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    The Last of Us | [Spoiler] TLOU2 OC

    The Last of Us | [Spoiler] TLOU2 OC

    [Spoiler] TLOU2 OC

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    made a portrait of joel ❤️

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 02:40 PM PDT

    I’m sorry..

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    I have some crow to eat, and I brought my own fork. I spend the last 8 years arguing on Reddit and other forums about this title. Defending my decision to not play it because it because of other titles I felt were superior. Becoming almost disrespectful in my leveling attacks on why [insert any game launched in 2013 here] was the better title.

    And I was almost doing it again this past weekend, buying the RE7/Village bundle for my PS5 and kept passing up TLOU2, dismissing it actually.

    So here I was, deciding on my Nth run in Bloodborne, and saw TLOU was free on PS+ and laughed. 45 min later after a discussion with my brother, I decided to download TLOU. Fully intending on justifying my own predetermined convulsion to a game I never spent a nanosecond on.

    And now, 15 hours in, and I'm sorry.

    I'm sorry Sony and Naughty Dog for avoiding this masterpiece. And I'm sorry for anyone I ignorantly argued with over why this game is regarded as highly as it has.

    I'm deeply sorry I was the idiot I was.

    Edit-Can everyone please keep it as spoiler free as possible for anyone who is looking into this as a post to help them play either title for the first time like myself!!

    submitted by /u/kvirus11
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    Finally got my Last of Us shrine set up!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    Deacon And Ellie Cover Art

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:19 AM PDT


    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:51 PM PDT

    Found at target

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 06:02 PM PDT

    Turned my T-Shirt Hobby into a little shop, Check it out if you can!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 01:28 PM PDT

    joel and the moose.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:50 PM PDT

    A cool little detail about patrols that I found in the stable

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:26 PM PDT

    Jocelyn Mettler's (Abby's face model) reaction to THAT scene!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 12:02 PM PDT

    I no longer want to live in the TLOU world.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 10:43 PM PDT

    You may think I'm just a big dumb b*tch but for years, playing the first game over and over, I wished I could live in that world. To be fair, I was a teen, but I loved the grit of it. I loved how nature had reclaimed the world and for people like Joel or Tess, responsibilities and obligations and daily BS like we deal with now were minimal. The infected didn't really seem that bad, especially as long as you were good with a gun or had a melee weapon.

    Well, never fucking mind. I'm nearing the end of Part II and after beating that big ass mashed up infected *thing* at the hospital, I'm out. Throughout the game up until this point, I had already been thinking that there was clearly a lot more danger than the first game, with the infected being way worse as well as those whistling fuckers at every turn. I'm not someone who ever gets scared by horror movies anymore, even all through the first game, I was so obsessed with collecting every little thing and grabbing every bit of supplies that I could that I dilly-dallied quite a bit.

    I've felt a much stronger sense of urgency through so much of this. I just want to get away from the infected because I am so scared - literally scared of them. During the first game, I was always excited to see infected, even bloaters, because I liked the fighting. I am blown away by the mechanics in this game and the way you have so many ways to interact with your environment to kill them, but holy shit do I dread hearing or seeing them now.

    I've rushed so much. There are notes I haven't even read when I love reading that stuff because at times I'm legit shaking. I so could not handle this for real. I applaud Naughty Dog and everyone who worked on this for making the most truly scary and gritty world ever, and I've consumed a ton of post-apocalyptic entertainment. I'm loving this game and will definitely play it several more times, but I'm glad to leave it behind on the TV once I turn off my Playstation.

    submitted by /u/the_queen_of_nada
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    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:46 PM PDT

    My brother FINALLY started TLOU the other day. He's barely scratched the surface so far, but MAN, I can't wait for him to start falling in love with the characters & story and see his reactions, especially to the gut-wrenching parts and the ending. Really looking forward to the inevitable hours-long conversation about it all.

    I think this is the most excited I've been for someone to play a game before, so much so, I'm playing through it for the 4th time to refresh my memory so I can remember specific story beats, help him along the way, and prepare myself for another replay of TLOU2.

    Man, this game.

    submitted by /u/ther1ckst3r
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    Anyone know where Justin aka u/EllieAndJoel4ever (i think?) went?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    As the title states, where is our friend? For those who forgot/dont know, he used to be a very active member of the subreddit. he would comment super nice and positive things on pretty much every post. he was also a fan of smiley face emoticons :-) :) i'm not sure when the last time i saw his words was, maybe before part 2 came out?

    I didn't know him personally obviously, but i hope he's doing okay. Calling out to /u/EllieAndJoel4ever ! i hope you enjoyed part 2 my friend.


    submitted by /u/mattwaver
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    Was watching the Godzilla: KOTM test footage and realized that they clearly used Ellie's model. Video link in comments

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 08:21 PM PDT

    What DONT you want in Part III?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 12:03 PM PDT

    Please no 'intelligent' infected that have evolved to talk or shoot weapons. They ruined the Jurassic park films with that.

    submitted by /u/BarnacleOriginal7221
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    The last of us 2 - Aggressive gameplay

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    Joel did the right thing at the end of TLOU1

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    Even if the vaccine would be successfully developed by the Fireflies, what then? How could they possibly distribute it during that point in time? It would only be a matter of time until some bandits intercept a vaccine shipment and then use their control of vaccines as a way of maintaining power over their region(similar to how African warlords use control of international aid as a way of maintaining their power). It would be a much better idea to wait until the world has stabilized enough to a point where vaccine distribution would actually be possible

    submitted by /u/swelboy
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    How are the clickers able to “click” exactly?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 09:56 PM PDT

    Does the fungi make their bones bang against each other? Is it the fungi themselves hitting against each other? Does the CBI mess with the infected person's vocal cords?

    submitted by /u/swelboy
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    My PlayStation 2020 year review. Pretty neat.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    Key Differences Between TLOU and Days Gone Universes

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:53 PM PDT

    A comment in another topic made me think what are incompatible differences between the universes of these two games. For starters I can name a few:

    1. The infection in Days Gone is virus, while in TLOU it is fungi (cordyceps)
    2. The government organisation in Days Gone is called NERO (National Emergency Response Organisation) while in TLOU it is called FEDRA (Federal Disaster Response Agency)

    Can you recall any others?

    submitted by /u/kennyminigun
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    Left Behind.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 07:02 PM PDT

    Hello, My copy of The Last of Us (PS3) is second hand and I can't play the Left Behind scenario. Is there a way to play it? Was it bundled with a Game Of The Year edition or ultimate edition? I don't mind buying the game again if it's included on the disk.

    submitted by /u/Hong-Kwong
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    What is your ideal setting for Part III?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 06:49 PM PDT

    I suppose Jackson is a given, but would you prefer the gameplay remain in Wyoming or is there another state/region/city you'd like to explore?

    submitted by /u/SimpleWayfarer
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    TLOU 2 replay notes

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Wanted to make this post just because I feel like talking about tlou2 and my current replay. First this has been the worlds longest replay for me ... I started months ago and I just finished Ellie's half. - I've been playing on survivor and I gotta say the bloater fight in Ellie's half destroyed me, for the first time ever I had to change the difficulty which is something that I don't do. - Gameplay and combat alone makes the replay fun - having prior knowledge of Abby's half adds a whole new perspective a which was most felt when Ellie kills Owen Mel and even the dog in the aquarium - I'm surprised by how many moments in the game I didn't remember which adds some more value - overall replaying the game has been amazing but has also been very spread out due to the high emotions, survivor difficulty, and just length of the game - I would 100% say tlou is easier to replay, but tlou2 brings way more depth on a replay

    submitted by /u/itwasafluke
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