• Breaking News

    Wednesday, August 25, 2021

    The Last of Us | The game means so much to me and it’s got me through a lot. So…. her name is Ellie 😬.

    The Last of Us | The game means so much to me and it’s got me through a lot. So…. her name is Ellie ��.

    The game means so much to me and it’s got me through a lot. So…. her name is Ellie ��.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Who is this? Wrong answers only

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    Does anyone know where these stairs are IRL? Im mapping TLOU2 locations and cant find this one. Where is even Hillcrest IRL.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    Some new art for our office!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    Joel Miller Funko Pop

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    Various art to make you sad

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 04:19 AM PDT

    My friends got me this drawing for my birthday <3

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    I like Abby

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 10:45 PM PDT

    At first, I despised her and found the part where you play as her incredibly annoying..but then the whole thing with lev really made me like her more. Ellie is better though..

    submitted by /u/Akruu1
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    Finally found it, but don't know where my PS3 is��

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    Part 2 poster i drew a few weeks ago.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    Ellie & Dina at Severena hotel

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    Repping my main gal Ellie today and always ��

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 02:40 AM PDT

    stratosphere. - savage starlight

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 12:28 AM PDT

    TLOU 2 Movie/Series style playthrough video series. When to break up episodes...(LONG post)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 03:54 PM PDT

    For a while I've been planning a movie/series style playthrough of both games which I will record 'episodes' for but while I'm hooked on Part 2 I thought I might as well do that first. Basically the idea was something that anybody who will never play the game can watch and enjoy like a regular TV series because I truly believe that these games along with Red Dead Redemption 2 have the best stories of any game ever...and without exaggeration maybe even any movie ever. So it is a shame that people who don't play games won't experience them.

    I'll be trying to make it as immersive as possible with no HUD or gamey style effects (wherever possible), walk whenever it makes sense and run when that makes sense, won't be picking up all kinds of pickups and climbing into secret areas unless appropriate, won't be taking damage...stuff like that.

    So obviously this would need to be broken up into episodes as I obviously wouldn't expect people to watch a 10 hour video if they weren't a fan of gaming. The issue here of course is that each episode should end at a logical point and as with most series that is usually a cliffhanger. My original plan was to just do each Chapter as an episode but unless you are speedrunning, which I definitely won't be, some Chapters can take up to 2 hours to do. I played casually through the whole of the Jackson Chapter while timing myself and that took me about 2 hours just now.

    So I've been trying to think of some logical 'breakpoints' in the story which an episode could definitely end on and then I will plan my episodes around that. I also thought it wouldn't really matter if certain episodes go on for an hour and a half or more such as the first on for example as is usually the case with some actual TV series. Here are my thoughts so far on possible episode 'breakpoints' to give an example of my thought process:-

    • After Abby has found the town with Owen and followed the tracks just before it cuts back to Dina and Ellie's patrol - At this point, based on my timing about 40 - 50 minutes will have passed so it seemed like a good time to end the first episode. But I don't think enough has happened here so far and I also don't think this is enough of a cliffhanger. Perhaps the viewer will be curious as to who Abby is searching for and what she is up to but I'm not sure if that's enough
    • After Dina and Ellie's kiss in the Library - This seemed like another good spot but to get to this point takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes which is pretty long to end on just this because it isn't really a cliffhanger
    • Straight after the Horde chase where Joel saves Abby - I'm talking literally as soon as Joel picks up Abby and says "we're gonna need to run" and the camera is focused on Joel the episode would end right there and then would continue from there in the next one. This could be a good cliffhanger because the viewer would know this is the first time we will see Joel in action.
    • After the Gondola Station fight when Joel, Tommy and Abby leave the lodge in the cutscene - The end of this cutscene where the 3 of them ride out of the lodge seems like a great breakpoint
    • After Joel's death where Ellie gets kicked in the face and knocked out - I thought it would be pretty good to end on Joel's death as that is like the ultimate cliffhanger and this seemed like a good time to break that up. It would also mean that the next episode would start with Ellie and Tommy discussing their plans and Ellie checking out Joels house which fits well
    • After the scene in Joel's house where Maria agrees to let Ellie and Dina go to Seattle - This seemed like a good part to end because it is basically the end of Jackson and the next episode would be the start of Seattle Day 1

