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    Monday, August 30, 2021

    The Last of Us | May have gone a little to far

    The Last of Us | May have gone a little to far

    May have gone a little to far

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:31 PM PDT

    Some sketches of Joel and Ellie

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    “F*ck the WLF”

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:44 AM PDT

    Designed a TLOU inspired Character - Art by me!

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 12:48 PM PDT

    Thing About Joel is that he's the most Human, Some people say he's the worst. I tell them whatever, Joel does Bad stuff to survive, But it is the same as a Bad Person doing Good Stuff just to Gain something, Its the same thing only difference its hard to Tell who's good and bad.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    VIRTUAL PHOTOGRAPHY is not just taking screenshots, but depicting the emotions that a character has and beautiful world that the game consists.(@Voldsby, thanks for presenting these emotions through your pic)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    My gouache art of Ellie and Dina

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 05:04 AM PDT

    This Game Feels like Home

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    This is my first Reddit post, and I'm glad I'm posting it on my favorite sub. I played the first Game in 2015 when I was 12(I know middle schoolers aren't supposed to play games like these 😭). So I was basically around Ellie's age when I played it and I was instantly hooked on the game. Then I completely forgot about the game for a long time. Fast forward to when the second game came out last year. I didn't play it because of what some people said about it. Then this past summer I got the second game, and man o man, I loved every second of it. I'm now 18 which around Ellie's age in the second game and I feel as if I grew up with her and Joel. And now I'm in college and I left my PS4 because my roommate brought their's. But I'm bringing it back with me this weekend 😏. I played it right before I left for college so every edit, photo mode, Reddit post, and songs I hear from this game give me so much comfort and a reminder of my home. I've never had a game have such a lasting impact on me that I played it again a week later. When I'm walking to class i listen to the crooked still album, All of the sound tracks of the games, and Ashley Johnson's Covers. This is such a beautiful game that everyone should experience, and I'm glad that I was able to experience it.

    submitted by /u/Comprehensive-Cut962
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    Made this on wombo a few months back back and thought you guys would like it

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 01:40 PM PDT

    Looks like Factions 2 will be MUCH Bigger than we thought (official ND twitter) !

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 11:11 PM PDT

    One small detail/aspect I find funny about Ellie.

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    Ellie apparently does not (or at least didn't) believe ice cream trucks were a real thing, yet she believes astronauts and the moon landing were real.

    That's just kinda funny.

    submitted by /u/G00bre
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    Abby’s Backpack+Jacket by insert coin is finally here and it’s so gorgeous ������

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    New fanart by me! @_bhavanti_ I hope you guys enjoy :)

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    My Joel cosplay

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    Why the Last of Us 2 ending is meaningful and a direct continuation of the first game

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 03:44 AM PDT



    For many this is sounds like a bold claim but I will try to justify my claims as best I can. First I would like to explore what the first game is about (especially the ending) after which I will explore the meaning of the second game. Then I will explain why, to me, the second games has a very meaningful ending which beautifully completes the events that happened at the Salt Lake Hospital.

    TL;DR at the bottom, please also read the section 5 Forgiving Joel and moving on if you have the patience.

    1 What is the first game about?

    At the beginning of TLOU 1 we find Ellie, a young, broken girl who has lost almost everything and everyone she held dear. But she still continues to fight because 'No matter what you keep finding something to fight for'. For Ellie right now this is her immunity. Her life means something because she could be the key to saving humanity and it would make Riley's death have meaning. So Ellie, even though she is completely lost, still has meaning.

    Now Joel and Tess arrive and Ellie starts to trust them. After Tess dies Joel dedicates his life to taking Ellie to the Fireflies and their purposes in life become intertwined. Joel has now found meaning again.

    When they finally arrive at the hospital and Joel learns the truth about what will happen to Ellie he makes the choice to save her. However, by saving Ellie she takes away her meaning (but he gives her a life and a new meaning, one that Ellie won't see or accept yet) which is why Ellie is so devastated after waking up in the truck.

    2 Events between the games

    During TLOU 2 we get several flashbacks to Ellie and Joel. While most of them have a tender and heartwarming tone they're filled with suspicion by Ellie. She knows Joel is lying to her but she feels conflicted about this because why would Joel do that? After all, it was Joel that fought to get her there in the first place.

    When Joel finally confesses to Ellie about what happened Ellies world shatters. Imagine the feel of betrayal she now feels. Her meaning was taken away from her by the only person who made that possible in the first place, Joel. Ellie now knows the sacrifices that Joel made for her and for what? To save 1 life? What is 1 life worth compared to potential millions of lives saved? Ellie can't accept that she is alive but there is no cure because that's not what was supposed to happen. And because Ellie can't accept that her life is without meaning because she is stuck with the past.

    3 Finding meaning once again

    The next few years Ellie will struggle with finding meaning. However, during the night that Dina kissed her she finally realises how she can do that; by forgiving Joel. By forgiving Joel he would finally accept her own life. And by forgiving Joel, his terrible actions to save her would have meaning.

    The tragedy of the second game is not Joel's death. People can live happy lives even if they lose loved ones. The tragedy is that finally when Ellie knows what she has to do that chance is taken away from her by Abby. Had Abby found Joel 2 months later the game would not have happened (although if Abby had found Joel before Ellies last conversation with Joel and I think Ellie's life would have been completely doomed).

