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    Saturday, February 20, 2021

    The Last of Us | I just realized it's the same place!

    The Last of Us | I just realized it's the same place!

    I just realized it's the same place!

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 06:20 AM PST

    Jackson/Winter Ellie Cosplay by @dabbucosplay from IG

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:02 PM PST

    Clicker, Me, 8x10 Art Print, 2021

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 06:06 PM PST

    I forced my girlfriend to play all the last of us/part 2 and this is her gift for my birthday (yes is handmade)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Digital sculpture of Ellie made in Dreams. (I posted this before but Im revisiting it on PS5 and improved on the details even further)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 04:18 PM PST

    That's why she's the Imp

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 05:09 AM PST

    [Spoilers] Another reason to love this game; the world design. Does that domed building look familiar?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 01:48 PM PST

    Last of us Painting (GamingShouts)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:15 PM PST

    My Military/FEDRA soldier from Part 1. If I could make a main character or even a side character, I would, but unfortunately I don't have any minifigure parts that even closely resemble a character, hence why I went with a generic NPC. But still I like the way he looks.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:08 PM PST

    This is amazing

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:03 PM PST

    You can actually see the Sky Bridge from Ellie's POV

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 02:03 PM PST

    Little moments of intersect between Ellie and Abby's stories.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:47 AM PST

    I love how there are minor details thrown in where you can see how Ellie and Abby dance around each other in Seattle. My favorite examples are...

    1.) When Ellie jumps into the spores with Nora in the hospital, she is followed by a couple of WLF soldiers. One of them comments, "What the fuck's the power doing on?" It's on because Abby turned it on while looking for medicine for Yara.

    2.) Dina mentions to Ellie that she heard on the radio that Owen went AWOL, but it's not brought up again. This is actually the catalyst for Abby's entire Seattle storyline.

    3.) Jordan mentions to Abby in the cafeteria that he's headed out to help evacuate the school. We know from playing as Ellie that she ends up killing him there.

    What are some of your faves?

    submitted by /u/yoko_OH_NO
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    What if they always had Pedro in mind lmao

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:02 PM PST

    I STILL haven't gotten my check from Neil, but I did get this in the mail today.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 12:36 PM PST

    This work of art is so much more than just a game

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 12:48 PM PST

    I recently finished this game for the first time...and wow, is all I can say

    But one thing that's bothering me is how people call it a "videogame"

    Mario? Yeah, that's a videogame. A pretty good one at that

    Halo? Yeah, that's a videogame. A pretty good one at that

    But The Last of Us? That is...an experience. A nightmare-induced haunt that dominates my dreams at night. A swollen mass of debauchery, it's veins etched with the sin of man as cold bold runs through it, each tendril of the colossal beast slowly feeding off of you as it's spikes incise and grip into your skin, until you are swallowed whole by the beast

    Mario is a "videogame". The Last of Us is art.

    submitted by /u/triplemilk
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    How Many Enjoyed LOU2?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 04:27 PM PST

    Hi community,

    Just a straggler here interested to see so many replaying and posting about LOU2. I personally found the game gorgeous as heck, but by far Naughty Dog's worst game. In fact if I could unplay the game outside of Joel and Ellie's parts together I would. I have never hated someone more than Abby in the game and willingly died multiple times inside the theater shootout. (Ellie kill me as Abby again as many times as you want). I know I'm probably offending a lot of community members here, but I can't reiterate how disgusted I was in the plot after waiting 7 years to see Joel and Ellie's second journey..... How many would play the game if they made a 3rd one, and we had to play parts as Abby again? (Just curious I'm sure this post will be in the negative down votes ;))

    submitted by /u/leongpakchao1
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    Who do you prefer playing as

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 09:24 PM PST

    my personal favorite is ellie, her gameplay feels so fluid

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/dickhole69420666
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    Most arguments about Abby are completely pointless.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 08:13 AM PST

    They usually seem to centre on the false idea that the game is trying to justify what she did to Joel and make the player be okay with it, but it isn't doing that. Not for a second. It helps you understand and empathise with her motivations for doing it but I think it makes it pretty clear that she did a horrible terrible thing and that she had spent the previous few years doing nothing but horrible terrible things.

    It's not asking you to empathise with her because she's some miraculously good person or out of guilt for what you did to her friends. It wants you to empathise with her because she's just as screwed up as Joel and Ellie. In doing the terrible things that she did she was motivated by the exact same kind of pain that Joel felt when he lost Sarah and that Ellie felt when she lost Joel which led the two of them to do equally terrible things.

