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    Sunday, January 3, 2021

    The Last of Us | Ellie cosplay by myself !

    The Last of Us | Ellie cosplay by myself !

    Ellie cosplay by myself !

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:40 PM PST

    So sick of this franchise.. Makes me spend 2000 dollars to make a good cup of coffee for Joel and then his mug doesn't fit!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:23 AM PST

    As of right now, TLOU2 has the largest GOTY lead ever seen at 4.5x more awards than its closest competitor, Hades

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:08 PM PST

    TL;DR: chart at bottom

    I think this statistic is rather relevant in ruling out a game as "divisive". As you can see from this list, Death Stranding is a highly disputed GOTY, with only a 15% lead over Resident evil 2 and taking home just 39% of the podium awards, not much more than the required 33%. Red Dead redemption was also in a very close race with Mass Effect 2 in 2010. Ironically, TLOU1 was much less of a clear winner in 2013, though it still had a commanding lead.

    All in all, I think it's pretty clear at this point that the game is far from "divisive". It's highly unlikely for a game to be this universally acclaimed by both critics and fans if close to half the people who play it dislike it.

    There are caveats to this and I'm not claiming it's a perfect metric. Here are some relevant criticisms:

    • The quality of the competition has a large impact. Cyberpunk came out too late and in too much of a shit show to make a real impact, Hades is a niche indie game, GoT is a good Assassin's Creed game more than the new Breath of The Wild, and Animal Crossing is, well, Animal Crossing. We clearly don't have a Red Dead Redemption vs Mass Effect 2 show off, and TLOU1 had to compete with god damn GTA V and Bioshock Infinite.

    • This absolutely does not directly measure how divisive a game is. I don't think Red Dead Redemption is divisive, and yet it's the worst performer. However, I think that while a non-divisive game could end up with a very small lead due to high quality competition, it's very unlikely that a highly divisive game would end up with a very large lead. In other words, while I would agree that this metric doesn't really tell you which GOTYs are divisive, it can tell you which GOTYs are not.

    • I'm using data from gameawards.net excluding data before 2008 due to lower reliability and statistical robustness. Still, this is an amateur blog and it's entirely possible that they missed some awards which could change the results. I doubt, however, that they would have missed enough awards that TLOU2 wouldn't have a commanding lead.

    Anyway, here's the full data including the percentage of awards taken by the winner among the top 3 most awarded games (to reduce the statistical influence of the number of games getting 1 to 3 awards, which varies greatly per year), and the relative lead of the most awarded game to the second most awarded game.

    Year Game Top 3 Win Percentage Lead Percentage Total Awards Given Awards Given to Winner
    2020 tlou2 (in progress) 72.02% 348.72% 321 175
    2019 Death Stranding 39.32% 15.00% 366 92
    2018 God of War 56.58% 45.32% 398 202
    2017 Zelda BOTW 71.06% 266.04% 339 194
    2016 Uncharted 4 56.00% 64.71% 415 168
    2015 Witcher 3 74.35% 344.83% 439 258
    2014 DA: Inquisition 63.51% 173.47% 410 134
    2013 The Last of Us 55.09% 55.63% 523 249
    2012 Walking Dead 40.98% 31.58% 385 75
    2011 Skyrim 69.85% 291.38% 403 227
    2010 RDR 48.05% 9.90% 291 111
    2009 Uncharted 2 66.87% 270.00% 213 111
    2008 Fallout 3 47.26% 76.92% 204 69​
    submitted by /u/dospaquetes
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    Our take on Ellie's tattoo!

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:11 AM PST

    My Ellie and Clicker drawings :)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:10 AM PST

    I’ll never doubt hiding behind a tiny tree again.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:02 PM PST

    Ellie and Dina Poster (Art by @LittleBizzare on Instagram)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:39 AM PST

    Finished TLOU2 this morning. Played all the game alongside my daughter, it was a movie for her and a game for me. We also did this with Part 1.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST

    TLOU2 is a massive mindfuck.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:45 AM PST

    A late realization for me is how shit I felt playing as Abby trying to kill Ellie. And how much shittier it was to play Ellie trying to kill Abby. The whole game is a very effective mindfuck in programming these kinds of emotions in you. Unintentional or not people have reacted quite passionately to Joel's death.