    Sorry for the very long post. I'm just brainstorming really and was curious if anybody else had any thoughts on this or has thought about something similar?

    submitted by /u/jimmyoneshot
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    Uncle Tommy 'The Human Aimbot'��

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 11:42 PM PDT

    A disappointed perspective from a long time lurker and first time commenter (edited to be rules friendly)

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 11:09 PM PDT

    Let me preface this entire thing by stating completely out that I enjoyed both part 1 and part 2, I think Lev is one of the best representations of LGBTQ culture in gaming , I think that hating for the sake of hating is bad and does nothing to hurt anyone but the people in the middle.

    Now after that preface I'll state that I played 1 and 2 virtually back to back for my first play through , first touched Pt1 around June/July 2020 and Pt2 Sept/Oct 2020 and finished not a single story between those two games.

    (I'm also that person who probably now has the longest comment on this subreddit now, it took me an hour to type when I mentioned this in another thread , and if you recognise me from there than hey, most of the interactions I had there were pretty cool)

    Anyway I think that personally there is a pretty big problem with this whole community (I'm not just talking about this subreddit I'm talking about the fan base as a whole) it's by far the most divided I've ever seen a group.

    All this unfortunately revolves around TLOU2 (the game) I'm fine for people showing their love for this game and I'm fine with people who think that TLOU2 is and will always be the best game ever released until TLOU3 releases, if that's your opinion that's great as long as you can respect that this game isn't for everybody and people have flaws.

    My problems begin when discussion about the game comes up , because it seems like anytime part 2 is bought up in this sub , insults such as "toxic man child" or "morons" are used anytime anyone wanting to discuss the flaws of the game is uneducated and probably hasn't played enough, or that the internet is a toxic place full of just the worst people. This isn't an uncommon thing as much as I would like it to be , it's almost every post that discusses pt2 either the op or a commenter uses language like.

    I think a big nail in the coffin is that I actually had to specify I liked pt2 before entering this rant because of the things I've said , so I'm not called homophobic or sexist or toxic or whatever the word chosen today is, if I chose to do this say with Star Wars subreddits people can openly dislike the controversial sequels as long as they are not hating for the sake of trolling, here it almost is an unwritten rule that you cannot dislike TLOU2 without being flooded with downvotes.

    Unfortunately what's being done serves the betterment of no one , the trolls feed off the fact they can make this community rage and the people who have issues with this game are for lack of a better word scared of discussing flaws here and go to other subreddits.

    I think the discussion of criticism is great , and it seems like there are a bunch of people on this subreddit that agree however there's a very vocal minority who will shoot any and all criticism about the game through the floor.

    Unfortunately rather than openly discussing legitimate criticism these people pushing others away from discussing what they thought were flaws are not only preventing open discussion taking place and potentially changing their opinion to a more positive opinion of the game are actually having their opinions twisted from what it was to them potentially thinking that this is a bad or awful game because the community that accepted their critical opinion they stayed with and ended up somehow thinking the game is awful or their opinion was changed by themselves into a worse opinion by having no one to challenge it.

    (I had a paragraph here which was against the rules which is why this is an edited repost but that's alright, my main points are about spreading positivity and opinions here, not what's happening anywhere else, thank you for clarifying mods)

    Let me just wrap this up by saying I enjoyed part 2 but I had some major issues with the plot as well (detailed in that thread ) and it's great if you think that this is the best piece of entertainment ever curated . Just respect that not everyone can enjoy this game like you can, and that's ok as long as they're not attacking you for your opinion and you're not attacking them.

    That's all

    submitted by /u/IAmTheTrueM3M3L0rD
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    Sometimes the Encounter Mode asks you to do unrealistic things... like facing one of the toughest fights with empty guns on Grounded

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 08:54 AM PDT

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