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    The Last of Us | How I walk around my apartment after spending 24 hours on Part II

    The Last of Us | How I walk around my apartment after spending 24 hours on Part II

    How I walk around my apartment after spending 24 hours on Part II

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Look, you have the right to not like the game, but if you believe any of this is true, there's something wrong with you

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    Now that I beat the game here's my fan art again

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Told my daughter the same joke Joel tells Ellie, was not disappointed.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    As someone who did not look at any spoilers for TLOU2, I can thoroughly say it is the greatest game I have ever played.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    The story is absolutely incredible, the gameplay is improved upon in almost every aspect, and it is an absolute masterpiece.

    It absolutely baffles me that people aren't liking this game and it makes me think that most people hating it haven't played the game. I believe that the game is getting so much hate because people looked at spoilers and had a mindset that they would not like the game before they ever played it.

    As someone who went in completely blind, I highly recommend that others do the same, as this game is phenomenal and has changed what I thought was possible to convey through video games.

    Edit: Didn't mean any offense when I said that it baffles me but instead wanted to convey how much I enjoyed the game

    submitted by /u/coolguylogs
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    The Subway section is a masterclass in atmosphere

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    I'm not sure if this was posted, it's an article of interview with neil druckmann and halley gross, spoiler-fill article deep dive into the game story. I think it's a good read no matter you like the game or not, in understanding the direction of the game that they went with.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:44 PM PDT

    Love Part 2, hate Part 2, doesn't matter. Everyone has their own opinions, but one thing we can all agree on?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    Fighting the Rat King in the hospital basement is the most hair-raising, anxiety-inducing and adrenaline-inducing part of the game.

    submitted by /u/NinevehDraught
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    I have lived in Seattle for Eleven years. It is uncanny how incredibly accurate they got this city down. Not just the landmarks, but the distance between them. [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    Me and the friends I played through it with, all from Seattle, did our very best to nit pic and find a flaw in the games portrayal of the city. To be frank, we didn't find a single thing. Except that we don't have a subway lol


    The area where you first enter the city, southbound Interstate-5, was so unbelievably perfect to real life that I actually had to double take.

    The Seattle Public Library is identical in all its glass book pile glory.

    The convention center is faithfully recreated.

    They not only NAILED the look, shape, and feel of the city busses, but even got the right numbers on them to the correct routes.

    When I first arrived in the Aquarium as Ellie, I knew EXACTLY what exhibit I was in, and I had flashbacks to visiting with my cousins. That feeling would only continue exploring in with Abby and Owen

    When on Mother's island, the Space Needle is the perfect size and perspective away, given that a newspaper clipping in game says they're in what used to be Queen Anne, a Seattle Neighborhood.

    While attempting to take the motorboat while playing as Ellie the area with all the escalators is a perfect replica of a mall in downtown called 'Pacific Place'. The even got the bougie store fronts and strange criss crossing Escalators.

    Edit: Also the stadium was perfect, while I personally don't know the bowels of that place too well, where Abby and the Salt Lack Crew are having lunch is exactly how I remember the food stands there.

    This isn't a full list, but these particularly stuck out to me while playing.

    Public Mechanisms

    They nailed not only the EXACT mechanisms of the Ferris Wheel, including how it rocks about, I was floored.

    They not only NAILED the look, shape, and feel of the city busses, but even got the right numbers on them to the correct routes.

    The Beached Ferry where Abby finds the Cross-Bow (or at least where I did) is perfectly in line with the measurements of a ship, I used to take ones just like it accros the water twice a day for 2 years.

    The shape? perfect.

    the size both of the upper decks for people, and the lower decks for cars? perfect.

    The stupid chairs that no one wants to sit in? perfect.

    The color of the hull? perfect.

    The railing colors? perfect.

    The hoards of infected trying to rip your skull off? Perfect.

    Only complaint, Ellie and Dina fight infected in a subways system, Seattle does not and has never had a subway system. We have Light Rail, but that's really different from what you see in game.


    Everything is fucking perfect in relation to other locations.

    I didn't have a car for a long time, and choose to walk rather than bus. So I know exactly how many steps from local to local in the city. And while I've never had to sluth through buildings past enemies and military barriers, I always felt like they got the exact distance from place to place.


    I found myself looking to the downtown buildings probably more than most. And if you look, you can not only see the >!Bridges used by the Scars/Seraphites, but even the elevators and scaffolding Abby and Lev use to scale the first 'tall building'.