    I finished the last of us 2 recently and it's still fresh off my mind. I'm way too hyper and ecstatic to organize my thoughts so I'll use bullet points to rant. * I think the reason behind most people who dislike the game, is that they're impressionable and never gave the story a chance. A separate party will find the game to be too sad to like and others will be disappointed coming in with "happier" expectations. Honestly I get how it'd be difficult to enjoy something so depressing. A lot of the internet and major influencers encourage disliking it too. * I don't think I've ever seen an opening act as effective as a hook as in tlou2. Like imagine having the idea to hurt an audience in the most horrifying way possible and have it work as well as it did. Shock factor and ballsiness alone carries momentum to turn the page. What kinda crack are some people smoking to think Joel getting killed was a plot hole or bad writing? I tried my hardest to look for holes and found only one worthy of the controversy: The lead Abby was following, basically a rumor she investigated that was a major factor in cementing his death. It's consistent with Abby being extremely obsessed but only given what? 2 lines of dialogue supposed to be received at face value? Something so important should never be glossed over. * The epilogue and final act is the best part to me. It was unsatisfying to people because it was sad. Nothing as bittersweet as this, Ellie moves forward from Joel and manages to forgive him but loses everyone in the process. People often reduce the ultimate goal to just revenge and argue it a fault. Those people are wrong but I can see how it's underwhelming. Unlike part 1, the final decision is spontaneous and easily misunderstood. The most important thing to note is how Ellie is no longer angry and damn bloodthirsty as she was in Seattle. Killing Joel's murderers didn't rouse any kind of relief in the moment or much later. There at the farm Ellie is depressed, cannot sleep, cannot eat, and suffers ptsd. Going after Abby wasn't revenge then, it was a desperate and misguided attempt for closure. Naughty Dog treats the audience with intelligence but only the individual can choose to read the subtext. Joel and Ellie are the centerpiece of the first game and remain so in the sequel. Ellie's arc is struggling with guilt and confusion from sudden loss and having never gotten to forgive Joel. It wasn't about Abby and Abby was never the problem Ellie thought she was. Now imagine Ellie without character development continually delüded by grief and hate. Truly a gamer moment. * My other interpretation is that Ellie simultaneously forgave Abby and Joel. The last conversation with Joel is about trying to forgive, makes sense. Her forgiving Abby or not doesn't hurt the story significantly and I think it was left open to interpretation. Can definitely understand why Ellie would forgive her though. The final sequence at the beach reinforces empathy for Abby. I thought it was pretty heavy-handed in that regard. 1) Abby is crucified like Jesus looking like a sack of dried shit 2) Abby saving a helpless boy + the connection to it paralleling Joel carrying Ellie at the hospital 3) Abby puts aside her friends' deaths and what she said to Ellie at the theater, presumably moving on * Future Days is the most tender moment out of anything video games has to offer and if you're not crying like a little bitch or smiling like a dumbass you are not human. * Abby is a great character and her muscles are dope and she's sexy as fuck. I never see her sparing Ellie and Dina and forgoing revenge through empathy and compassion being mentioned. Ellie literally killed all her friends and come the end she is completely debilitated physically. What more do people want? I think the moment I started to genuinely empathize with her is when Mel started falsely chastising her for putting up a fake act of kindness to seduce Owen. This kinda thing is subjective and I don't think everyone should feel sorry for her but actively wishing harm is pretty severe lol. * tlou2 has a lot of scary similarities in accordance to plot themes and characterization with HxH and AoT. Kurapika is if Ellie were selfless. Abby is slightly reminiscent of Gabi and Reiner and Eren. Familiar themes are tackled: cycle of violence, futility of war, rejecting revenge, revenge leads to emptiness / no satisfaction, selfishness, personal biases and demonizing all enemies, coping with grief/guilt, empathy, loss of humanity and gaining it, two sides of the same coin, a reason to live being someone to love, cooperation and treaties being temporary/impossible, propaganda / weaponized nationalism marked towards a selfish cause, ending violence necessitates more violence, dying human population and a human antithesis, humans killing other humans being the main cause for casualty despite a literal man-eating subhuman species / extinction virus existing. This is semi-related but tlou2 also shares Isayama's tendency to form copious numbers of parallels. Most are subtle but some are like when Gabi saves Kaya from a titan. * It's best played. People who watched playthroughs on youtube damn sullied their experience. Really glad I avoided most spoilers for as long as I did. The gameplay is cinematic and combat animations are top-tier. Part of why some moments hit so hard is because YOU have to pull the trigger. Having an internet stranger do it for you takes away the stakes and emotional weight. * Some of the most insane and beautiful set pieces ever: stroll back to Jackson, Seattle open-world, red-lit subway, sailing amidst a thunderstorm, heights on steroids, island on fire, sunset at the farm, Santa Barbara...then there's that fucking cancer organ. Clickers and closed spaces are fricking terrifying. I got anxiety from the hospital encounter. But nothing is scarier than having political agenda from biased SJW's being shoved down my throat. I shit my pants and choked on a dorito when the females started scissoring. * What Naughty Dog is trying to suggest with the Seraphites is that tradition and religious fanaticism is problematic, not religion itself right? The general stance towards religion seems negative because people in power distorted/weaponized beliefs and scripture to coincide with a militaristic agenda, but the prophet was shown to have some good values according to Lev and Yara. Then again the prophet was implied to be a hypocrite lol. Also the prophet was a primitivist so the Seraphites are probably anti-vax LOL. * tlou2 has meaningful representation which is awesome for any project this large. Something that really touched me was there being a journal entry of Ellie feeling hesitant about telling Joel about Cat and afraid of his reaction. The community of Jackson is accepting and most people will be, but I found it funny some minor bigotry ensued from Dina kissing Ellie. Going against tradition is not welcomed and has horrific consequences. Extremely horrific in the context of this game. This is the first time I've seen lgbtq+ themes so intrinsic to the actual plot in a video game. Seeing this makes me happy. Seeing hate on this makes it relevant. * The only detractor from enjoyment for me was the low-reward high-essential looting system. UI and combat mechanics are very simple and happen to be my preference. It set the bar for graphics, animation, acting, story, and overall approach towards technical realism. * ⁠I don't understand the problem people have with the pacing. Not a moment was filler. The transition to Seattle day 1 and Abby's POV can be jarring ig. I personally felt the game offered plenty of time to breathe.

