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    Sunday, January 24, 2021

    The Last of Us | The Last of us 2 fanart I did a little bit ago for the game’s release. Loved the peaceful moments in the game so I decided to try and capture one of those moments (my insta with original post @skyasketch)

    The Last of Us | The Last of us 2 fanart I did a little bit ago for the game’s release. Loved the peaceful moments in the game so I decided to try and capture one of those moments (my insta with original post @skyasketch)

    The Last of us 2 fanart I did a little bit ago for the game’s release. Loved the peaceful moments in the game so I decided to try and capture one of those moments (my insta with original post @skyasketch)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:48 PM PST

    Just because a character is likable doesn't mean they are well written & likewise, an unlikable character doesn't mean they are badly written

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:39 PM PST

    I constantly see this when people discuss the characters in this game, particularly Abby & Ellie. People go, "Abby is written so terribly because she insert bad thing" and it's like wow what do you know, Abby is an unlikable piece of shit at times just like any normal human being would be in the LOU universe.

    We, the player, and the people around Abby know what she's doing is wrong but she refuses to accept that because she... Just like a normal person, can't accept that she is a piece of shit. This is what makes a character so interesting when they aren't a one dimensional cookie cutter and have shades to them. That is what a GOOD WRITTEN character is, one that can't be defined as a "good" or a "bad" guy. Characters whose decisions lie somewhere in between the white and black scale.

    Her beating the man that saved her life to death, having sex with a her pregnant friend's BF, etc are all unlikable decisions that make sense when you look at them from her POV.

    Likewise, People say "Oh they butchered Ellie's character" because of the unlikable things she does throughout the game which again, make sense if you look at them from her POV. Yes, her ghosting Joel, leaving Jesse when he insisted on helping Tommy and then leaving her family to pursuit Abby (and a few others) are unlikable decisions but they make complete sense from her perspective. That's what makes her well written, when she acts like a normal person and makes bad & despicable, yet understandable decisions.

    On the other extreme spectrum, I see people call characters like Jesse well written because of how likeable he is. Sure, he's a leader & a loyal friend that only wanted to help Dina & Ellie, but he is extremely bland. He doesn't have any shades to him and is pretty much a perfect human being in this shit world. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing, it just means he was written to be liked by everyone. This does not make him well written just because you like him.

    This reminds me of when people say Micah is very well written because of how unlikeable he is. He is literally a complete piece of shit with absolutely zero redeeming qualities. In what universe does this make him well written? Any normal person would dislike him.

    submitted by /u/AskewScissors
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    I applied the masculine filter to Joel and all it did was give him a haircut. JOEL IS PURE MASCULINITY!!!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 02:04 PM PST

    The Last of Us + The Last of Us Part II = 508 Awards (254 Each!)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 03:03 AM PST

    Gave my uke a paint job!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:33 PM PST

    The Last Of Us Part 2 Now Has 255 GOTY Awards, The Second Most Ever For A Video Game

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 05:52 PM PST

    So I was doing a Grounded playthrough of Part I and after a long time I was finally able to kill the last enemy in the dam. Then Maria decides to f*ckin shoot me.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Found this in the credits after finishing The Last of Us for the first time. Company mascots, morale boosters, and foot patrol.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:05 AM PST

    "People are still looking at me like I'm crazy for liking this game but give it a couple years and they'll be looking at you weird for not liking this game." - Dunkey

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 11:19 AM PST

    Finally got a bookshelf for some of my TLOU collection!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:15 PM PST

    Did this back in the beginning of 2020, back when the only pandemic worth the talk was the CBI

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 06:49 AM PST

    Just beat TLOU on Grounded for the first time

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:12 PM PST

    Trying to part ways with this Post Pandemic edition statue! Lmk if anyone is interested!!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 12:50 PM PST

    Anyone else want to play The Last of Us 2 again but can't because it's so bleak?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 07:05 PM PST

    I really really loved the sequel and this is coming from someome who really really didn't want a sequel but boy this lockdown (in N. Ireland) is really put me off wanting to play something so depressing, even though I powered through the first time, . I played the original I think 3 times from start to finish and got more from my second playthrough than I did my first. With this one, I don't think I'm quite ready to jump in again. Other game recommendations are welcome (Hades I have played and loved)

    submitted by /u/LukeDon
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    My interpretation of the reason behind the ending.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 01:24 PM PST

    I wrote this in response to that other subreddit to explain why Ellie spared Abby. What do you think?

    Why Ellie spared Abby - Specifically, the meanings of those last two flashbacks:

    First, some context; Ellie's underlying motivation for pursuing Abby: While, on the surface it's rage and hatred for Abby, in truth it's guilt.

    Ellie is consumed with survivor's guilt; for Riley, for Tess, for all those she's forced to kill to survive, but most importantly for Joel. She blames herself for his death; for if she had died at the hospital, Joel would still be alive. In a sense, Joel doomed/sacrificed himself in order to save Ellie. But Ellie does not think she's worth saving after all she's done and all she's lost.

    Combine this with the guilt Ellie feels in how she treated Joel in the last few years; Ellie feels obligated to avenge Joel out of guilt (this is proved in various notebook entries). She feels it's the one thing she can do for him; in hopes of repaying him and thus assuaging this guilt.

    When Ellie sees Abby's malnourished body on the pillars and how she cares for Lev ("I got you" clearly mirroring when Joel says it to Ellie in part 1), she evidently becomes deeply conflicted. She sees the parallels between her/Joel and Lev/Abby. This humanises Abby to Ellie, to the point where it seems Ellie is contemplating letting Abby go.

