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    The Last of Us | Life Is Strange 2 has a cool TLOU reference

    The Last of Us | Life Is Strange 2 has a cool TLOU reference

    Life Is Strange 2 has a cool TLOU reference

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    My new tattoo :) | To the moon

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    The amount of people that misunderstood this game is really fucking sad....

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    Myself included. Like probably most people, I was one of the people who love the first game and was initially turned off by the leaks. I didn't even want to play it because of how much hate the game gathered. I got it half off last week, and I have to say, the amount of hate this game got is ridiculous.

    Even if you don't like the story (side note, what really bugs me is how people call this a generic revenge story, but completely ignore that it is also also about grief and forgiveness. Seriously how did people finish the game and not realize this?) The game just has so many spectacular sequences and moment's that easily overshadows any game that I've ever played. The truck section in Hillcrest, the fight between Ellie and Abby in the theater, the fucking sniper section with Abby as well as the forest section where you first meet Yara and Lev. If you're someone who has completed the entire thing, how can you experience moments like these (and many others) and still call it a shit game? The hate is honestly baffling to me now that I finished the game.

    But I guess I shouldn't be too baffled, after all I was one of those people that was a fan of youtubers that also didn't like the game (Angry Joe, Cr1tikal, Internet Historian etc.) But imo it's very clear that they hated the game before it even came out, and let those feeling's dictate their first playthrough. This definitely destroyed a huge amount of credibility for them as reviewers in my in my eyes, and moving forward I'm not letting a hate bandwagon decide whether I'm gonna play a game or not. And this definitely taught me to be more open minded towards any other form of media in general. From now on I'm playing a game for ME. And this one is one of my favorites now.

    Edit: Damn some people really didn't like what I said in this post lol.

    submitted by /u/tragiikx
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    No way lmfao

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    The fact that people are still talking about TLOU2 almost a year later just helps prove the point further that this is what the franchise needed.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    Whether you're like me and you're talking about how good the game was and how much it impacted your life, or you're someone who hated the game with a passion and you're constantly bashing it and arguing why it's the worst video game ever objectively, you're still talking about it almost a year after it's initial release. I constantly see people across the internet, whether that be on social media or YouTube or Reddit or whatever, still talking about why this game was good or not. Still talking about whether Joel was rightly killed, whether Abby was in the right, or whatever else. This sets the game apart from a lot of other ones, because I feel like most games are talked about maybe a month or two after their release and then get mostly forgotten about later on. I mean just look at cyberpunk haha. This isn't the case with TLOU2 though, and in my mind I think this just helps prove the point further that this is what the franchise needed. I've seen people say that TLOU2 ruined the franchise but I'd argue it made it stronger. Obviously I love the game and probably would say it's my favorite of all time, but I recognize people have legitimate complaints over it. Regardless, the game still gives us so much to talk about and debate over, and so much to enjoy regardless of how you feel about the story. I hope we get more in the franchise besides the TV show down the road.

    submitted by /u/capamericapistons
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    A few days ago i finished this looong journey and... It's one of the best games i've ever played! (along with Bloodborne and Metal Gear Solid 3). This was one of those few games that kept me attached to my seat from start to ending. 10/10

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:53 PM PDT

    Managed to finally find Joel today!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    Got my first tattoo yesterday, now i only need the acid scar

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    TLoU 3 should have Ellie smiling like this! That's all we want... closure. ❤️

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 02:29 PM PDT

    We could have killed you. - Maybe you should have...

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 11:38 PM PDT

    Just finished TLOU2

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 04:05 PM PDT

    Man. Send help. I just feel so empty right now. I teared up and I feel nothing now. Best series I have ever played!!! Gonna make a long post of the things I loved in this game after I fill the hole this game has vested upon me. How did the game make you feel after finishing it?

    submitted by /u/finefinetime
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    Was replaying the first game and witnessed the quickest death possible

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    Fanart of Joel and Ellie by @TaylanHahn

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    I thought they had me in the first half here but it turns out Ellie floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee.