    Sorry to rant, but Naughty Dog clearly followed in the words of Mark Twain, they figured out each and every fact about the city, and then distorted them with FEDRA bombing campaigns, Infected, and 25 years of vernal growth.

    Say what you will about any other aspect of the game, but GODDAMN they went well above and beyond on the environment. So far that I don't think most people will appreciate how much amazing work they did on it.

    submitted by /u/CaydeHawthorne
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    The PS3 was neat, but I was much more excited to find the printer I bought in 2013.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    I hope we can all agree that the soundtrack is amazing. Gustavo Santaolalla is a master at his craft.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:41 PM PDT

    I didn't always like the story, but the music is just as hauntingly beautiful as Part I. Absolutely fantastic work by Gustavo.

    submitted by /u/SacKingsRS
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    Never thought I’d be listening to these 3 songs on repeat after beating the game ��

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Dina: Some of this Halloween stuff is funny lookin Ellie: I’m not a fan :(

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    Find yourself someone who looks at you the way Dina looks at Ellie

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Stop wearing your rose tinted glasses when thinking about Joel and Ellie. (spoilers).

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 07:33 PM PDT

    We are accustomed to seeing Joel and Ellie as the good guys because we play as them. But everything they did throughout both games isn't "good".

    Sure, they have their reasons. But realistically, they aren't good people. They have good qualities, absolutely. But that doesn't make them saints.

    So many people complain about the perspective switch to Abby. People considering it a "fuck you" from Naughty Dog. It's not. It's to show the other side. To show the carnage that created from a non-bias side.

    For those that watch Walking Dead, we view Rick and Co. as the good guys and Negan and Alpha as the villains. But in their own mind and their followers, they are the good guys and Rick is the bad guy.

    This is the same thing here. Our time spent with Ellie and Joel makes their decisions through both games "justified" because we care about them. But if we have followed Abby from the beginning, we wouldn't be feeling that way.

    This game was phenomenal. I can understand why some people don't like it, but truthfully, I think those people are just upset they didn't get the storyline they wanted OR, quite frankly, they just don't understand the true meanings of the game.

    Go off in the comments. I won't be responding to any.

    submitted by /u/NYStarLord
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    The Last of Us: Part II INSANE DETAIL

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 01:04 PM PDT

    When your backpack is underwater, everything in it ACTUALLY GETS WET (AND DRIES OVER TIME)


    submitted by /u/sergothot
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    I either wanted a 10 or a 0 - they delivered. I appreciate a big swing, and if it doesn’t hit for some, at least they did something bold. Personally, for me, this is as close to a 10 as gaming can get.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Good art can be divisive.

    It doesn't always have to unite, it doesn't have to bring everyone together - it should inspire feelings, be they anger, or sadness, or joy or nostalgia - there's no rules.

    For me, I want to be challenged, I want to feel - wouldn't you all be more annoyed if this game came out and it was actually a 6/10? Like a mediocre follow up that didn't try and do anything new? That didn't push boundaries and make you fucking FEEL something?

    I would have been way more pissed.

    As it stands? I think it's near perfection - to a degree, I understand the hate (minus the toxic homophobic anti trans bullshit) I get why people are annoyed. But I'd rather they get really angry, rate the game 0/10 than just be mildly pissed and say "well it was ok, I guess".

    Edit: some people are struggling with what I'm saying - I wasn't hoping the game would turn out bad, I either wanted to love or hate it because that meant they'd made a powerful, divisive piece. Honestly, if that's what you've taken feel what I've said, then good luck with the nuances of the story.

    submitted by /u/crumble-bee
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    What this game does with Dina meant the world to me

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:42 PM PDT

    I finished the game yesterday, and I've had lots of trouble putting thoughts into words. Most of the game was masterfully done and incredibly compelling, even if it dragged a few times. I'm not completely sure what to make of the ending yet, and it'll probably be a while if I ever do have a concrete way to describe how I feel about it, but overall I loved the game. I'm beyond happy to have a story in my quarantine life that actually moves me, it feels like its been at least a year since I've experienced something so powerful. Opinions on the story choices are a pretty touchy subject right now, I'm not here to debate whether the game was great or horrible, so instead I'll talk about something that made me otherwordly happy: what this game does with Dina!

