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    Saturday, November 28, 2020

    The Last of Us | My GOTY :) Sharing my fanart. Thanks!

    The Last of Us | My GOTY :) Sharing my fanart. Thanks!

    My GOTY :) Sharing my fanart. Thanks!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:51 PM PST

    A faraway goal

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:49 AM PST

    I think this is the best photo mode pic I’ve taken so far.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:42 PM PST

    Thought I'd share this with you guys. Last Of Us single issue signed by Ashley Johnson. Troy bakers is coming next week. After finishing part 2 something I'll treasure.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:20 PM PST

    POV: You’re a Karen and you just asked for the manager.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:12 PM PST

    Machete, smoke bomb & filter

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:39 AM PST

    The Last of Us Part II (2020)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:45 PM PST

    When you catch someone trying to steal your Thanksgiving leftovers

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:50 PM PST

    Just finished The last of us part 1

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:32 PM PST

    Holy shit, the amount of emotions I have for the characters are insane. My nails have taken a serious toll from this game. Watching the characters develop has been fascinating and I can't wait to play part 2. None of my friends seem interested so posting here :)

    submitted by /u/platypuslegend
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    “Wolf Duo” for photo mode Friday’s

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:15 PM PST

    My Mondo TLOU Part II Soundtrack vinyl shipped earlier than I thought it would!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:01 PM PST

    I joined the club today. Part II is a masterpiece and one of the best games I’ve ever played.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:13 AM PST

    TLOU2 Photo Mode

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:31 AM PST

    My new TLOU2 acrylic on canvas painting ‘The Path’ 40x50cm.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 01:33 PM PST

    Hunter (TLOU2 Photo Mode)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:20 AM PST

    Has anyone else seen this before? It is the last entry of Ellie's diary, and it shows up in the epilogue. Thoughts?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:05 AM PST

    i want to address somethings about the cure and about abby

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:36 PM PST

    i was watching a video that basically showed why abby hated joel so much (don't worry lol i've played, and loved, both games).

    after scrolling through youtube comments i'm genuinely confused and wanted to address something, i keep seeing people say "the cure wasn't even possible" or whatever. here's why i think that reasoning is pretty much bullshit.

    now yes, if we used real science, it probably wouldn't be possible. i'm not very smart when it comes this sort of thing but i've seen videos of doctors saying realistically not possible. but the last of us doesn't use "real science". not sure how realistic zombies, and clickers, and shamblers and bloaters are but whatever. and i hate to even see it that way. the reason the ending for Part I was so good was because of the moral dilemma we all had about dooming humanity for ellie. i mean if we saw it as "the cure wasn't even possible/likely", that really ruins the ending. i cant even understand why people would think that way , it's so stupid.

    however, this doesn't even matter all that much. joels actions were 100% from emotion and not logic. he had no idea whatsoever about it being impossible. the cure could literally have a 100% success rate and he wouldn't think twice. he didn't think when he did those actions

    about abby and jerry: i can NOT understand why abby gets so much hate at the end. i understand not liking her as a character (it took me 2 playthroughs to overcome my bias), but hating her to death? wtf? how is she any better than ellie? but that's not even the point i wanted to address regarding abby, people keep saying "this is such a dumb reason to want revenge".

    what the fuck? ellie wants justice for her father, but it's ok because "it's joel". but abby what's justice? "she's weak. let go of it already. it's been 4 years". using that logic, joels daughter had been dead for 20 years yet he never got over it either. is HE weak? he slaughtered a hospital of people, murdered the chief surgeon and executed the firefly leader, marlene, as she begged for he life: all to save her ellie. what joel did was 1000x more monstrous than what abby did. (i'm waiting for someone to cross post and say that i hate joel; i don't). so if joel can remember his daughter for 20 years, why can't abby for 4 years? both were haunted by their loss

    now finally what i think about jerry:

    people act like he's a complete asshole. here's the thing: no one wanted ellie to die. not marlene, not jerry, not joel, and not us. so why did jerry choose to do it? because it's a young girl in an apocalypse vs all of human civilization and existence. you see the difference? in the flashback, it was made clear he did NOT want to kill ellie. but we all know it was a necessity. i can promise you, anyone from this sub or the other sub would have chosen to go with the surgery. i'm sorry but one death is better than hundreds of thousands of deaths. and i'm sure many of those deaths would be kids, younger or the same age.

