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    Sunday, January 17, 2021

    The Last of Us | We... Henry? We?

    The Last of Us | We... Henry? We?

    We... Henry? We?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 07:45 AM PST

    finally finished my Rat King sculpture!!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 08:52 PM PST

    Wait what ��?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 04:14 PM PST

    Joel and Ellie by me

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:57 AM PST

    From Instagram: TLOU HBO show’s new director lists 2021 date for the series

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 04:28 PM PST

    My very first platinum

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 02:06 AM PST

    Angry Joe gave cyberpunk 2077 the same score as TLOU 2.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 07:53 PM PST

    The Last of Us 2 was a polished and beautiful game. I get he didn't like the story but to give it the same score even though cyberpunk is a complete mess is weird.

    submitted by /u/AmericanMexican69
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    The moment in TLOU2 that genuinely makes me choke up the most... (spoilers)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:44 PM PST

    Was when Abby and Ellie were fighting and Joel popped up in a little flashback. Obviously TLOU2 was a very dark, depressing ride and there were definitely a lot of emotional moments in the game. But the one moment that always gets me the most was when Abby and Ellie were literally fighting each other for their lives and we see Ellie starting to choke Abby to death, and then all of a sudden we see just a mere 2 second (or maybe even 1 second from what I remember) clip of Joel sitting on his patio with a guitar. I don't know why but just seeing him there and then seeing the game transition back to Ellie crying as she's holding Abby underwater just makes me choke up. It got to me more then the whole scene of Ellie and Joel talking to each other afterwards and reconciling, and more then any scene in the whole game honestly. It's just crazy to me how impactful the game has been on me and how I get the urge to replay it despite playing both TLOU's three times now.

    What do you guys think? What moment in the game got to you the most?

    submitted by /u/capamericapistons
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    Working on and off on this for several months finally it's done!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:53 PM PST

    A portrait of a clicker I made in art class. (Don’t go to hard on me I’m not very artistic)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 11:52 AM PST

    The Seraphites Symbol and an artistic representation of a Seraph by Theophanes the Greek (1378)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:54 AM PST

    Look at what my boyfriend got me!!

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 07:14 PM PST

    Tlou2 days/chapters/acts ranked worst to best

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 09:40 PM PST

    I would like to say before I begin that I love this game and thoroughly enjoyed every day, and this ranking is just for novelty. I haven't included The Park, The Farm, and the Epilogue because, while important to the story, I believe they weren't king enough to compare to the others.

    8 - Abby Day 1 Overall this day just drags on way too long and, while I really enjoyed many areas in this day, it disrupted the pacing and felt a little boring at times.

    7 - Ellie Day 3 I actually really enjoyed this day, I loved the rainy atmosphere and the flooded environments. The shopping center encounter is really impressive, and then of course the infiltration of the aquarium. I just wish this day had more depth. The boat section, while short, made me feel like I was playing half life 2 again, getting off the boat, clearing the enemies, taking the loot, and proceeding, but just like that, it's over.

    6 - Santa Barbara I thought this chapter was a refreshing change of scenery, although I could never get sick of the overgrown Seattle. It was fun to play, provided more challenging encounters, and of course ended the story (with exception to the epilogue). It also had the most badass moment in the game when Ellie escaped the trap. The only reason it isn't higher is there are longer, more in depth days.

    5 - Abby Day 3 I know a lot of people voted this as their favourite day, and I can see why. It has beautiful scenery, intense action sequences, and heartbreaking moments that make you question your morals. However, I just couldn't get into this day. I thought it was a bit short, and also became very dramatic, almost feeling like it wasn't the same game anymore. I still loved this day and thought it was an excellent conclusion to Abby's story and her character ark.

    4 - Jackson Jackson is an incredible example of setting up a story. It has astounding visuals, a beautiful atmosphere, and overall prepares you for the journey you are about to go on. I can't really think of any flaws in this chapter, there are just better ones to come.

    3 - Abby Day 2 Where do I begin? This chapter and the two proceeding it will often change in my ranking, but after recently replaying the game, I feel comfortable putting it here. The Shortcut is breathtaking and THE best Abby sub-chapter of the game, the descent is terrifying and has outstanding game design, and ground zero borders on horror, becoming the most terrifying section in the franchise.

    2 - Ellie Day 1 The reason this day is so high on my list is that it (in my opinion) is the closest the game gets to replicating the magic of the first game. That's not to say the parts of the game that feel nothing like the first game are bad, because that's the whole point of a sequel, being different to it's predecessor. It was truly an adventure and had a great dynamic with Ellie and Dina.

    1 - Ellie Day 2 I'm not actually sure why this day is my favourite, but it is. I know that doesn't sound very convincing, but I'll try my best to explain. There is something so polarizing about being on your own, exploring the beautiful suburbs of Hillcrest, the terrifying and atmospheric park taken over by the seraphites, and the huge hospital occupied by the WLF. Not only does it have the three best combat encounters in the game (imo, but then again, this whole list is my opinion), but is Ellie's turning point in her story. Where Ellie stopped being the grieving girl she was in the first day, and began taking things a little further. One of my favourite songs from this soundtrack is The Obsession, portraying Ellie's obsession with revenge and how it ruins her life. This song is played twice in this day, in the morning when Ellie leaves for Hillcrest, and later, when she decides to go after Nora alone, something that disturbs Dina. This day also has two amazing flashbacks which both serve to establish Ellie and Joel's relationship leading up to the events of the Prologue in Jackson.

