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    The Last of Us | Somewhere in a parallel universe...

    The Last of Us | Somewhere in a parallel universe...

    Somewhere in a parallel universe...

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:14 PM PDT

    Look what came in the mail today!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    Painted this tattoo flash sheet inspired by The Last of Us

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    this scared the shit out of me����

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    The Bar from Uncharted 3’s first Chapter can be found in The Last of Us!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:27 PM PDT

    Would we see more of Abby in Part 3?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:23 AM PDT

    The last of us through the eyes of a random image generator AI. All I gave it were the words "The last of us" I thought some photo's looked interestingly familiar

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 06:29 PM PDT

    Ellie’s relationship with Joel is not like Clementine’s relationship with Lee.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:56 PM PDT

    I see this a lot, that people say Joel is like a father figure to Ellie but I never thought that was the case. Even in the first one. Joel had a father complex towards Ellie because of Sarah but I don't think Ellie ever saw him as a father. That's why the betrayal was so potent in the end of the first one... we know that it's not a man saving his daughter... it's an old man that's still deep in the madness of his daughter's death projecting all those feelings onto Ellie. And in the end of the first one, we see that Ellie doesn't quite trust him. And this is a lot more pronounced in their back story in the second one.

    Ellie is often compared to Clementine but it's not the same. Clementine was 8 when the apocalypse started and Lee found her a scared little girl. Ellie was born in the apocalypse... she's lived her whole 13 years in the apocalypse and has already done her own thing before Joel meets her. A closer comparison would be to Clementine and Javier. Here Javier finds Clementine already living like an adult in post apocalypse... already independent and grizzled by the hell on earth. This is how Joel meets Ellie and this is how Ellie sees Joel as far as I saw... Joel is a friend who teaches her things about the world... but not a father.

    I think this is hit home in the second one where we see Ellie resent Joel for being over bearing during that event in Jackson where she kisses Dina. She tells him she can take care of herself, and Joel is hurt by this... because Joel does see Ellie as a daughter.

    I think this little nuance changes the perspective of Joel to the audience and I think it's there in the first one too and that it's intentional. When Joel rescues Ellie, he's not a hero, he's a villain. Because Ellie is not his daughter... she's an independent person... and Joel dooms humanity not because of his love for Ellie (though it's part of it)... but because he isn't over Sarah.

    submitted by /u/124pm
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    Hearing this banger while processing wtf you just saw was a certified gaming moment

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    JJ so happy ����

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    About to start my grounded playthrough. Wish me luck! As someone who usually plays games very aggressively, I know I'm gonna have to fight my nature on this playthrough.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:54 PM PDT

    Was I the only 1 who noticed this??? If you listen closely you can hear a monster a few times

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    RK actually sneaks up on Abby. I figured it was only a cutscene!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:08 PM PDT

    Did Ellie ever find out the reason _____ ?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Abby killed Joel ?

    I'm under the impression that Ellie thinks that the reason was because Joel took away the chance of a cure as she said when Abby confronted her in the theatre

    But I'm curious to know if she ever found out that the reason was because Joel killed Abby's dad

    submitted by /u/Xiaax
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    Get fucked

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:33 AM PDT

    [SPOILERS]Game Dev Pete Ellis writes an article about the work that went into subverting player expectation

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 08:08 AM PDT

    Constructive why I’m not a huge fan of part 2

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 03:20 AM PDT

    This game is divisive I think we know this by now, so this isn't a flame post as I don't hate the game like some but admit I'm not a huge fan of the narrative. As a huge fan of the first game probably beating it some 18 times or more here is some fast reasons why I'm not a huge fan of part 2.

    -No interesting new characters. Besides Dina, Owen, and Lev none of the new characters were really interesting or compelling to me at all. I feel like the game made me want to like Abby's crew but they felt such like characters and not real people, unlike the first game which we're all very memorable and well written to me with Tess literally being my favorite female character in video games of all time.

    -Confusing pacing. It seemed like it was constantly going forward and back and flashbacks within flashbacks just got crazy. I hate flashbacks even in movies most times and when it's done to the point like in part 2 it's like time traveling. It disengages you from what your currently doing in the real timeline, and a lot of the flashbacks in part 2 don't even contribute to the story making it feel like filler.

    -The dialogue. I felt the voice acting and sound was all good but some of the dialogue writing even through my first play through had me going "what?" Like who would say it like that kind of thing, the first game all the conversations felt authentic and I never felt that.

