• Breaking News

    Friday, September 25, 2020

    The Last of Us | The names on the wall in the aquarium are all devs from Naughty Dog! Shoutout to all of them!

    The Last of Us | The names on the wall in the aquarium are all devs from Naughty Dog! Shoutout to all of them!

    The names on the wall in the aquarium are all devs from Naughty Dog! Shoutout to all of them!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Hello Guys!�� after 11 Days of work I finished my Ellie drawing in Santa Barbara, hope you like it��

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    After many, many emails later I finally got my Troy Baker Autograph from Streamily! Absolutely love it.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    The Guitar is Finally Here!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Cool audio detail I noticed (Part 2)

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    When you go prone with an item and crawl on the ground there's a unique noise made based on what you're carrying and what surface you're crawling on. You can hear it dragging across the ground. For example crawling with a brick sounds different than crawling with a pistol, likewise crawling with a brick on pavement sounds different than crawling with a brick on carpet.

    Here's a quick clip to demonstrate: https://streamable.com/me6iq3

    Maybe some will find this mundane or not impressive but I thought it was pretty cool.

    submitted by /u/WerkinAndDerpin
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    Ellie & Dina, Watercolor Sketch

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    My tenth platinum! What a journey!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 12:04 AM PDT

    Anticipating a kiss - the subtle acting that helps sell Dina’s attraction to Ellie

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    Dad, you're finally here!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    I'm sure gonna miss this when I play grounded mode lol

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    What If The Last Of Us, Interstellar And Assassin's Creed Meet Each Other ? | Fingerstyle Cover | YT : PokeNadir Music

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    I almost had a heart attack

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:35 AM PDT

    Completed the story on grounded a few days ago it took me 23 hours 48 minutes how long did it take yall?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    And 50 to 60 of those deaths were in "The Forest" chapter.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:23 AM PDT

    My WIP IOS14 Home Screen inspired by Ellie’s journal.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    A new beginning

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    I just started the last of us because I bought a PS4, I'm so happy to finally get into the game! That's all, just thought you guys would be happy to hear there is still new players!

    submitted by /u/Aidan4994
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    I got the Dig Two Graves Trophy by accident.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 11:19 PM PDT

    I got the grounded trophy by accident... I've been really enjoying the Encounters and I thought I'd try them on grounded. I finished Resort without doing the Abby fight because it isn't fun, like actually depressing, and, for whatever reason, the story save file became grounded just before the Abby fight right where I exited the encounter but now the Resort encounters were locked. To unlock the encounters, after heaps of trial and error, I tried finishing the game on grounded, I loaded the grounded resort Story save file that I didn't save, only had to fight Abby, went home and got the trophy - maybe 15 minutes to get it.

    Good news though my encounters unlocked! Which was all I was trying to do and now I have Dig Two Graves trophy.

    submitted by /u/Jungian_Thing
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    I found some interesting stuff boxed up in the aquarium

    Posted: 23 Sep 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    [SPOILERS] What would YOU classify Abby as?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    I've been trying to wrap my head around what Abby is as a literary device, and I just couldn't figure out what she actually is, so I want to see what you all think. If you know for sure which category she falls into, please let me know!

    My rationale was basically as follows: Ellie is the protagonist, and Abby is the Force opposed to Ellie, which would make her the antagonist, but she can't be the antagonist (at least I don't think) because we play as her for roughly half the game, which would make her another protagonist or maybe a deuteragonist (it might be a bit less than half). I've heard a some people call her a false protagonist which doesn't make too much sense to me because that would make her the antagonist.

    Curious about your points of view!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/JamboTheKnight
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    A better look at my new firefly tattoo

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 08:30 PM PDT

    The Most Awkward, Violent Crossover.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    I've done 3 Permadeath playthroughs since the mode was released. This is my best one so far, and I know I could have avoided dying if I was just a tiny bit more careful. I have my eyes set on Grounded+ whole game sometime before the end of this year. I just started Hard+ per act. Wish me luck!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    Slightly different ending

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    On Spoilercast, Neil said that originally, Ellie would've briefly hugged Joel at the porch scene. They even had it recorded, but they (mostly Ashley) thought that this wouldn't fit their characters, so they cut it out. He said that it was really emotional and removing it wasn't an easy call.

