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    Friday, August 7, 2020

    The Last of Us | Ellie's just enjoying nature with a cold one.

    The Last of Us | Ellie's just enjoying nature with a cold one.

    Ellie's just enjoying nature with a cold one.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    A father and his hyperactive daughter

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    To celebrate my platinum trophy on the game, I did an art style challenge. Enjoy!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Clicker vibes

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Cute Ellie

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 01:16 AM PDT

    Just noticed this about the ski resort....

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    Through thick and thin

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:52 PM PDT

    Abby is so well-written that she made me crave a burrito. I’m devouring one with her on my NG+.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    The Lack of Empathy

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:53 PM PDT

    This is probably been said 100 times over but I can't get this thought out of my head so I need to write it down. Still to this day I cannot understand people's lack of empathy for Abby. Let me state that empathizing with her does that mean that you have to like her but I really truly do not understand how people cannot see why she did what she did. If it was my dad I would feel the same way. I would do anything to avenge somebody just as Ellie is doing and Abby did. Even though the game does teach you that that is not the right thing to do I would feel the same way. Let's say that you don't like Abby and you don't like most of her characteristics, I still cannot understand the idea of not understanding her motives. I have seen so many people just wish death upon her to me it is so scary. The lack of empathy I see from the general public is frightening if I'm honest with you. If they were in Abby shoes and wouldn't feel the same way I would call them a liar. It is idiotic and frightening to believe that you cannot at least understand people's motives and be empathetic towards a situation that is understandable she is not pure evil. I'm just not completely understanding the lack of empathy.

    submitted by /u/Batman599
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    little attention to detail you may not have noticed: characters reaction to a gunshot

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    A Post-Pandemic Shrine.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:47 PM PDT

    "Joel was acting out of character"

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    This is the one "plot hole" that people keep complaining about yet Dina & Jesse give you an idea as to how Jackson is as close as it could get to the pre-outbreak world. i.e. a normal world.

    In Seattle Day 1, when Dina & Ellie come across trip wire bombs, Dina mentions how she would love something like that around Jackson to protect it. Ellie replies "It'll probably catch stragglers" to which Dina replies they'll put up signs and write warnings to make sure no one gets caught instead of saying "Good, they are outsiders". Showing you how much Jackson was used to them.

    Besides that, Jesse constantly complains about getting shot at by the WLF for no reason and without warning. Even though he was the senior/leader of the "patrol" group meaning he should be used to aggressive behavior like that. Even then He complains about it in Day 2 and 3 like atleast 2-3 times. Which shows how different it is for him to see humans shooting at each other for no reason. Meaning most outsiders Jackson got were friendly.

    And you still think Joel is being OOC living in a place like this for 4 years with his daughter like figure? He is for once no longer surviving, he is living. Just like the people in Jackson are.

    submitted by /u/AskewScissors
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    "I can't make you immune either..."

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Just in case I'm not the only one who didn't catch on right away...

    During the first theatre scene, Ellie tells Dina "I can't infect you, if that's what you're worried about. I can't make you immune either..."

    At first I was confused. How did she know that? Where was this tested? I know there was Cat, but she'd have to have been bitten to prove that claim, which she wasn't. Then I remembered Riley, who Ellie kissed shortly before being bitten, proving Ellie can't pass on her infection/immunity.

    Knowing this makes this scene a whole lot more painful and depressing. I need to lie down.

    submitted by /u/kindchains
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    Sorry for bad quality, the doctor in the pharmacy at the start of left behind is in the superstore at the start of TLOU2

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    i got around to getting the plat on tlou and it was definitely worth it.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Thematic connections between Part 2 and Uncharted 4 (Spoilers for both games)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 07:54 PM PDT

    I recently replayed Uncharted 4, and was struck by some of the thematic links between it and Last of Us Part 2; namely, both games revolve around self-destructive obsession. In TLOU Part 2, Ellie tears her life apart in her quest for revenge, while in Uncharted 4, Sam Drake nearly gets himself killed in his quest for Henry Avery's treasure. Both character's obsessions damage their relationships with other characters; Dina leaves Ellie when she can't give up her obsession with revenge, while Sam's obsession severely strains his relationship with Nathan. Finally, both characters have foils with similar motivations; for Ellie, this is Abby, and for Sam, it is Rafe.

    submitted by /u/RedmondBarry1999
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    I'm not good at planning out my Platinum Trophy screenshots like a lot of you are, so may I present to you: Disgusted Ellie

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    “Because I can make it quick... or I can make it so much worse” -scene inspired “cosplay” �� this kinda sucks but I tried haha

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 09:54 AM PDT

    Is it just me or is Joel hot?

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Okay this is gonna be weird and I love these games both 1&2 (currently listening to the podcast). The story telling is amazing the way the game plays is amazing and all the subtle nuances and character growths are awesome too. The last of us was the first game I played in a while and I bought it bc fungus zombies sounded interesting (I know not that deep lol). The last game I remember playing was on a pc back when wolfenstien was new. Anywhos it I started playing this game and started falling in love with the characters and the story and specifically Joel. I know he's not real,I know this is a video game; but to know his story, relate to it on some levels and watch him change and how he treats Tess and Ellie and his voice. Well let's just say I have a huge crush on my first video game character ever ☺️ plz tell me I'm not the only female who crushes on a make believe character

    submitted by /u/hl88pickles
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    I remember shouting “NO!!!!” so loud in the middle of the night during this scene and my neighbours got so mad

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Platinum and Happy

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Got Ellie’s tattoo done today

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    I thought this was pretty funny too

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    My plan for when I replay through both games.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2020 06:07 PM PDT

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