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    Monday, June 21, 2021

    The Last of Us | Snowy Jackson Ellie

    The Last of Us | Snowy Jackson Ellie

    Snowy Jackson Ellie

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    I'm going to need some more shelves soon...

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    Hit halfway on my grounded play through. I wanted to share some of my favorite photos so far.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    Took the bottom photo yesterday. Got the opportunity to walk all of downtown + a lot more TLOU sights

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 05:57 PM PDT

    Still pride month and I’m bi, so I thought why tf not

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:14 AM PDT

    Here's some of my favorite pictures I took of Ellie

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    More for the anniversary month. I love these young ladies so much ��

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    Ellie doodle I've made. Hope y'all like it :)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 06:40 PM PDT

    Mad transition Part 3

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:36 PM PDT

    Captured this photo and i love how it came out!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    Some of my recent photos I got!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    On june 13 the entire United states played the last of us part 2, just a little fact

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    Warm Ellie portrait

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Halfway through my 2nd playthrough of TLOU II. Here are some photos I took along the way.

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:13 PM PDT

    Love how these look on mine and my boyfriend's guitars! ��

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 01:23 PM PDT

    My honest unbiased TLOU2 opinions

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    After not wanting to play TLOU for years I caved and brought the remaster of the first one. Instantly fell in love and played part II last week. I finished it in a few days and was blown away by the game

    Part II is heads and shoulders above my second favourite game (Red dead redemption 2) and I thought that was THE perfect game. I've replayed RDR2 multiple times and there's a large amount of missions that are tedious and unenjoyable but on my 2nd full play through of TLOU2 every mission still HITS!

    I could sit and talk for hours about how great the game is. About how I love the characters, about how I love the gameplay and about how stunning the game is.

    My only gripe with the game is that the gameplay didn't adapt enough from part 1. The bow play is better, you can prone and dodge (which you could do in games a decade ago) aside from that I can't think of what has changed, granted it is overall smoother but that's the bare minimum.

    Having criticised the gameplay I would now like to take the chance to say that it is the best combat gameplay I have had the joy of experiencing.

    I have no doubt that recency bias is taking a major role in this post but I truly believe that it is the best game I have ever played, with the best story I have played.

    Also I've seen some people say abby is better than Ellie. Stop it . Ellie 🐐

    If you read thanks !

    submitted by /u/Sock_Usual
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    Starting off a Video Game Fan Card Series. Ellie-TLOU2. Who next?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:49 PM PDT

    Gameplay is so much fun and satisfying

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    Late to the Party

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    I bought Part 2 on sale a couple weeks ago and tried it after the PS5 patch. I tried Part 1 on PS4 but just couldn't get into it. Everything about the game checked all the boxes that I'd like but it never clicked with me. As a result I came into this relatively blind. I knew about the ending of 1 and the golf scene in 2 and that was it.

    This game was amazing! The story, acting, and music made this feel like a very long movie. Enough of the first game was covered so I never felt lost. The overall dread and guilt felt throughout is probably the heaviest feeling I've seen in a game. I'm glad so little was spoiled before I started it. Very intently avoided this sub until I finished.

    This is definitely in my top three games. Gonna wait for the Part 1 remake and I'll treat it like a prequel. I wish I hadn't slept on this for so long.

    submitted by /u/fatherbarndon
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    Why does Mel tell Abby that she's (spoiler)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:44 PM PDT

    This has def been asked before. But in the Aquarium Abby says "I haven't always done the right thing..." and Mel interrupts her, saying she's a piece of shit. Why? I'm sure her torture of Joel has something to do with it. At this point in the game, though, it's not clear to me that Abby has done anything to warrant being called a piece of shit by Mel. (By the player? Maybe.)

    I mean, Mel went along on the hunt for Joel. She didn't stop Abby from torturing Joel, or even object. So even this doesn't seem like the reason why Abby is a POS in Mel's eyes.

    Also, Mel doesn't seem to know that Owen and Abby are having an affair, so that can't be why she's mad. If Mel did know, she probably wouldn't go along with Owen on his trip to Santa Barbara.

    What other reasons does she have to call Abby a piece of shit?

    submitted by /u/PhatPhuqq
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    Started my second play through of TLOU2, just finished the prologue and here are my photos!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    Jerry Anderson and the Trolley Problem

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    Everybody knows what the trolley problem is. A run-away trolley is about to run over five people who are tied to the tracks. You can switch the track, but then the trolley will hit one person tied to the track. Do you pull the lever?