    "why didn't they get her consent?"

    because imagine they asked her and she said no. it's already hard enough having to kill a kid, but it would not be any better if they asked her and she said no. the surgery was inevitable. they wouldn't just let her walk out because she said "no".

    sorry i kept seeing this bs argument and wanted to address it. let me know what you think :)

    submitted by /u/rabnabombshell
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    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:01 PM PST

    Thought you guys might enjoy my custom painted guitar.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:47 PM PST

    My limited edition Joel’s watch I just love how simple it looks (nr. 701-1000)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 05:35 AM PST

    My take on open to interpret ending!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 09:29 PM PST

    So here is my thought on Ellie ending,

    I did a lot of research on this

    So here notice this things,

    • Notice Ellie's boot/shoes it's not sneakers ,its probably tracking boot/shoes she wore in jackson when game started .

    • now lets see her jounral ,she had drawing of Dina and her baby ,but look JJ looks slightly older in drawings than farm.

    • The bracelet it shows realtionship between Dina and Ellie is also there .

    • Her Travel backpack .

    So here is my conclusion on this,

    Ellie probably went to jackson and meet Dina and Dina accepted her but you can see Ellie's survival guilt over the years and even on farm you can see that ,so what Ellie thinks is that Joel and many more got killed for her because of that vaccine thing, so now Ellie want to mean something out of her life ,thats why she had backpack on shoulders its represents her new jounrey is started , and also you should look at guitar it focuses on Firefly symbol on it and not only that Ellie leaving guitar also means that she left her all self interest at farm , her new jounery is about mankind not for her personal agenda.

    P.S:Engish is not my 1st language.

    submitted by /u/abhi321198
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    Just finished TLOU 2. My thoughts about it... [MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 03:01 PM PST


    I finished TLOU 2 about an hour and a half ago after playing it for 26+ hours over a 3-ish week span. Pretty huge deal for me, as, even though I'm not a huge Playstation guy, I was a big fan of the first game (and dare I say, I was pretty obsessed with it) and I thought it was arguably the best game I've ever played in my life.

    Regarding this second installment of the franchise, I have mostly good things to say about the game regarding the gameplay and the storytelling, some of which I'll disclose below. I have to say that I wasn't quite able to fully make sense the ending at first, but after reading a bit I feel like it was pretty conclusive and dare I say perfect given the tone and narrative the game undertakes

    During my research, I did also see that a ton of people weren't happy about the fact that Ellie lets Abby live by the end of the story: I strongly disagree with this. The game's story is a billion times more brutal and cruel than what I remember the first one to be. For most of it, TLOU 2 is a beautiful yet depressing tale of negativity, revenge, revenge, revenge (yes, three times), and violence. Among all of these things, the ending provides something unheard of throughout the first 25 ish hours of gameplay: forgiveness. I think that this being the moral of the story, both for Abby and for Ellie, is what makes the ending incredibly fitting in my opinion.

    My only minor criticisms about the game come down to the total time share the Abby chapters took off the final playing time. Make no mistake about it, I agree with the existence of these chapters and I really enjoyed getting to know the new Abby character (and her friends and allies) and getting to explore her humanity after being presented as the villain after killing Joel. However, I totally understand the anger of some people here were mad that they took up little less than half (about 12 and a half hours in my case) off the total play time.

    There was only one part I strongly HATED in the game: when, while controlling Abby, they pit you against Ellie in the theater. It was just a weird sequence: ALL OF IT. I did not want to attack or harm Ellie because, well, I did not want to kill off the protagonist of the game lmao and I did not feel emotionally invested in this specific part of the game. With all of this being said, I greatly welcomed the introduction of Abby I'd fully welcome seeing her once again in a future installment of the series.

    Overrall, I thought this game lived up to its predecessor, a hard thing to do as TLOU 1 was arguably one of the top 3 video games of all time, and I thought it was a familiar yet refreshing and incredible experience. I honestly don't understand most of the hate around it: I thought that the 6-7ish year wait was fully worth it.

    Do y'all have any thoughts on any of this? I'd be very happy to discuss more about this amazing game with y'all, which is what motivated me to make this post in the first place. :)

    P.S: I apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes that I might have made. I might do a few edits to correct them.

    submitted by /u/Buff_Em
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