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    Wednesday, December 18, 2019

    The Last of Us | 'Games that defined the decade: The Last of Us pushed video games to be smarter, bolder, and greater.' (gamesradar article)

    The Last of Us | 'Games that defined the decade: The Last of Us pushed video games to be smarter, bolder, and greater.' (gamesradar article)

    'Games that defined the decade: The Last of Us pushed video games to be smarter, bolder, and greater.' (gamesradar article)

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 09:03 AM PST


    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:55 PM PST

    Most heartbreaking place in the game?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 11:15 AM PST

    Retro replay part 5: bills town/suburbs.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:40 PM PST

    Theory About 'The Infected': Most of them should be dead by 'The Last Of Us 2'.

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 04:21 PM PST

    This is gonna be long so bear with me.

    So, a few days ago while watching a video on YouTube about 'The Last Of Us 2' (I think), I remembered something from my time as a biology student (switched to finance) at the mention of Cordyceps. I remembered about Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis (Google helped me find the name, didn't remember), it's a fungus that works like Cordyceps in the game but in ants instead of humans, and after which the Cordyceps from the game are unsurprisingly named. This made me realize that The Infected in the game were not zombies but in fact living beings (Zombies being dead).

    Now to my point. As The Infected are living beings and not dead they need food, water and air to survive. In the game there are a lot more infected than there are normal human beings, making food scarce (They don't seem to eat greens) they don't seem to just eat humans though but the animals are eventually gonna run out as well, animals are also skittish and hence hard to catch (unless it's a predator who is gonna use the infected as food instead). And to me they didn't seem like active predators instead they seemed more like ambush predators, they usually just stood around not looking for food (They did follow sounds though).

    "A human being can live 3 weeks without Food, 3 days without water, 3 hours without shelter (Extreme conditions) and 3 minutes without Oxygen" as is established by 'The Rule Of 3s' of survival. They are surely missing out on 3 days without water and in most cases on 3 days without food, and they are mostly without shelter (Remember episode 7 – Winter). Without these (Or in extreme conditions) the human body is gonna shut down, it doesn't matter if the body is taken over, without food/water metabolism is gonna stop i.e. no more energy in the body, but let's just assume that the mutation improve their tolerance (?) and for them its more like the "Rule Of 300s" now. Still they couldn't have survived for 25 years after the outbreak, the new ones, okay they can, but the old ones should have died out making their numbers far lower, and hence a smaller threat (Just send people with guns to kill them). At the very least the remaining people should not have been confined to small settlements.

    I get that it's a game (A great one at that) and anything goes, but this is how they explained it and there is a huge flaw in the explanation (At least to me, pretty sure someone will prove Me wrong).

    I want to see a lot less zombies in the second installation but that would make the game bland. And at the end we arrive at a paradox.

    I don't Know if anything like this has ever been posted before, new to reddit and all.

    submitted by /u/KeanuIsSouthIndian
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    The game isnt keeping the checkpoints or saves

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 07:53 PM PST

    I'm doing my grounded playthrough and I'm in the hospital so right near the end, however no matter how many times I save past the stairwell, if I die I ALWAYS end up back to the beginning of the action downstairs. Has anybody else had this problem? It is driving me insane

    submitted by /u/III_IIIFUCKIDK
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    I paid off my pre order this weekend. Thought I’d give it one more play through just to make sure.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2019 11:02 PM PST

    Retro replay plays tlou part 5

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 07:08 PM PST

    Nolan just walked out of bills safe house cellar without ever even seeing the toolbox or the workbench. I hurt so much right now.

    And Troy needs to stop giving so much misinformation to Nolan. The whole thing hurt to watch. On the plus side, i learned the toolbox popped up in the garage before the school, so nolan didnt end up missing out on that.

    submitted by /u/herbwannabe
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    The Last of Us Ellie Edition PS3

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 06:23 PM PST

    Kind of an odd request, but I ordered the last of us Ellie edition off of eBay but the box is in a bit of damaged and not great condition. If anyone has a Ellie edition box that they can sell to me I would love it. Just pm me if you or someone you know has one

    I know it's a odd request but I'm trying to start a collection

    submitted by /u/DatBoiMemes425
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    TLoU and TLoU 2

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:17 PM PST

    Forgive me for sounding like a noob, but I noticed that TLoU closed the last gen (PS3) on a high note and now TLoU 2 will also close this generation on a highly likely similar note too.

    Hope part 3 doesn't come at the end of the PS5's life cycle.

    submitted by /u/DeadEyeArc
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    Ya'll think that part 2 will be on PS Now for pc players to enjoy?

    Posted: 17 Dec 2019 05:44 AM PST

    Cuz it just so happens that im switching over to pc for christmass

    submitted by /u/OneTinyBean
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