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    The Last of Us | Chelsea Tavares, the real life Nora

    The Last of Us | Chelsea Tavares, the real life Nora

    Chelsea Tavares, the real life Nora

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:00 PM PDT

    This game series cured my homophobia

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    That's right you read the title correctly. Apologies for wall of text but I think I should tell you guys the story behind the title.

    I grew up in the island nation of Maldives, whose population is 100% Muslim. As a Muslim, and especially living in an echo chamber of a country ,looking down on the LGBT was very common as it is seen as a sin. I was a 13 year old boy when TLOU1 came out for the very first time and I got to play it.

    Playing through the main story, I felt a deep connection to all the characters of the game, and infact being the same age as Ellie meant I developed a crush on a video game character (pretty pathetic I know hahaha). However, once I got to play The Left Behind DLC and I realized Ellie was in fact a lesbian, something clicked in my head.

    My homophobia at that age came from a choice. A choice to look down on people different than me. A choice to judge people who are different to me. Learning Ellie was gay, and realizing that her sexuality didn't get me to dislike the character in any way afterwards is what made me realize it was all a choice to act that way.

    Here was a character, who is living in a zombie apocalypse, not realizing that it's "wrong" to love whoever she loves.This is why this game series is very important to me, and why it holds a special place in my heart. Representation in games is important, as my post just proved that it can change people for the better, and remove such unnecessary negativity.

    If you got to the end of this post, I hope you know that it is quite embarrassing to admit bad behavior from my end. However, I stand tall knowing that people can change for the better, myself included.

    Endure and survive.

    EDIT: I felt I needed to address this. This post is not me attacking my religion nor my people. Islam may believe that being part of the LGBT is a sin, but it also teaches its followers to be kind and compassionate. The paragraph I wrote there is to simply show hypocrisy among my people. That being said, I believe as time moves forward and my fellow people get exposed to media which has representation, they will drop their prejudices and understand that religion cannot and must not be used as a stick to judge people with.

    submitted by /u/cloudy111hour
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    My first watercolor painting. As a genuine fan, forgive me for the portrayal of Joel and Ellie. Artist - Me

    Posted: 05 May 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    Hiya. So im a newbie here. I literally just got the game and am so excited to play. Any tips or tricks i should know about?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 08:31 PM PDT

    Didn't comment it right there cause I didn't want a downvote storm, but I don't think people know the difference between killing for self-defense and killing for revenge

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:37 PM PDT

    Took a stab at Longing, my favorite piece from Part II. Such an emotional song, Gustavo Santaolalla is amazing!

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    My drawing of Ellie ,took me about 40 hours to complete , and all of this happened after a terrible hiatus so looking at it again i see many mistakes but this is the final product! So hope everyone likes it. More drawings on instagram under @Thedarkshadow200

    Posted: 05 May 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    A reminiscing (Spoliers ahead)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 09:38 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    (If you have not finished this game yet, do not continue to read this)

    I realize that this Is probably a played out post. Talking about the absolute masterpiece that is The Last of Us part 2. But I wanted to share my feelings about the game after about a year away from it.

    I want to start with the obvious. While I can understand the hate that it got. I can't argue enough that it may be the best video game of all time. This is a such an absolute roller coaster of emotions, relashionships, humanity, loss, and revenge.

    That brings me to my next point. This developers set out building a set of characters that we all fell in love with. They did it within this gritty real world where there is no fairty tale endings and things happen.

    We all start the game, picking up after the first one. Excited to see where it goes with Ellie and Joel. It starts off a bit slow building new characters and re-introducing you to this apocalypse torn world and its reality.

    Then it happens.

    Our world goes dark. Our minds race. Our hearts beat. Some of us cry. Some of us get angry.

