishment and sacrifice for Ellie's final revenge chase. She had now sacrificed a connection she had to Joel through the guitar for the chance to finish off her own demons.

    As Ellie put down the guitar leading to the shot in my last post. I viewed it as her finally laying Joel to rest.

    I was completely satisfied with the ending of the game.

    My jaw was dropped, my eyes were teared up, and i felt destroyed.

    But it somehow felt fulfilling in a dark way, it truly felt like it was over.

    In my opinion, these games are inarguably some of the best video games ever made.

    While The Last Of Us Part II did rip my heart out and wipe its ass with it, in the end i would say this game is a masterpiece.


    submitted by /u/BrandonD40
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    i have a newfound appreciation for the 4.0 ratio aspect

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    Polygon Interpretation of an Ellie Portrait. Enjoy!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:59 AM PDT

    My friends and I made TLOU2 shirts!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    How would Katherine Langford be for Abby. She has the build and if she gained some biceps, it will be perfect.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:47 PM PDT

    Is there something good the game has left you?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    Even though the game is full with anger and hate and the story itself is born from revenge, and even though the end of the game might have left me with sadness, playing the game also made me interested with music, it made me into guitars and so i started playing them and i really enjoy it. So i was just wondering if something similar has happened to some of you, too.

    submitted by /u/myz-ryo
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    "Hey Joel, wanna give me a ride?" "That time is long gone Ellie."

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:45 AM PDT

    The newest addition to my TLOU collection

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 05:05 PM PDT

    Ellie Is Back, Made An Aggressive Stealth & Brutal Combat On Grounded+ With No Damage & No HUD.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    Bloody Trail

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    The Theatre was a pretty cool place to hole up in! What do you think?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:02 PM PDT

    Nice throw

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:14 PM PDT

    “Undergrown” by @thedizzyviper on IG.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    Implementing enemy names into gameplay

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 04:42 PM PDT

    I just had a thought about a specific gameplay implementation into the hypothetical TLOU Part III. Part II established how human enemies have names, and I thought it was a great addition though it didn't effect core gameplay or narrative moments. I just thought of how in Part III, it could be a very compelling moment in gameplay if Ellie were to kill a character and hear that their name was Riley, or Jesse, or even Joel though that would be more on the nose. In this specific sequence, it could be really interesting if hearing that name directly impacted gameplay and Ellie briefly lowered her weapon, or hesitated to fire, or gave away her position in a stealth scenario due to a muffled noise.

    This could be a really impactful sequence which blurs the line between scripted narrative moment and gameplay, akin to the workbench ambush scene. Any thoughts on this idea and how it could be implemented?

    submitted by /u/PRH_Eagles
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