    Let me know if you agree or disagree

    submitted by /u/Helpful_Toe6630
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    What I would love to see as DLC

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 06:01 AM PST

    The reversible jackets side by side :(

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 06:28 PM PST

    Just finished Part 2

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:55 AM PST

    So, mild spoiler warning. Don't read this post if you haven't finished the game.

    I avoided playing this at launch. I even avoided this Reddit and anything TLoU related for months. So when my game arrived last week, thankfully I went in completely blind. No warnings, no information, no leaks. And let me just say, hello heartbreak.

    At first, the structure of the game really threw me off. Especially when we began to control solely Abby from Day 1 at such a crucial point. But I think that was such a good move. The person I wanted to hate became someone I cared deeply for. And it really cemented that we do what we have to do, but there are consequences. Maybe not today or tomorrow or even this year. But there is a reckoning.

    I loved playing as Joel, and even more so as Ellie. And then Abby came along and I found myself enjoying my experience with her the most. I was a more efficient killer even without the fancy guns. I laughed, I cried. And most importantly, I cared. I cared about her past. I cared about her future. I cared about her as I watched her go through hell.

    When we get to Day 3 and she got back to the aquarium, I really just felt my heart drop. Because I knew exactly what I'd done there, and I felt sick. Knowing what we knew about Mel from the beginning made the experience so, so painful. And in the theater when we had a knife to Dina's throat, I wanted to scream. Ellie honestly got off so easy that day. I was relieved as hell.

    Cut to Santa Barbara and . . . God. That fight had me in tears. I didn't want to hurt either of them. I didn't want either to die. I needed them both to survive and heal and move on. Lev deserved to live happily with someone that accepted him and would help him survive. Ellie deserved to move on with Dina and thrive on that farm with her little family. The final scene had me thinking, perhaps Ellie leaving the guitar behind is a way or her saying, okay, it's time to let him go. And a part of me feels like maybe she felt guilty of not forgiving him sooner or not having a chance to. This scene coupled with the menu screen after you complete the game really makes me have hope. Not just for Ellie, but hope that Abby and Lev made it as well. The boat is docked on the shore, the sun is breaking through the clouds and it feels content -- happy even. Like both these women are finally leaving the foggy darkness behind and charging forward to a better future.

    When I find myself caring about the characters and what happens to them, I know that a game or movie or show has succeeded. And frankly, this made me care A LOT.

    submitted by /u/speedo_bunny
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    I don’t know about you guys...

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 02:56 PM PST

    I loved lying in puddles.

    This post is going to sound dumb but it's something that really hit me when I was playing through the second game.

    Throughout the game, going into broken cities or deserted homes was interesting and all, but what I really loved was the choice, the choice to just go prone in a spot, and just live.

    The idea that you're in a hollow city, with no norms and no true modern day society and yet being able to bask in the depths of a puddle with no repercussions just amazed me, and I still have no real reason why.

    The freedom to forget I guess.

    Standing in a rotting corpse of a city, being tested with its inhabitants, but in those moments of peace you can just lay there, stop progressing and exist.

    It gave me the inner thoughts of a grey city with detailed exteriors but truly empty interiors, no matter what you can make that choice to lay there and establish your own peace.

    I probably, no definitely sound like I'm outta my skull but just think about it, no responsibilities and you can become one with the water you oh so need.

    I love you all.

    submitted by /u/CatchiestDuke
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    Thoughts on TLOUP2

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:06 AM PST

    This is gonna be short but man this is something I gotta get off my chest...

    When I heard about Joel's fate, I was angry, and agreed with the crowd that hates this game. Even though I never played it, I still judged it on that alone and always had that thought whenever someone brought it up.

    But after playing, man... I realized how dumb I was. Sure, parts of me still feel conflicted about his fate... But if the lord ever gave me a second chance, I would've praised this game from the start.

    It's simply amazing, the graphics were the first thing that caught and reeled me into this amazing world again. It honestly blew me away with how beautiful games are going to be..

    Then the story, and man was it a blast to play through. And if I gotta be honest? While Ellie's was fun and emotional to play through, I really wanted to play as Abby, and see how she fit into the story. And I gotta say, I really enjoyed her part. Especially when Lev got introduced. If I have to say whose my favourite, it's gotta be him.

    If I gotta finished this off, I just want to thank Naughty Dog for crafting such a lovely story. I'm sorry for judging this game without even playing it, but now that I have.. god damn was this an experience. Thank you.

    (I am a bit plastered so if this seems a little weird then yeah sorry)

    submitted by /u/Jakzanto
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    Love Her or Hate Her, Ellie's a Badass (#2)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 12:45 PM PST

    Getting Ellie’s past straight

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 04:50 PM PST

    Sometime in 2019 Anna gave birth to Ellie. Some sources say she was born in Boston but it's unconfirmed as far as I can see. Before Anna passed from birth complications, she asked Marlene to take care of Ellie and wrote her daughter a letter. This is where conjecture arises because in American Dreams Ellie doesn't know Marlene, so I'm going to assume that because Marlene was a target she put Ellie with low profile people she trusts. She's raised in x Quarantine Zone(s) before being transferred to Boston at the start of American Dreams.

    Does that sound right? Anything I missed?

    submitted by /u/_mrpinkdonttip_
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    Gift from my MIL, wholesome story in comments.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2021 03:56 AM PST

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