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    Sunday, November 15, 2020

    The Last of Us | Just finished the 2nd game and wowza....

    The Last of Us | Just finished the 2nd game and wowza....

    Just finished the 2nd game and wowza....

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:22 PM PST

    ....talk about a fucking depressing game. And you know what? I loved it. However, with everything going on right now in the world, the game was extremely depressing and just plain sad.

    I was hoping the ending would at least be hopefully but nope...Dina's gone and Ellie is left with nothing. At least Abby was spared and was able to have some redemption with Lev. And even then, I think both girls are just so broken that they'll never be at peace.

    The good stuff? (Forgive all the hyperbole, I'm still really hyped up)

    1) Maybe I have more empathy but the writers did a fucking amazing job with making me like Abby. I loved Joel and Ellie but playing as Abby for most of the game, I really got where she was coming from. But I still was all "WHERE IS ELLLIE! I WANT MORE ELLIE!!!" And I was waiting and waiting to get to the point where they cross paths in the movie theatre but it felt like it was going forever….but then the forest scene with Yara and Lev. Honestly - the second she helps Lev and Yara, that's when I went "oh no…I am liking Abby now." And then by the time she gets kidnapped by The Rattlers, I legit was like "no no no nooooo not now!!!" And I swear to god, I was going to give up if they killed Lev….which brings me to my next point…

    2) The shocking deaths. I know they want you gasping and realize that this would be what reality would be like if this were to happen now but my god - the sudden deaths….killed me. First off - Joel. Thank god I did NOT read any spoilers before playing and when that happened, I legit screamed at the TV at 3AM. BF woke up and asked wtf was going on. I knew from the first trailer this would be a game about revenge but I honestly did not expect that humans would have killed Joel. Second - Yara. Was it meaningless, especially after spending 1/4 of the game trying to save her? Maybe but still shocked me and I think necessary, in order to humanize Abby more. I actually paused the game and restarted that checkpoint because the first time she gets shot (I think?) I thought she died but then she REALLY dies. Then Owen, Mel, Manny, the Asian dude….I gasped at every one's death, especially thinking Tommy died. So this might all be flaws of the game - killing characters for the sake of shock value - but I think it's necessary to show how brutal this world is.

    3) The ending. I'll admit that I accidentally read the ending about Ellie letting Abby go but I was not prepared for that final fight. It was fucking BRUTAL and reminded me a little bit of Buffy vs Faith in the season 3 finale, as well as torture horror porn for some reason…..however, I really liked it. I did not know who to root for and I wish that they gave us the option of who to control but it's Ellie's story so of course, it'd be her. I know I said I was hoping for some kind of happy ending but I did not expect that Dina would be gone and Ellie left with nothing. I mean, she can always go back to Tommy but at this point, all she's got is her anger and rage. I am really hoping if we get a third game, we get some kind of redemption or she'll be at a point where she'll make peace with what Joel did….but that's not good drama.

    4) The Rattlers - I honestly don't remember - were they hinted at throughout the game?? They came out of nowhere!!

    The bad stuff?

    1) Maybe cuz I had it on "Light Mode" in preparation for the PS5 and I cared more about the story but I wish it was harder. I might play new game+ on a harder mode but right now, I have a ton on my backlog to get through.

    2) WHY DID THEY NOT EXPLAIN WHY ABBY IS SO BUFF?!?! I know - apocalypse and all but damn. I wish we got like one scene where she is working out. It was honestly very jarring.

    3) Some of the controls were a little wonky, especially the detect action but maybe I didn't configure it properly. I found it hard to switch weapons and TBH, I had more fun doing melee attacks since it was a default action.

    4) I wish we got some more Joel…….

    I'm reading tons of things now about the game and I hate that the man-children are crying about all the "wokeness" in the game. I'll admit - there were some times where I was like "huh?? Would this exist in this time?" And then I realize…oh, this takes place almost 20 years later than today so yeah, possibly.

    Anyways, just wanted to give my thoughts (which are probably not that new) but I loved the game, I don't think I can play it again but I am eagerly waiting for the 3rd one for PS6 :P

    submitted by /u/surferwannabe
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    I found different dialogue when Ellie got found or not.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:05 AM PST


    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:55 PM PST

    I was going through last of us part 2 once again. And in the part in the big bookstore Jesse talks about child who transform into tree to save a village. Instantly i connected this with Ellie and her immunity. What do you think am i making conmections where they are not?

    submitted by /u/ToklCze
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    [VIDEO] The beauty of Seattle Day 2 - Hillcrest

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 01:58 AM PST

    A question about supplies (minor spoilers)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 12:45 AM PST

    I'm on my second playthrough, now on grounded+, and wondering: will my supplies as Ellie from Day 3 Seattle carry over to the resort? Or can I be more liberal with my ammo and supply usage the closer I get to the aquarium?

    Sorry if this has been answered before, I havnt been able to find an answer. Google is flooded with "chapter 3 walkthrough" links every way I phrase the question..

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/Yaloking
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