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    Monday, February 8, 2021

    The Last of Us | Incredible portrait of Ellie by popovajr_art (Instagram)

    The Last of Us | Incredible portrait of Ellie by popovajr_art (Instagram)

    Incredible portrait of Ellie by popovajr_art (Instagram)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 04:10 PM PST

    Abby killing a runner(but it's cosplay)��

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 10:24 AM PST

    Anyone miss Tess?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 07:04 AM PST

    Is anyone miss Tess like me? She was one of my favourite character at first part. Shame! she never mentioned for once at part 2. For my opinion she is such an underrated character in gaming history.

    submitted by /u/Elekor
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    Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but the intolerance of people is alarming

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 01:47 PM PST

    Whenever I ask somebody why they hate the game (Part II), I get the same response: that the story is set aside for political agenda and Neil is constantly jamming LGBT+ themes down your throat.

    Anybody else blatantly dumbfounded by this? Never once did I stop and think "this is too much" when playing this game. Neil incorporated a completely normal relationship in the game, but I guess it's "political liberal bullshit" because it involves two women. I'll be honest I actually really liked that Ellie was lesbian, since I've never played a game where the main character is anything other than straight. Plus, it's not any new information that she's homosexual, since it was established in the Left Behind DLC. It's really sad how people can't just deal with it being there and instead have to discredit the entire games story because it's there. Again, everything Ellie and Dina do throughout the game are products of a normal romantic relationship, and people describe it as porn.

    The same thing with Lev. So what if there's a trans kid? It adds flavor to the story and the gaming world, something that it has desperately needed in the fast few years. But no, people have to bitch and complain about the existence of different ideas and bully you for liking said idea.

    This is what I mean about intolerance. The whole game is discredited by many because they can't accept the fact that different ideas, ones that are becoming more and more popular in society at that, were incorporated in the game and instead make themselves think that these ideas take away form the incredible story that was written here. It's examples like these that make ashamed of being under the gamer category sometimes, because I have to be categorized under these extremely hateful people,

    It hurts me in a personal level too because although I'm not personally gay or trans, I have several family members and close friends who are, including one of my best friends. It's disheartening that they have to deal with this kind of hatred everyday.

    Anyways, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. This franchise, especially part II, will always be my favorite and I just wish it didn't all the flak it got, because it is truly a masterpiece and didn't deserve it

    submitted by /u/Commander__Bacara
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    Made this Ellie Fan Art three months ago, but only now remembered to share it with you

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 10:03 AM PST

    Clicker based on an original sketch by u/harry_d17

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 02:54 PM PST

    Just finished my first play through. Decompression/random thoughts [Spoilers]

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 08:05 PM PST

    Wow. Playing the remastered game on a PS5. Never had a chance to play it before since I didn't have a PS.

    Holy cow that's a great game. I guess this is just a decompression post.

    Parts of this game were really challenging to be playing in the middle of a pandemic. Some of the scenes of exploring abandoned houses, the notes you find, and especially the nursery/school in the underground second just after Pittsburg - that left me in a weird headspace when company would have been nice.

    I always want to be all stealthy but end up killing a ton of people.

    I've very impressed with the tactics. There were one or two moments I struggled to figure out (most significantly well Ellie and the cannibal dude are trapped in the storeroom/hallway) but once it all clicked in it started to make sense - I was just sort of being a tank (advantage of the easier difficulty levels, I guess - but I'm generally more interested in exploring the world and the story than in getting frustrated by combat - so I guess I won't be playing Demon Souls any time soon) but once I started thinking it became even more fun. My favorite tactical moment was probably using molotovs on the Bloaters in the tunnel in Salt Lake, and having all the other infected in the area run into the fire and die.

    Uh, here be a discussion of the ending:

    I knew the ending wasn't a stereotypical happy ending going in, and I assumed that Joel died, because I knew Ellie lived from the pt2 marketing. So interestingly I wasn't put through the wringer that I thought I was going to get put through with him dying. But the decision to save Ellie, and to lie about it ... man, that's a mindfuck, isn't it? I kept thinking he was going to turn it around.

    Although I was a little confused. Doesn't the surgeon's audio say that the infection isn't in her brain, and yet Marlene says it is, so I found myself wondering for a minute if I missed something and they really had to kill her or not - but it became clear in the final Marlene scene and man, I'm not sure I really think that was a great choice.

