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    Wednesday, November 18, 2020

    The Last of Us | Incredible Ellie cosplay by @alex.shenk on Instagram!

    The Last of Us | Incredible Ellie cosplay by @alex.shenk on Instagram!

    Incredible Ellie cosplay by @alex.shenk on Instagram!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:23 AM PST

    FINISHED Abby and Ellie portraits

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:29 AM PST

    The Last Of Us Part II is now officially my first platinum! So grateful for all of these games and the amount of hours I put into them!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 07:35 AM PST

    This Will NEVER Not Make Me Want To Cry

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:53 PM PST

    Dina sketch by myself (@ashlee.draws.stuff on Instagram).

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:47 PM PST

    If Part 2 was written like S8 of Game of Thrones:

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 12:42 PM PST

    Ellie would've killed Abby before she was even able to take the first swing at Joel's head with the golf club. Along with people from Jackson that include Dina, Jesse, Maria and Tommy (wakes up by surprise) backing her up and kill every single one of Abby's friends after she's killed.

    Tommy would make dick jokes targeted towards Jesse.

    Ellie still choses to go to Seattle to find and "kill every last one" of the WLF.

    Dina would still be in a relationship with Ellie, but it turns out she also had a love affair with Tommy. Jesse kills himself when he's told by Dina the baby isn't his. We see flashbacks of Dina and Maria arguing over petty things.

    Joel horrified by Ellie's monstrous actions tells Ellie what he did at the hospital, hoping it'll stop her from going on this pointless quest. Ellie snaps, and kills Joel promising that she will go after his family for "taking away what would've made her life matter."

    Dina is horrified of Ellie's actions but still chooses to follow her because "she is my queen."

    Yara, Lev and the Seraphites would bow down to Ellie after she wiped out all of WLF.

    Dina kills Ellie after being swayed by Tommy, but gets banished from Jackson anyway because Maria can't forgive her for sleeping with Tommy and needs to keep the peace between Jackson and the Seraphites. She calms Dina's baby and raises JJ as her own.

    Seth becomes Jackson's new leader when Maria decides to step down because who has a better story right?

    I really hate it when some Part 2 haters compare this game to how the final season of Game of Thrones was written. If you want a version of how this game would've turned out if it was written like that season.

    ^^There you go!

    submitted by /u/phantom_avenger
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    Birthday gift from my buddy!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 07:41 PM PST

    Satisfying headshots

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:00 AM PST

    Finally drew a clicker from The Last Of Us. (Referenced)

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 09:28 PM PST

    Last of us 2 surpassed 7.1 million sales, is Fourth best selling game this year to date and has over a surprising 75.8% PSN user rating.

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:21 AM PST

    Last of us 2 surpassed 7.1 million sales, is Fourth best selling game this year to date and has over a surprising 75.8% PSN user rating.

    I thought this was polarised I guess there is a difference because it is harder to review bomb as you need evidence of purchase. I wonder what the user rating would be if you had to finish the game.




    submitted by /u/BallImpressive
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    Is Neil high or something? ����

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 04:46 PM PST

    I did it myself today and I’m so proud✨

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 03:09 PM PST

    Emily from the Seraphites???

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:20 PM PST

    I don't understand why emily is treated as an important character, they mention her like three times in the game, we see her like once or twice, yet you can still buy a pfp of her on playstation similar to how u can buy one of Ellie or abby. She has about three of those fandom wiki things with info about her too. And i think she might even be an unlockable model once u finish the game. Yet she's so irrelevant, I'm so confused.

    No disrespect to her voice actor or face model by the way, I'm just curious.

    submitted by /u/justanotherloser3
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    Just got this book so please don’t hate, but did anyone lucky enough to have gotten this back in the day see the misprint?? Possible spoiler for first time readers

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:13 PM PST

    On Joel [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:01 PM PST

    Hey, everyone! I'm sure everyone's sick to death of these, but this game has been high-key screwing with my head since June and I'd love to hear other people's opinions.

    I really don't understand all the constant criticism levied at the game and Naughty Dog about "doing Joel dirty" and "disrespecting the character." I say this as a person who played the first game before the second and wasn't spoiled before I played either: I didn't actually love Joel until the Last of Us II.

    I liked him, sure, and I would have been a bit bummed if he'd died in the first one, but there wasn't any genuine attachment. To be perfectly blunt, I was far more emotionally invested in Abby and Lev on the first playthrough than I ever was to Joel before TLOUII.

    To be clear, I sympathized with and understood his character in the first one, and my relative neutrality didn't stem from some condemnation of his past actions. I understood why he had been a hunter, I understood his attitude towards the world (and Ellie), and I understood why he made the choice he made in the end. But I never grew any more attached to him after four playthroughs than any of the other gazillion gruff, stoic, father-figure video game protagonists out there.

    It was only through playing the second game that I grew to love the character and appreciate the first game all the more. His death scene was rough, of course, but my attitude towards him didn't begin to really change until walking through his house with its dozens of tiny, heartbreaking details (looking at you, Idiot's Guide to Space). Watching Ellie, my favorite character in media and sole reason for buying the game, tear herself and her life apart in his memory gave me far more insight into his character and importance than almost anything in the first game. The flashbacks really cemented it, especially that last one. After finishing the second game for the first time and not crying at all, I started it again an hour later and cried myself blind. I can now safely say that Joel is one of my very favorite characters.

    For me at least, the idea that Naughty Dog just wrote Joel out without a thought is laughable. It's clear that a lot of love and care went into fleshing him out and honoring his memory.