    Regardless it affected all of us. All of us that built this love for Joel and Ellie. I personally (up until about 4 months ago) had never felt true loss. But that scene was so heart breaking, so vile, so absolutely soul crushing that I puased the game and walked away. I couldn't even come back. I felt disrespected, I felt sorrow, I felt absolute unbridled rage. I could think of nothing else but who and why.

    And at that moment I wasn't going to be playing the game as Ellie.

    I was Ellie.

    So off we go on an absolute revenge tour. And for a while I was completely behind it. But as they say you can only stay angry but for so long. As I continued to hunt these people down, while yes I still wanted them dead. My mind was processing everything that happened. I started to come to terms with it. But I continued on. For Ellie.

    Then just as I'm starting to say "No, this needs to stop" (Right around the hospital torture scene). Not but a few hours later I am immediately drug right back down into anger and frustration and just loss of words.

    Then Naughty Dog did something no other developer has the balls to do. At the height of your anger and frustration. It stops. And now you have to play as Abby.

    I'll admit I was fuming at this point and I couldn't even play the game for a few days. But I finally cooled off about it and I said. "I gotta see what happens, I got to be open minded"

    Through the entire first few hours with her. It was rough. I was on an emotional roller coaster wondering why they would put us in the shoes of Abby. And honestly I didn't figure it out till much much later.

    But as you play and you see her story unfold. A realization starts to set in. She is human just like ellie. She makes mistakes. She isn't a good person nor is she a bad person. She made bad descions sure, stuff I didn't agree with. But it opened my eyes. Then Liv comes into play. And I realize this is awfully similar to the first game.

    I actually began to enjoy the character and the story they were telling. Then I realized that I was catching up to that fabled moment of anger and frustration.

    The theater sequence with Ellie and Abby is hands down the most visceral, emotional, train wreck I have ever scene in a video game. I'm not saying its a bad scene. Quite the opposite. Naughty dog is forcing you to see every side of this gritty reality. They pull no punches (litterally). I was so angry, scared, invested, and emotionally destroyed than I think I possibly ever have been in my life.

    By time it was over I just stared in disbelief. Saved. And closed the game. It was too much. I couldn't handle it. So I stepped away for a while.

    I while back before the game came out I remembered reading an article with Neil Druckman (Forgive me I don't have a source and I don't remember what was exactly said).

    He Said: "This is not a game you play for fun. This is an experience."

    God damn was he right.

    On a surface level was I having fun playing this game? No I truly wasn't. I was experiencing revenge. I was experiencing sorrow. I was experiencing hatred.

    I have never been emotionally compromised by game such as this.

    By time I had returned to the game ready to face the results of the never ending carnage.

    I actually started to despise ellie. Despise what she was doing. But I went along with it.

    And that final scene in the water. Surrounded by most and shadowed by the singular boat. Ellie and Abby went to war. And all I could say through the whole thing was "Stop"

    I legitimately hated the game at this point. I hated it made me feel this way. I hated that it got to me like that.

    Then Ellie let's her go.

    I was relieved. At least at first.

    We went through all that, all of that revenge and hate for nothing.

    I was a bit furious at the thought.

    Then when ellie was at the house. Trying to play guitar it dawned on me.

    It wasn't for nothing. Ellie and I had gone through all that attempt at revenge and what did it get us? A few missing fingers and the loss of Dina and JJ. We put ourselves through so much pain and suffering for this useless revenge. And while yes I missed Joel I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I have never played through the game again. I don't know if I could. Maybe someday.

    The Last of Us is reality in which; just like real life; things happen we don't want them too. Is getting revenge going to fix it? Make it better? No it won't. Revenge is such an empty feeling and this game captures that in its entirety.

    This game not only affected me mentally but in my soul as well. And for a video game to reach that deeply simply astounds me.

    Naughty dog are absolute madmen. But God damn they are brilliant.

    This tale isn't meant to be enjoyed.

    But to be experienced.

    Thank you Naughty Dog for this incredible experience.