    Really outstanding writing.

    I know I'll play PT2 at some point but I'm not going to rush out to buy it right away. Need something tonally different as a palette refresher, I need something a little less bleak. Are the other Naughty Dog games this good - I'm totally unfamiliar with Uncharted. Also, thoughts on Left Behind?

    submitted by /u/HotspurJr
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    Discussing a "plot convienece"

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:57 PM PST

    So a lot of people think Nora giving away Abby's exact location to Ellie is a bit weird. There was no way for Ellie to confirm, so Nora could've just lied.

    But if you look at the map, Nora doesn't only mark the aquarium, she also draws a route which would've taken Ellie close to the stadium, WLF's main base.

    She was probably hoping Ellie would get caught by some patrol near the base but we know Ellie ends up taking the opposite route.

    Makes sense, the last thing you want to do is lie and potentially prolong your already slow death.

    You could still consider it as convenient but it's definitely something to know.


    submitted by /u/AskewScissors
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    Abby is an awesome character

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:27 PM PST

    My friend doesn't play videogames and was curious how good the graphics of recent games are so I decided to go through some tlou2 cutscenes with him on youtube. We came across this video https://youtu.be/emMXUZd5jCU and we were both in awe at how awesome that part where Abby was choking out the woman with her legs while tied to a noose was. I only beat the game once and it's been about 7 months now, so I wasn't expecting this scene and it gave me goosebumps. It sucks that so many gamers rejected Abby so strongly because for one, my friend who was seeing last of us for the first time thought abby was a way cooler character than ellie and abby wouldn t have received so much hate if so many gamers weren t as attached to joel and ellie. Here's to Abby, who s one hell of a character!

    submitted by /u/Loriol_13
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    Awhile back I received these autographed prints from Troy Baker and Jeffrey Pierce! The prints were made by the incredibly talented @theartoflilyk on instagram!! I decorated the frame with real branches, moss, fungus (which I painted) then preserved in resin!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 01:10 PM PST

    The cutscene or clip where Elle says "kill every last one of them"?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 08:00 PM PST

    I just need it for a school project but I only see edits of the audio clip on youtube and not the original unedited soundbite.

    submitted by /u/CallMeKidoya
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    Let's say you can only pick 5 more characters from PT1 or PT2 for Funko to release, (exluding Joel & Ellie) who you picking?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 02:28 PM PST

    If I die during permadeath run, do collectibles I pick up get counted?

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 07:42 PM PST

    Playing on a per-chapter permadeath run, I've picked up all the collectibles in a certain area and died right at the end of the chapter, and want to just speedrun the chapter since it took me ages already. Do I need to go back and re-collect all the collectibles/artefacts I picked up? Or can I just do the chapter quickly and miss them, and they will have counted as being collected? Thanks

    submitted by /u/totally-rin
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    Idea for an update to encounters

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 06:54 PM PST

    So, I think it would be pretty cool if you could choose whether you'd go into an encounter as Ellie or Abby, (or even Dina or Jesse or Joel assuming they have the animations)

    I like Abby, but to be honest I like Ellie's play-style more. Abby feels like she's meant for head-on encounters, Ellie feels more like a stealthy play-style.

    It'd be cool to play Abby's encounters as Ellie and vice versa, just remove any dialogue between the other Allies if there are any.

    I also think it would be cool to choose which weapons you bring with you into an encounter, being able to bring the suppressed submachine gun to Seattle would be cool, or using the explosive arrows in earlier encounters, or even using Abby's weapons as Ellie or vice-versa.

    And then, obviously, a waved mode would be super cool as well but that ones pretty obvious and I wouldn't be surprised if it was already planned for a future update.

    submitted by /u/LickMyCockGoAway
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    The Last Of Us Part 2 really love Joel and show a different side of him wasn't in Part 1

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 07:01 AM PST

    Part II likes him a hell of a lot more than the first game did. IMO this game turns him into more of an actual tragic character. He's a man that knows what he's done and is committed the rest of his life in service to the people around him, even if Ellie still might hate him. All he wants to do now is help people and it gets him killed in the end. And after everything, he's finally able to look Ellie in the eye and say that he wouldn't have done any differently.