    Anyway, sorry for the essay, I just really needed to get all of that off my chest. Did anyone else feel the same way?

    submitted by /u/SunflowerSunII
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    Look who just came in the mail today!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:24 AM PST

    A five panel illustration I made for class

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 08:04 AM PST

    Do you think TLOU 2 will receive a PS5 patch like Ghost of Tsushima, or be a paid remaster like Spider-Man?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:18 PM PST

    Just curious. I'd prefer a patch obviously, but ND's silence has me prepared for the worst.

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    submitted by /u/Rhymelikedocsuess
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    TLOU2 inspired me to learn guitar. Here's my progress of a certain song over the last few months!

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 07:02 AM PST

    I played through both TLOU and TLOU2 back in August, and the opening scene to Part 2 where Joel plays Future Days absolutely captivated me. I have never had such a visceral reaction to a piece of music in my life, and i instantly knew i wouldn't be satisfied just listening to music anymore. A week later, i bought myself a guitar and got to practicing everyday. Now, almost 3 months later, I feel supremely happy that i almost have the song that started it all down pat, at least to a standard i am proud of.

    Anyway, here's how my progress went across the months!

    Part 1-Early September. This was only about 2 weeks after i had gotten the guitar. I hadn't learnt anything official to do with playing the song so i decided to just try and feel out all the notes on one string. Needless to say that was slow, and came with a lot of squeaks!

    Part 2-Mid October. By now, i had looked up tutorials on how to actually play the song, and day in and day out practicing it meant I had made significant progress. The general gist of the song is here, namely that I'm playing the right chords, but I'm not yet capable of playing the song with the same rhythm or inflection Joel plays it with. There's bits of it there, but it isn't consistent and I don't bother with some of the harder finger style notes, leaving the song a bit empty.

    Part 3-Today!About an hour ago while recording i managed to play the whole thing through with a good feel to it, one that i felt made it enjoyable to listen to past just "there are no wrong notes here i guess". I was elated and really happy to reflect on how far i'd come, hence why i wanted to make this post!

    Anyway, that's all i wanted to share-I really love this game and the impact it's had on me. The guitar is a beautiful instrument and I'm glad the first song i learned to play on it was Future Days. Hope you guys liked it too!

    Bonus-I took the recording i did today and added a bit of post processing stuff (E.Q. and a micro shift plugin) to give it a bit of a different timbre. Let me know if you guys like it too!

    submitted by /u/Pastapuncher
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    This Masterpiece just arived: Mark Englert "It's a motherf@cking dinosaur!"

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Which faction has the most effective method to survive in the long term?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 05:17 PM PST

    • Please don't vote out of emotional attachment. We all know Jackson would win.

    • Please don't vote based on which faction has the best way to achieve happiness or live peacefully. We all know Jackson would win.

    • We have several examples of FEDRA in different cities. It's not a problem: the question is which faction has the best method to survive. All FEDRA different examples count as one method (realistically every FEDRA QZ wouldn't act exactly the same, but similar). In most cities didn't work but in others did.

    • Same goes with hunters and cannibals, but in this case we only have one well documented example of both (or one at all in the case of the cannibals): Pittsburgh and Silver Lake.

    • Poll is restricted to no more than 6 options, so no Scars or Fireflies. Their main focus wasn't surviving, more like mystic and idealistic objectives. And no Bill. He is alone, so 0 possibilities of survival in the long term.

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    submitted by /u/SlimCharlesSlim
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    The Pre-Release cutscenes "ruined" the game for my first playthrough (I still loved it). Do you agree?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 10:25 PM PST

    The Abby hanging scene - We know that's coming once we get to that point. It reveals that we end up aligned with the scars. That would've been way cooler to learn in-game.

    But the massive one was the kissing scene with Ellie and Dina. Not for the content, but because it came sooooooooo late in the game, and given that we know that's still coming, it takes the suspense out of wondering about that moment for the entire game, and moreover ruins what wouldve felt like a massive "oh crap this is the end! But isn't!" moment - the scene when Ellie was singing the Little Potato song on the tractor with the insanely beautiful sunset, that was a clear false ending. But since we hadn't seen the kissing scene yet, we know it isn't.

    It actually hit me harder on the second playthrough, because I forgot whether I'd seen the later scene already in the current playthrough or not, and then realized how much that felt like the end.

    submitted by /u/__Lifeguard__
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    This game is surprisingly okay. [SPOILERS FOR TLOU PT II]

    Posted: 17 Nov 2020 11:27 AM PST

    I know The Last of Us II gets a lot of hate on the internet - especially because of their treatment towards the character of Joel - but, despite the mainly awkward pacing and strange choices made regarding some characters during the game, I believe the idea: which is Ellie driven mad, hellbent on revenge against the person who killed the man who pretty much made her who she is today, is a very interesting one.

    Honestly, and this is a hot take: I never had a problem with them killing of Joel. Hell, I'll make an even hotter take, and say I actually think Abby, as a character, is quite interesting. Joel from the first game was already a "dead man" ever since the death of his daughter, being cynical and hopeless towards the world, becoming a hardened smuggler to survive in a world he only viewed as cruel ever since his daughter's death. I always saw the whole point his uniting and journey with Ellie in that game as his last hurrah, his one thing to show he still cared ; his hanging on the cross, if you will. The thing that redeemed him, but in the Last of Us II, now that he was redeemed, they could only really go in two directions that would be interesting. a) Keep him alive, and allow him to develop his relationships with more characters, or b) kill him off. And while one is good, and leads to more development on Joel's part, we all know which one has a more narrative impact. This game handled his death in a very realistic and mature way, especially on Ellie's behalf, and I can respect the game for that. And I also love stories like Moby Dick, that involve the mental degradation and obsession for revenge of a character driving them insane - so I'm probably biased there. Nevertheless, I feel this game gets too much hate. I'll admit some of it is earned, but as a game, but as a story and a game, it's actually decent.

    submitted by /u/FreshyPrinceOfBelAir
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