    Do you guys think we'll ever get to see it?

    submitted by /u/despinxz
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    [SPOILERS] My Thoughts on Pt 2...

    Posted: 24 Sep 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    Just completed Pt. 2 for the first time! Took me a little over 3 months and 60 hrs to complete. Easily one of the greatest video games I have ever played. Just wanted to share my thoughts:

    Likes * The music is easily one of my favorite parts of this game. Gustavo Santaolalla absolutely kills it with the soundtrack. I found it really helped highlight the emotional beats of the game.
    * The gameplay is vastly improved over anything that Naughty Dog has produced before. All the gameplay animations are amazingly realistic and fluid and the ability to prone and the added verticality in the game made for some really exciting combat experiences. I found myself spending 2 hrs+ on some of the combat experiences just because the versatility of the gameplay was so much fun. * I went into the game without haven't seen any of the leaks which I think helped me enjoy the experience far more immensely. I anticipated that Joel would die in this game seeing as his character arc was complete from the 1st game; However, I did not anticipate that he would die so early on in the game given the trailers. I thought for sure Dina was going to be the "catastrophic event" that befell Ellie but was shocked to see that it turned out to be Joel. I could see how this could upset some people but personally, it provided me extra motivation to continue on with the game so that I could brutally avenge Joel's murderers. * I'm really glad Dina did not die in this game. She is an extremely likable character and I really enjoyed her and Ellie's relationship throughout the game. * I really enjoyed the half of the game where you play as Abby. At first I hated her, obviously because she killed Joel and was the antagonist of the story. However, I think Naughty Dog did a fantastic job of humanizing her throughout her sections of gameplay and by the end of the game, I was actually rooting for Abby more than Ellie. I also love the little details you notice while playing from Abby's perspective such as meeting the PS Vita girl that Ellie stabs and finding out why the power was turned on in the hospital when Ellie is pursuing Nora.
    * This game has some really powerful, emotional scenes such as Joel singing "Future Days" to Ellie, Ellie singing "Take On Me" to Dina (really any of the guitar scenes), Abby finding Owen dead, and Joel's final conversation with Ellie. These scenes carried some immense weight and personally made for some of my favorite gaming moments of this generation. I don't think a game has ever made me feel so many different emotions like Part 2 has!
    * Part 2 was a lot scarier than Part 1. The conference center with the stalkers and the hospital scene with Abby are easy standouts of terrifying moments in the game.

    Dislikes * The narrative in Pt 2 was definitely lacking in some regards. I would have liked to see a lot more artifacts in the game such as letters and notes describing what it was was like to be in the Seattle Quarantine Zone during and after the outbreak. I thought the world building was comparatively lacking in Part 2 in regards to the 1st game. * Personally, the game felt like it was a little too ambitious for it's own good. I largely feel this way because I think that the conflict between the the Scars and the Wolves is left rather underdeveloped by the end of the game. For example, you get 2 scenes in the whole game with Isaac, the leader of the Wolves, who has been built up as one of the main antagonists of the story. In retrospect, he seems completely meaningless. * Likewise, you spend approximately half the game with 2 members of the Seraphites yet by the end of the game I still felt like I didn't have a familiar understanding of their group nor their ideology. I felt like the game could have benefited by providing more lore about these groups. * There are too many flashbacks. While it really didn't bother me and I think it was necessary for the way Naughty Dog wanted to tell the story, it definitely affected the pacing of the game. * I thought the amount of violence was played up. Some parts were graphic but nothing over the top.

    Overall, I thought that The Last of Us Part 2 was one of the best games I have ever played! It was definitely lacking the perfect, succinct narrative the first game had but it delivered in spades in so many other areas such as sound and gameplay. After waiting 3 months to read what people thought of this game, I was really disappointed to see that a lot people disliked it. I think this is because a lot of folks did not like the really depressing story and that Joel was killed early on in the game. Personally, none of these things affected me but I would have liked to see a tighter story with less moving parts. Fingers crossed Neil decides to make a Part 3! Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/fastdude247
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