    What does Ellie feel now? Well, the obvious guess is hatred for Abby but even more so she feels guilt for not forgiving Joel and I think deep down she hates herself for that as well. And I think that the reason for Ellies revenge spree is the guilt and her dissapointed in herself and not her hatred of Abby. But she does not realise that because her judgement is clouded by the overwhelming amount of pain she is feeling.

    4 Ellies revenge

    Throughout Ellies revenge spree she starts to notice that even when she kills the people responsible for Joel's death she does not feel better. In fact the feels worse. The cruel things she does make her lose her humanity bit by bit and therefore she is wasting her life and Joel's massive sacrifice to save her. Even after the confrontation with Abby and their return home Ellie still can't live her life. The guilt for Joel is still too strong and she makes the mistake to go hunt for revenge once again.

    5 Forgiving Joel and moving on

    Again, Ellie is on the hunt for revenge and nothing is stopping her. She marches through the hunter base with no problem killing dozens in the process but when she finds Abby she can't kill her. Why is that? She just murdered dozens, why would taking 1 more life be a problem for her? At this point the players should realize that it's not killing Abby that is a problem for Ellie. The problem is something much more deeper than that.

    Ellie wasn't looking for revenge; she was looking for a way to forgive Joel. She finally realises that when she has Abby pinned down underwater . Revenge has only killed her bit by bit and her conscience is already a heavy burden. The final blow to Abby would also be the final blow for Ellie. By killing Abby, Ellie would kill the last thing that's left of her and therefore the last thing that's left of Joel.

    In Ellies mind killing Abby would kill The Last of Us.

    Ellie makes the difficult decision to forgive Joel and more so, she honors his wish (Joel's wish for Ellie to live a life) by letting Abby go. Ellie still hates Abby with all her heart but she loves Joel more, so she can't kill Abby.

    6 A meaningful ending

    The game ends with Ellie finally accepting and forgiving what Joel did. We see her return for her guitar at the farm which Joel gave her (and note that she has most certainly visited Dina in Jackson before this because of e.g. her wristband on the right arm which she did not have on her when hunting for Abby and she is not at all surprised or worried about Dina, the scene is about Joel and Ellie only). She already forgave Joel when fighting Abby but now she is saying goodbye to him. Ellie has now moved on from the events at the Salt Lake Hospital and Joel's death.

    After Ellie walks out we get the most happy ending you could possibly expect from this game. Ellie has accepted her new life and forgiven Joel. She can now go find happiness and now Joel will have finally succeeded in saving her.


    • First game:

      • Ellie finds meaning in her life through her immunity. Joel takes that away but gives Ellie a new life, one that Ellie cannot yet appreciate.
    • Second game:

      • Ellie feels like her life has no meaning. After Joel dies, her only way to find meaning (by forgiving Joel and accepting that she is alive but there is no cure) is gone. She goes on a revenge spree and loses almost every last bit of humanity (and life) she has left.
    • Meaningful ending:

      • Ellie does not kill Abby because she finally found a way to forgive Joel and accept what he did. Now Ellie can finally start living the life that Joel sacrificed so much for to save.
    • Direct continuation to first game:

      • In the ending of the first game Joel saves Ellie but as long as Ellie does not accept that, her life means nothing. In the ending of the second game Ellie accepts that and finally Joel's and Ellie's lives have meanings.


    Final thoughts

    My thoughts on criticism about the ending

    I feel like many of the complaints and negative feedback for Ellies decision to not kill Abby stems from the lack of empathy of the player or the clouded judgement of the player. You are making the same mistake as Ellie, mistaking her need of forgiving for a need of revenge. I hope some of you change your minds or at the very least feel differently about the ending of The Last of Us Part 2.

    There are things that could have been done better but in my opinion the ending is not one of them.

    I did not play the game, only watched a non-commentary playthrough

    I do not own a Playstation and I won't buy one for a single game. However, the game works very much like a movie or a TV series and I think I got a good enough experience watching it so that this post if justified.

    About Abby & Ellie

    Many people have said that they forgived each other. I strongly disagree. They realised that killing one another won't make it any better. Unfortunately both learned this in the most tragic ways. Abby realised that after killing Joel. She felt worse after killing him, not any better. This caused Ellie to try to avenge Joel and Abby lost her friends in the process and Ellie lost herself.

    The cruel world they grew up in did not teach them what it means to be human but they learned it the hard way in this story.

    submitted by /u/HomeworkDestroyer
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    The first TLOU2 trailer level can be found in the game files

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    Nod to Supernatural Actors

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    I'm going through my 2nd play through of part II and on Seattle day 3 I found a parking garage that I didn't go into the first time. There are a couple of infected in there and once you get to the second level there's more that come out. But once you handle them you can go over to the body on the ledge and get some supplies, machete, and a note. If you read the note it says I got ambushed by a scar yada yada yada I was on my way to go relieve MISHA and it's signed by JENSEN. I just thought it was a nice little nod to the supernatural actors. The note says Misha is at the monorail lookout so I'm gonna see if I can find him as I progress.

    submitted by /u/lbeck22
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    Cheapest options to play TLOU2?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 11:13 PM PDT

    Does anyone know where I can get tlou2 for under $25? Would used copies be this cheap in certain stores?

    submitted by /u/TheRightAngle90
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    Hi everyone ! Sorry to bother, anyone who has a ps5 or ps app, I just wanna know, any of you encountered an issue with the (played recently) game list ? For a month now, mine has been laggy! It doesn’t update correctly ! I launched tlou2 and it doesn’t show up on the top of the list! Ps5&ps app

    Posted: 29 Aug 2021 07:22 PM PDT

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