    -Joel's death didn't make me feel one way or the other. Joel was one of my favorite characters and for me it wasn't how or who he died by that bothered me, it just didn't make me feel anything. Joel wasn't perfect, but he was a well written anti-hero character and beloved by many gamers including myself and for him to die and me not feel anything like sad or happy or anything to me shows it wasnt executed very well. Since this was basically the whole plot of the game or the catalyst basically it left the game to become dragging and even narratively boring to me at times. Honestly years ago I knew Joel most likely would die if they made a sequel and I didn't expect for him to go out a hero I just thought it would have had more impact on me and been executed better.

    -None of the characters relationships new and old came remotely close to the relationships in the first game. The first game had me wondering what Joel and Tess's relationship was before the game started, how much hell Sam and Henry have gone through losing majority of there group, what Bill did in his spare time all alone in a booby trapped town, how many young girls that weirdo creep David had victimized before meeting Ellie, what was Tommy's and Marlenes relationship like when he was a firefly and so much more. All stuff that is extremely hard to make a player think about in a video game because it makes you care and think deeper about the characters, validating that it's very well written. I got this only in very small moments in part 2 mostly pertaining to Dina and Ellie, and Ellie and Joel, really no one else. Part 2 didnt have to be a Ellie and Joel story like some wanted, but it had to fill that void or meet up to par on that Joel and Ellie relationship someway else, nothing came even close to this at all for me. I was expecting it either through Ellie and Dina's relationship or somewhere in Abby's play, I feel they tried with Abby and Lev but it didnt come close leaving nothing special about the game.

    These are the main reasons I'm not a huge fan of the narrative of part 2. There is other reasons such as plot holes, inconsistencies in characters that act nothing like the first game and more but these really could have been minor if there was more interesting side characters, more compelling dialogue and more personal deep relationships in the game that felt as special as the first game.

    This isn't a hate or flame post, I respect anyone who likes this game and myself like this game to a degree. I just felt the first game was a masterpiece and this one is average at best. Not everyone who dislikes this game is being bigoted or sexist or homophobic, most gamers I know loved the first game and knew Ellie was gay through left behind DLC and nobody cared or said anything bad about it. I feel like there is definitely trolls that hated the game and took it too far for sure. I felt like there was kind of an agenda in part 2 but it wasn't forced or anything so I didn't mind it personally. I just hope some of you at least understand some of these reasons even if you disagree some like chocolate cake some don't it's all opinion anyways.

    Thanks for reading 🙂

    submitted by /u/Consistent-Ad-9153
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    Making a string art of Ellie’s tattoo. This is the template I'm working on and it isn't done. The picture to the right is an example of string art. I completed that about three days ago.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 10:28 AM PDT

    Realistic AI ��

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 07:39 PM PDT

    P2 Spoilers, Do you feel that a tiny change in the game ending massively changes the endings interpretation?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    In the Kinda Funny spoilercast, Neil Druckman stated that in the end of the game before its final form, Ellie was meant to find JJ's elephant toy again and pick it up and take it with her when leaving the farm.

    The clear implication there is that after leaving the farm, Ellie is going back to find Dina and JJ and hopefully reconcile things.

    By leaving this out, they instead fully leave it open to interpretation as to where she is going, what she wants to do next and whether she's forgiven herself for what she did.

    Do you feel like this ending (with the toy) would greatly change the way that the ending is interpreted and accepted? Especially for those that are adamant that Abby had a 'nicer' ending than Ellie?

    Personally I would have been happier with the ending that they didn't go with. I don't think many people would be happy with seeing Ellie wander off without any idea as to what she will do next but I'm interested in hearing how other felt about the same thing.

    submitted by /u/chelski365
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    Had a bad dream

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    The official Last Of Us Podcast

    Posted: 27 Mar 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    I haven't seen the podcast mentioned anywhere on here, maybe it has been brought up but either way I wanted to shine some light on it. I just finished TLOU part 2 this week and listened to the podcast after. Interviews with Ashley Johnson, Troy Baker, Neil Druckmann, and other big players in the making of the game all gave great insight into the emotion and intent during the making of the game. If anyone hasn't listened to it or didn't know about it, I strongly recommend. God damn this game emotionally tore me apart.

    submitted by /u/gulleysann14
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