    This game is the most depressing and emotionally taxing piece of media I've ever swallowed. Without the hate I never would have come to appreciate it as much as I do.

    submitted by /u/5437354724
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    Inspired by u/frazah7, my version of Ellie’s tattoo on my guitar

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:00 PM PST

    Ink drawing for Part II

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 11:50 AM PST

    Just finished my 4th playthrough and still am overwhelmed with emotion (TLoU 2)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:16 PM PST

    Obviously this is a common theme with this game, but holy shit does this game really makes me want to cry.

    I remember after my first playthrough I had this recurring feeling of remorse wash over me every time I thought of the game, and that seems to be the case even now. I think I got to prohibit myself from playing it ever again to avoid these episodes lol. That would be very hard to do though since it's just so freaking good.

    Like I know it's just a game, but goddamn do i love the characters. I just hope there will be a part 3. I will never get sick of this franchise

    submitted by /u/Commander__Bacara
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    My wife gifted the top two special pressed silk screen prints and the bottom 7-inch exclusive MONDO vinyl for christmas. She knows me too well. Couldn’t find the right frame for the 7-inch just yet so I used a spare frame for the time being.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 07:46 PM PST

    Is this real? I really hope it's real

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:28 PM PST

    Grounded headshot collaterals

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:08 AM PST

    I can’t tell the difference between my 2 Ellies

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:32 PM PST

    Favorite moment from Last Of Us part 2?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 06:25 PM PST

    My personal favorite is the entire Santa Barbara section. It's funny because my biggest gripe with the game was how little time we spent here when I felt like it could have fleshed out so much more of the Rattlers/Santa Barbara as well as Ellie's trauma and choices after the finale fight with Abby. I'm not sure why but I don't often hear about this section aside form the final fight in discussions.

    What are your favorite moments from either Ellie or Abby's scenarios? Or both obviously. A runner up for me is the Rat King section but there are so many good parts of this game!

    submitted by /u/noel-h
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    Ellie As Batwoman (Art by @LittleBizzare on Instagram)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:47 PM PST

    Just finished playing TLOU2 for the first time (grounded) my thoughts:

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 08:43 PM PST

    spoilers I completed the game for the first time on grounded difficulty. I have played the first one over a dozen times and Joel was/is my favorite character. His arc in the first one made his change of heart for Ellie became a bigger impact to me and I first played it back in 2015. Fast forward now I finally got and completed the game. Starting off, the story was okay, I think there were too many unnecessary and horrible deaths which helped me determine that there really wasn't any happy ending to this game in my opinion. As for Abby, I absolutely hate who she brutally tortured and killed but as the story developed and backgrounds started to shed, I ended up feeling for her the same way as Ellie did. I began to like both of them and their journeys. This game was absolutely well animated and extremely difficult but that's what I asked for. Anywho, I didn't feel any connection to any character the way I did with Joel. Ellie is now one of the main characters but the void Joel left was never filled in my opinion. I also hated that the game hardly gave me ammo but again, it's what I asked for. I also found the whole Ellie traveling to Santa Barbara to finally kill Abby like something that would get done but again it didn't end that way again. It's not a bad story but I still have to give the edge to the first one. Please note that this is just MY take/opinion

    submitted by /u/SAM_I_AM_311
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    The Last Of Us Part II Poster (Art by @LittleBizzare on Instagram)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 05:49 AM PST

    Joel was writing poems??

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 01:23 PM PST

    Troy Baker, voice actor of Joel, says at 48:00 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdj0AiKJomk&t=2s that Joel had been writing poems in his 'retirement' - along with woodworking, making guitars etc. Sounds like you could find them in his house after...ya know...

    Did anyone see these poems? If so, what kinda stuff was he writing about?

    I need to know if my boy been writing love poems...

    submitted by /u/suffan1895
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    Honestly check out this channel this is the best amv of the last of us I have ever seen. I guarantee it that you will love it if you like both amvs and the last of us

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 09:44 PM PST

    Would you make a different choice

    Posted: 02 Jan 2021 10:54 PM PST

    If given the chance to either kill Abby or not, would you? Why or why not?

    submitted by /u/recktorks
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