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:59 PM PDT

    Some pictures I took on my 4th play through! I’m kinda proud :)

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:45 PM PDT

    Just bought The last of us Part 2 and i fear this game have destroyed gaming for me, Its just so good!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 06:40 AM PDT

    Just bought the game (i have just left the Theater) and I am so far totally blown away.

    The graphics are at some points absolutely jaw dropping and feels like I am playing a game that is close to photorealistic at some parts. The environments and the overall atmosphere is on point around almost every corner.

    The part before the theater down in the subway I actually got a bit shocked about how next gen this game seem to be ahead of its time with its volumetric lighting, Water ripples, Dust in the air and the flashlights from the WLF,s that was hunting me.

    But more so, I HAVE NEVER heard a game where the audio is this good. Enemies actually call out after there friends name if you kill them. Like, "Jackie where are you?, We are leaving!, And then muttering something where is she now before they go looking for her/him.

    Where other games when the NPC usually find there dead friend they either just walk buy or stop and say shit at most. In this you can almost feel the distress in there voice when they find him/her. Oh my god! She/he is dead! Spread out! Someone is here, They fucking killed her/him! Followed with there friends probabaly mutter something back like (you think its them?! It cant be right?)

    For an example, Down in the subway, There were these clickers guarding an area together with some I guess WLF,s hunting me. I was sneaking around and realized that I could let the clickers do the job for me so I throwed a brick and the audio response was absolutely amazing to listen to.I actually restarted that encounter two times just to hear there different reactions.

    Firs time the the npc were like: Wha.. did you hear that? Oh shit clickers! Something spooked them! Then they started communicating with eachother and when one of the ran into me hiding in a corner (with my jaw on the floor) they actually shouted: They (forgot the name what they called me) are here also !? Shit !!

    Second time they didn't see mee and when one of them got cornered she yelled: Help ! Shit! Then when she screamed and died the others actually shouted out her name: Julia! Fuck she is dead! Fuck this! I am getting the hell out of here !

    I was absolutely stunned about the lvl of quality in this game. Its just peak lvl on both audio and graphics. I don't want it to end because I fear the emptiness I will feel when its all over and I have to go back to some other game where the quality is not even close to this lvl.

    Hell, First time i got dragged out in my legs after hiding under some electric thingy after an encounter gone wrong thinking i was safe I actually got scared irl and said out loud, What the fuck, let me go!! so my GF that was studdying beside me and dont even like gaming reacted, Put the book down and said: That, Was amazing! Almost like a movie

    And ofc, How could i forget!!!. I both laughed out loud and smiled from ear to ear at the dinosaur place. And let me tell you this, I am a 35+ year old man and i am not ashamed saying that space shuttle scene made me shed a tear because it was so good. "I do ok?" You did absolutely amazing Joel! You fucking kidding me? Thanks for everything!

    submitted by /u/YangUnchained
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    Just wanted to share some incredible! art work i recently received from u/Nefeli_ and look forward to working with them again soon! For more awesome Last of us fan art like this! Posted the link to their profile if you want to check them out

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    Why are runners the most common infected you can find in either game?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 03:05 PM PDT

    She cares so much about us. Thank you, Ashley, for saving me and many others. <3

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    �� The Last of Us 2 104-minute DEEP DIVE!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    Just picked this up today

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Someone show this to Ellie!

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 12:03 AM PDT

    Would you all just rather naughty dog drop a ballpark release date and confirmation of factions and the ps5 update? Or just keep going like it’s some sort of surprise?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 08:04 PM PDT

    We all know it's coming but would be nice of them to say we expect it to be ready during x month. This may be because I put the game on pause to wait for the update after arriving to the open area. So I guess I'm torturing myself in a way, just don't think there's any reason not to just say a date they are shooting for.

    submitted by /u/Q_OANN
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    I finally bought it!

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 05:43 PM PDT

    After years of being told how great of a game this is and the announcement of the show, I figured I'd finally track down a copy in my budget and play it so I know the details of the story before the show comes out next year. I'm so excited to finally play and getting to know the characters and the story, I just need to track down a reasonably priced PS4 to play it in, but have a few leads and would love any tips/tricks for my first play through!

    submitted by /u/meganium58
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