    In the first game, he was still just an asshole by the end. I know the ending is a bait and switch, but watching him pet a giraffe, and then turn around and shoot a guy in the dick an hour later just because he felt like it made me feel like he'd learned nothing by the end.

    And that's what makes the ending of Part I so subversive. You think you're getting this heart warming redemption narrative and you're not.

    submitted by /u/Shadiezz2018
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    Just got to that scene again in part 1.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 02:50 PM PST

    What i mean by that is the one with Henry and Sam. It literally just gave me goose bumps again.

    If anyone has seen my comments on this sub they may know I'm not the biggest fan of part 2 and its because when I play the first one I get a feeling that I don't get from any other game. That includes part 2 I understand what they tried to do and I honestly commend them for it but it just didn't hit me like the first one.

    Either way I think that this scene is probably the most powerful filled in with 2 of the best side characters from both games.

    Scenes like this are the reason why I can still find some enjoyment in part 2 because I know what they are really capable of.

    submitted by /u/SteKeo1990
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    Replaying part 2 (actual gonna complete it this time)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 04:00 PM PST

    This game has to be one of the most polarized game in history. Never completed my first playthrough. I've never been able to shake this game, I hated the game when it came out, thought it was stupid for killing Joel and I thought they gave ellie the shit end of the stick.

    That being said i like the world to much just to throw it away. I'm currently replaying it and playing it properly. I'm really enjoying it. I'm on ellie day 2 and this game is sick. I'm not looking forward to abby playthrough but Ill play it and bare with it. I get theirs two side to every story but ellie is still the hero in my eyes.

    I think because it got spoiled for me was a big part of me not liking it I knew joel was going to die and I had to play as his killer which, let's be honest doesn't sound good on paper and that trailer where Joel's meant to be but its jesse was a bit snakey.

    All in all. I've came to terms with it. I wish things where different, but they ain't.

    submitted by /u/casper966
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    Impressive Trauma Elements

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 11:33 AM PST

    One element of the game that really caught my attention, particularly in Part II, is Ellie's expression of grief and trauma after Joel's death. We spend the whole first game experiencing the development of their relationship, and I got the sense that both characters filled in the missing grey area for the other. Joel got a second chance at having a daughter-figure so to speak, and Ellie had a second chance at having somebody that looked after her and cared for her like a parent would. The relationship between them was almost meant to be. And so when Joel dies, Ellie obviously took a heavy hit in the soul. And this can be seen through the entirety of Part II. Ellie shows signs of regret and post-traumatic stress, supported by numerous subtle references to Joel, playable memories she has of Joel, and her personality shift throughout the game. Ellie becomes depressed and simultaneously obsessed with revenge. Meanwhile, if you read her journal throughout the game, she repeatedly writes of Joel and how she can't get him out of her head. Not to mention the images of Joel that flash in her head, notably towards the end of the game in the barn when she has a traumatic episode and loses her sense of reality. I am glad that the creators implemented a sense of trauma throughout the game instead of leaving Joel's death as a shallow turning point in the game with no lasting echo.

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded_Rate183
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    I made a short Edit to pay Tribute to this Brilliant Series. Making this really helped me come to terms with the events of Part II. Hope you guys enjoy!

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 12:05 PM PST

    Last of us 2 masterpiece

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 11:53 AM PST

    I've finished this game 3 times now, what a masterpiece. One of the most technically advanced games ever made. It also provides an emotional journey with Ellie and Abby showing their different paths, and views. I truly cannot believe what naughty dog pulled off, this is one of the best games ever made. From the time you start to the time you finish the game, it is such an intense experience with numerous plot twists, and you meet new characters along your journey. This game is truly a masterful way to tell a story.

    submitted by /u/Guilty-Strawberry-79
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    Czech subtitles

    Posted: 07 Feb 2021 11:14 AM PST

    Hi guys, I was wondering, does anyone know who made the Czech subtitles in The Last of Us. I just realised that the translation is 100% correct so I think it wasn't translated by auto-translator like most other games are. It's pleasure for me when i see correctly translated game to Czech language. If anyone know please let me know. Thank You.

    submitted by /u/Dubajs
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