    And if you read this far thank you for reading. Let me know how it affected you in a comment below.

    submitted by /u/soultaker2008
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    another digital painting inspired by Last Of Us II :))

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:18 AM PDT

    CUSTOMIZED IRON 883 TANK. Tank was done by Simoncustoms

    Posted: 05 May 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    Ellie didn't quite load in properly lol (Sorry for shitty quality, I took this picture on my phone)

    Posted: 05 May 2021 06:24 PM PDT

    I can't get a good picture of it, but I think the girls backpack in the mitchells vs the machines is Ellie's backpack, or at least tries to resemble it. You can see the yellow button and the purple thing hanging off of it.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:35 PM PDT

    What would happen if these people teamed up?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 08:08 PM PDT

    Ellie and Abby teamups are always talked about in this sub, but I never see any discussion about these pairings:

    • Ellie and Lev.

    • Dina and (Post or Pre-Santa Barbara) Abby.

    • Lev and Dina.

    I'm not imagining a Part III fanfiction here, but I wanna see some discussion on what their character dynamics and team chemistry would be like. Any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/rustedkey
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    The "revenge bad" complaint is so lazy

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    You realize you can boil down any story to the most simplistic thematic interpretation by just adding "bad" after something it advocates against? For example - Breaking Bad: "Drugs and egomania bad"

    submitted by /u/See_You_Space_Wizard
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    I love this trailer. What do you think?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    Most Petty Character in Last of Us 2

    Posted: 05 May 2021 04:05 PM PDT

    It took me two playthrus to realize that Mel was the most petty character in Last of Us 2. The 1st playthru when she said Abby was a piece of shit I thought I understood why. I thought she was saying based on terrible things she did in the past & the torture of Joel. But on my 2nd playthru I realized it was based on both a misunderstanding & jealousy.

    She had no clue what Abby went thru with the Seraphites. & frankly I don't think she wanted to know. She made up her mind that Abby went out & found some Scars to befriend just to impress Owen. Obviously we know that is not the case. Along with that I think the biggest issue is that she knew that Owen would never love her like she did/does Abby. It seems like she suspects they are having an affair but doesn't really have proof.

    Mel is hurting because she is in love & having the baby of a man who is in love with someone else. But instead of addressing it with Owen she lashes out at Abby. I think most of us somewhat or overall understand why she would be jealous. But to call Abby a piece of shit & indicate she is a bad person out of jealousy was super petty based on everything that was going on.

    submitted by /u/StrongStyleMuscle
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    These scenes from TLOU 2 and the Far Cry 6 trailer share some similar shots

    Posted: 05 May 2021 12:30 AM PDT

    An Idea for a scene that I had in Part II

    Posted: 05 May 2021 03:44 PM PDT

    There's a scene in the game when Joel says if he had the choice, he would do it all over again. Before he gets AbbyGolfedTM theres a scene where hes looking at Ellie. If they had him mouth the words all over again with no sound just like the argument scene a few seconds later, it would have been super satisfying to to see it cut to him mouthing "All over again" while he's talking in the porch. I'm just a dude with an idea go easy on me haha.

    submitted by /u/MeNoUnderstandesu
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    I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.

    Posted: 05 May 2021 11:56 AM PDT

    In LOU lore, how conscious are the infected about what's happening to them?

    Posted: 05 May 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    In LOU1 there's the scene where Joel comes across an infected woman in a house who is seemingly eating someone while vocally being aware of the terrible thing she is doing.

    I'm wondering what stage of infection does a person stop being that person, if any. Or are they always "them" just trapped in a mutating body and potentially driven to the point of total insanity.

    Anyone know or care to speculate?

    submitted by /u/Nugferatu
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    Did you disable or leave on the weapon swaying in The Last of Us Part II?

    Posted: 06 May 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    I disabled it on my second go through because I wanted to enjoy the stealth more, I also wished that the game had a first person shooting mode similar to MGSV.

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    submitted by /u/51LOKLE
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