    The common answer is yes. Of course. Less people will die. This is because most people automatically, intuitively know, that inaction is action. Once you're aware of the circumstances, letting those 5 people die is the same as killing that 1 person.

    What if there were 100 people tied to the tracks? 1000? 200,000? Notice how the answer only gets easier. We are already willing to sacrifice 1 to save 5. What about 1 to save millions?

    Jerry Anderson would pull the lever. Kill Ellie. Save millions. Untold numbers of people over the course of human history would be saved by that vaccine.

    The reason I bring this up is many criticisms are made against Jerry and the Fireflies. That they're choice was evil, or immoral. But fundamentally speaking, all they were trying to do is pull the lever. Kill one, save five. It's what we all would do, wouldn't it? From a purely unbiased perspective, that's the choice.

    People make lots of justifications as to why this isn't the case. Why there was no choice, and the Fireflies were just evil idiots. But I believe doing so takes a lot of impact from Joel's decision and the story of the franchise. There's audio recordings and evidence of failed Firefly attempts to produce a vaccine. No, this does not show the Fireflies are incompetent scientists and would fail to prove a vaccine. This only shows that they have tried every other concievable option and have failed, often at the cost of their own lives. They were willing to die trying in order to get an alternative to killing an immune person. But to no avail.

    Another argument is a scientific one: In the real world you don't actually make vaccines against fungus. This one has even less purchase than the previous argument because in the real world, zombies do not exist. We don't know how the Cordyceps virus works in the world of the Last of Us. A lot of it doesn't follow the laws of physics. The Cordyceps virus defies entropy in the game, constantly growing and getting more powerful without an apparent food source. This is not a valid criticism against the game, either, because it's a zombie apocalypse. In order to play video games at all there has to be suspension of disbelief. In summary there is no reason to believe the Fireflies were not going to get a vaccine from Ellie's brain.

    Here's the best argument as to why the Fireflies are wrong: They didn't give Ellie a choice. For a long time this was my own thinking. But I've come to understand their reasoning for this.

    There are a few modifications to the Trolley Problem that change the answer: What if the 1 was a person you loved? Marlene poses this to Jerry and he doesn't have an answer. Understandably so.

    Another modification, even if it sounds a little silly, is relevant. What if, in order to save the 5 people, you had to push someone onto the tracks to derail the train. This gives a lot of people pause. It feels different, doesn't it? This is the modification that Jerry has to deal with. Ellie isn't in danger, she could live a full life. Jerry is making the choice to kill her to save 5. And by 5, I of course still mean untold multitudes.

    That is the reason Ellie wasn't allowed to choose. Because if she said no...the Fireflies wouldn't have let her go. They couldn't have let her go. They couldn't risk that she would escape, or slip through their fingers. They felt it was their moral obligation to the world to do this dark act. Kill one child to save one hundred children. One thousand children. Jerry didn't give Ellie a choice because Jerry felt like he didn't have a choice. He had to kill Ellie to create a better world. Otherwise, what was it all for? All of his friends that die? All of the people the Fireflies have killed in the name of freedom and peace? Like he said: All of it would be justified in one act.

    I don't believe Jerry Anderson was a bad man. I think he was a good man, willing to do a terrible, terrible thing to save so many more lives.

    So there! There's my thoughts. Who was right and who was wrong can still be debated until the end of time. Because these questions don't have simple answers. But a significant portion of the discourse, I feel, had shifted onto Abby and Ellie's moral struggles about revenge. And I've seen lots of people base their arguments against Abby on the assumption that the Fireflies were wrong to kill Ellie, when really it's not that simple.

    TL;DR: Jerry did nothing wrong (question mark?).

    submitted by /u/eetobaggadix
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    Why do people lose their shit over Abby's physique?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    It's a realistic body build that some people can achieve with dedication. It's not like she's got a competition body builder look.

    submitted by /u/McDareMcDevil
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    Firearms specialist reacts to TLOU2 firearms

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 10:33 PM PDT


    The firearms specialist watching it hasn't played video games I think.

    Hee says "Polymer buttstock? So she's saving weight while carrying around a four foot crowbar on her back. How does that work?"

    submitted by /u/GeorgeHackenschmidt
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