    Then her PTSD returns (the reason she left the farm); she sees Joel's mutilated body, and Ellie says to Abby, her voice breaking, "I can't let you leave". This isn't the language of someone consumed with hatred, but one who feels trapped by her guilt and suffering; the only way she can think to end her pain is to fulfil her perceived obligation to Joel, thus soothing her guilt.

    But when she is holding Abby's head underwater, and her convictions are being tested to the limit, she sees another flashback of Joel. The key quote in this flashback is when Joel says, "If the Lord had given me another chance, I would do it all over again".

    Previously, she thought that Joel had saved her purely out of selfish intent; he couldn't face losing another daughter; that even though he knew Ellie would want to be sacrificed, he would save her anyway to save himself pain – no matter the cost. She was proved wrong by this flashback: It showed that Joel, while knowing it would estrange him from Ellie (basically losing her), would save Ellie anyway. This proved to Ellie that Joel saved her for more than just sparing himself pain; he did it because he believed that she was worth saving and her life meant more than her death (and thus a vaccine); he thinks that his life for hers is a worthy trade; that he wouldn't want her to sacrifice her humanity for him; that all he wants for her is her to be alive and happy.

    This tells Ellie that she doesn't owe Joel anything; she doesn't owe the world anything. (This btw, is why the ending is happy/bittersweet: for the first time in nearly a decade Ellie can let go of her survivors' guilt). This removed a key component of her motivation to kill Abby. In this moment of uncertainty, her conviction faltered, and she let go of Abby.

    Note: throughout her Journey, Ellie has been unable to draw Joel's eyes. This represents how Ellie is blind (by her anger and rage) to Joel's true self; what he'd think of Ellie destroying her humanity out of an obligation to him.

    All but the last flashback either show all that Joel had done for her (the birthday scene, saving her from the bloater), all that had happened to him because of her (his bloody body), or how badly she's treated him (confession scene and dance scene). This all increased her guilt and further motivated her obsession in the hopeless solution of revenge.

    Only the last flashback displayed Joel's most important trait; his selfless love for Ellie; that he'd do literally anything for her; even if it estranged her from him; even if it killed him. And he'd do it all because she's worth it.

    Only after this last flashback can Ellie draw him again, conveying that she's rediscovered his true self.

    And a final point; this proves that forgiveness IS the story. Ellie forgives and understands Joel's act of saving her, and Ellie forgives herself for being alive.

    submitted by /u/BarrellRyder
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    These are Ellie's, Dina's, Joel's and Tommy's horses name

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 07:36 AM PST

    We all know through the game story that Ellie's horse name is Shimmer. Thanks to Priya Johal, Character Artist at Naughty Dog and responsible of textures, hair card and anatomy alterations, and shaders of game horses (among other things), we know Dina's, Joel's and Tommy's horses name too. Here you have all the list (there is an hypothesis at the bottom of this post regarding Tommy's horse):




    Justified, Tommy's horse



    Apparently Tommy's horse was killed on its way to Seattle (as _Ykikaze_ points out we can find Justified dead when we are playing with Ellie on our way to the TV Station). The horse we can see when Tommy appears at the farm, it's black. It can't be Shimmer (died) and it's not Justified considering skin color. There is no prove, but could be Old Beardy:


    submitted by /u/aShupa
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    Concern that Druckmann will be overfocused on "The Last of Us" HBO Series, rather than part 3?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:58 PM PST

    Lots to consider

    Notably the Game of Thrones problem.

    Which was the show overtook the books. If we can expect TLOU HBO to be a hit (and we surely do), both TV fans and HBO will demand more. Now.

    TLOU games took on average 6 years to make. Thats a long time to produce these masterpieces to the quality that they are.

    If Druckmann gets caught up with HBO, is there a risk his attention gets divided? Or even worse, he feels rushed to produce part 3 because HBO is waiting?

    I think the clear answer is yes. The HBO show will clearly eat up the part 1 and 2 material quickly. And theres no way the show will wait years and years for the part 3 material. So what will happen? Druckmann will have to write an ending for the show, long before the part 3 game.

    And will the show ending and part 3 ending be different? Thats the exact thing GOT fans argue about. And we saw how GOT ended. HORRIBLY. Its the result of somebody being rushed. You cant rush art.

    submitted by /u/bodhasattva
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    What Would Joel Have Done if Ellie Consented?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 07:18 PM PST

    The title is ambiguous to avoid spoilers.

    The question is this: In Pt. I, if Ellie had given informed consent (by its technical definition) to have the surgical procedure done, would Joel have allowed it? If so or if not, how would he have handled the situation?

    I just posed the question to myself and haven't given it much thought yet. I wanted to get a feel for the community's opinion on this.

    submitted by /u/AetherialOwl
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    Love the statue but disappointed. I got Ellie with the bow for $49.99 and it looks so much better than this one directly from dark horse for $99.99

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:44 PM PST

    I recently got these 2 beautiful designs for my new appartement

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 10:28 AM PST

    Put my face on Ellie using that one app that’s gone so popular lately and I’m kinda liking it

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 03:31 PM PST

    Last of Us 2 made it to the finals of r/vgmarchmadness!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2021 04:46 PM PST

    TLOU2 made it to the finals of r/vgmarchmadness after a few rounds. Vote for your GOTY!


    submitted by /u/lockecole777
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