    Ultimately I empathise because after she feels the utter dissatisfaction of killing Joel she understands that she had wasted four years of her life becoming a monster in preparation for something did not ease her pain in any way, and fuelled by the remorse for that she does attempt to become a better person. Something resembling the person she was before her father died. It's the same way that after the first game Joel had everything he needed to go back to being the man he was before Sarah died and was able to become that person in part II and the same way that Ellie can become a better person in the future now that she has found closure.

    In the end I think Abby is great because she's complex and interesting. She has a lot of depth and her motivations are relatable even if the actions borne from those motivations aren't, which I think is infinitely more important than "likeability." Even though I eventually did come to really "like" her I don't think that was all that relevant to her quality as a character, but people would rather deprive themselves of appreciating great character work out of a misguided need to approve of all a characters actions and it really puts a limit on the kind of storytelling they can enjoy.

    In every argument I've had about whether Abby is a good character or not, the other person has gone ahead and listed all of Abby's personal flaws and the bad things she has done as if I'd ever disagree and as if those aren't part of what makes her so interesting in the first place. It's just pointless to argue with them.

    Anyway I just had to get that off my chest.

    edit: I just wanna get across that it's totally okay to not enjoy her as a character but it's just frustrating to see people will themselves in to hating her by wilfully misinterpreting the game.

    submitted by /u/JupeJitsu
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    Recently watched "Sputnik" and couldn't help thinking Oksana Akinshina would be a perfect Abby

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 04:57 AM PST

    Dina and Ellie, art by me:)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 01:51 AM PST

    Letting go of Hate

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 01:19 PM PST

    Sorry, there is no flag for shit-posting or ranting.

    I found that over the course of 2020 and living in a year of a pandemic that I have clung to social gratification through social media much more than usual. This is really the only reason I have to justify typing any of this at all.

    I'd just like to start by saying that I come from the side of being emotionally outraged by what transpired in TLOU II. I felt betrayed by the writers in losing a character that I have labelled in my head as one of the best and emotionally deepest characters I have ever experienced. I'm referring to Joel Miller. However that being said, I did not hate the game at all. I played it until I got the platinum trophy before I even decided to come to any conclusions about the game itself. To this day I find myself torn on whether or not I really enjoyed it or whether or not I passionately dislike it. But what I can respect in the narrative of TLOU II is the important lesson of letting go.

    Letting things go (in my opinion) is maybe one of the most challenging life lessons one can learn in life. There exists an ongoing wisdom of doing more damage by holding on to things when letting it go is always the option, however because of human nature it becomes so hard to let things go. Look at the damage caused by Abby because she couldn't let go of what Joel did, it ultimately cost the lives of everyone she was connected to as a consequence because she ignited an unnegotiable rage within Ellie. I would even argue that you can even see realizations of guilt and consequence in the subtlety of how Laura Bailey plays Abby towards the end of the game. It even becomes especially apparent in how Abby pleads with Ellie to not kill Lev in their final confrontation. Abby understands why Ellie came back, having lived through it herself, and had Ellie actually killed Abby, I think Abby's last thoughts would have been of both sadness and understanding. The fact that Ellie lets it go instead of finishing Abby off highlights growth in Ellie's character as she grows from teen to young adult. To me that moment is the most powerful within the narrative of the game.

    My primary motivation for even writing this positive critique of the game comes from reading about a man named Daryl Davis for the first time. For those who aren't aware, this man essentially befriended a KKK Grand Wizard named Robert Kelly and eventually through this friendship influenced Robert Kelly to give up his robe and hood. Daryl Davis did this, and the fact that he is a black man that accomplished what I see as nothing more than a miracle. Reading this story gave me some context in both just how fragile hate actually is, and even more so the positive outcomes of letting go of hate. Which is where I come back to TLOU II.

    I will never agree with all of the narrative choices in the game, nor will I agree with claims of this game reaching a masterpiece status. But what I also will never agree with is sending death threats to actors and directors over choices that I disagree with and just the contagion of leaning into hate. What I do agree with is that this game possesses a powerful narrative about letting go of hate that eventually helped me let go of my own. And for that, it deserves a great deal of praise.

    submitted by /u/JadenSullivan
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    Am I allowed to say I loved Tlou2 yet?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 03:42 AM PST

    I just loved the game. Yes it has flaws (story structure mostly imo) and I do think Part 1 is better but, I just really loved part 2 also.

    submitted by /u/isndyh
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    Andy Hillier did all these covers from The Last of Us and The Last of Us 2 music. He has uploaded lessons for them too. Make sure to take a look

    Posted: 20 Feb 2021 10:36 AM PST

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