    The fanbase for this game is composed of all sorts of different types of people, which is something that is really cool. And it leads to all sorts of different experiences with the game. Being a girl who likes other girls, Ellie has been incredibly important to me for a long time. I've identified with her since the first game. I honestly didn't get to play the first game until the remastered edition on the PS4; I remember watching a movie version of a blend of cutscenes and gameplay when I was like thirteen on my computer. It blew my mind! And I loved Ellie so much and felt super connected to her, which is partially due to how well the perspective of the game can really make the characters an extension of the player.

    But anyways! I need to get to the point. The Left Behind DLC was awesome and it was really cool to see her and Riley being in love, it was incredibly important to me as a young girl, but it was also deeply tragic given that Riley ends up dying while Ellie moves on. As my life went on and I watched all other sorts of media in the years between TLOU 1 & 2, I kinda came to notice that the whole "burying your gays" trope is a common thing; they don't find happiness too often and death usually comes for them. Which is a bummer! And when the first trailers for TLOU 2 began to drop I was of course thrilled, but also when I noticed that all the marketing was pointing toward Dina getting killed off in like the first hour off the game to set up the revenge plot, I kinda rolled my eyes and wasn't really happy about it. Here comes another dead girlfriend for Ellie, gay characters don't really get to be happy.

    But then when I played the game... I was stunned. Dina is a full-fledged character, with tons of agency, and she's supportive but also independent and SHE DOESN'T DIE TO SERVE THE PLOT. I really couldn't believe my eyes. The substitute for Dina's death is obviously far more gutting, but I was really glad for Ellie to have Dina to lean on while she was dealing with her grief. I was constantly anxious that Dina was going to get murdered, and there's multiple times where it comes very close, and I honestly had some heart attacks (when we're forced to play as Abby and she attacks Ellie and nearly kills both of them is probably some of my least favorite stuff in anything ever and will give me nightmares). For almost the entire first farm sequence I was sure it was a dream, and that it was all too good to be true... but it ended up being real, and those precious minutes are some of my favorite in gaming history. Of course, things go awry after that, but the one truth remains: Somehow, remarkably, against every rule I'd come to know in blockbuster storytelling... Dina survived the game. And I can't properly express how cool that is to ME. I'm thankful to the team for subverting all those boring, depressing tropes that I'd come to know.

    While the game ends with their relationship in a bad place, I'm confident that Ellie rejecting her hatred, coming to terms with what happened, and walking towards the light means that she is going to win back Dina and find happiness with her. And for gay people in media, and especially in the damn apocalpyse, happiness is really hard to come by. Dina is really the light of this game in so many ways; in a world full of mostly complex and hateful characters, she's probably the most altruistic character there is. She manages to put all of her hurting and fears aside to show Ellie that love is more than enough to give life meaning at the farm. She is the light at the end of Ellie's tunnel. I'll forever appreciate what this game does with Dina.

    submitted by /u/Brooke2214
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    Can we take a second to acknowledge how badass the bloaters were in Part II?

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Say whatever you want about the game as a whole, but I felt the bloaters stole the show. They were so much more terrifying and dangerous. I loved how they were these rampaging bulls that could just break through anything. Really shocked me. The 2 moments in Ellie's half of the game with them were some of my favorite moments. They really did a great job with all the infected in my opinion but the bloaters really stood out.

    submitted by /u/jtm529
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    After 3.5 days of playing I’m done.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    I'm speechless. There's a lot to unpack here. Musings on forgiveness, letting go, moving on, looking back, an eye for an eye, the whole world going blind, two sides of the same coin.

    The writing is incredible. Every prediction I tried to make was wrong. I felt like every moment was a fight for survival. It's the kind of story that you have to just sit back and think for a while.

    While I prefer the more streamlined story of the first game, this game's story explored such deep concepts so thoroughly that I feel as though they will be with me forever.


    submitted by /u/NauticalPhoenix
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    Felt conflicted after getting a good look at Dina and realising she looked like me.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:07 PM PDT

    Spotted a familiar face in the prologue

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Ellie in coffee (Joel would love). Idk If i can put my IG here, but i'll do it. https://instagram.com/_artand_?igshid=2efgufhjk8af

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Neil Druckmann and Halley Gross Open Up About the Biggest Twists of ‘The Last of Us Part II’

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    My first Collector's Edition. I have no regrets. ��

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 05:24 PM PDT

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