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    Thursday, November 14, 2019

    The Last of Us | I made this shot some weeks ago and thought it was worth sharing :)

    The Last of Us | I made this shot some weeks ago and thought it was worth sharing :)

    I made this shot some weeks ago and thought it was worth sharing :)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:23 PM PST

    An alternate ending where Callus never got shot and Ellie escaped

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:17 PM PST

    Honestly... :'(

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:32 PM PST

    PlayStation Plus Remastered Version

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 07:49 PM PST

    I got The Last of Us Remastered for free but it's LITERALLY unplayable.

    I just started about 20 minutes ago and get to where I first get to move freely with Tess but I can't get Joel to walk/run/sprint forward without stuttering the whole time.

    Anything I can do? Maybe uninstall and redownload?

    I don't mean to be stupid but if I do that, will it still show as mine on PS+ and be redownloadable?

    I know it was free but I can't play it like this, I'm total Clicker bait.

    submitted by /u/TattooedWife
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    How do I craft a shiv?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 11:28 AM PST

    Trying to sound like a Clicker, but I need to practice more (too lazy to trim the first part of the video)

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 12:19 PM PST

    Best TLOU cinematic edit?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 08:12 PM PST

    I'm trying to introduce one of my friends to The Last of Us, but unfortunately she's not much of a gamer, so I turned to cinematic edits. I found a couple on youtube, but I'm not sure which one is better!

    There's this one by Sima Games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdZjB3KpbeE A 3.5h long video from close to when the game came out

    The other one I found was a 7 part series by Grant Voegtle, which is a bit longer but seems to have more effort put into it (at least based on the Verge article). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRqnZzmAg4w&list=PLTzt1HHioGrYy9T0S7yEwKo1z-iiMSXYg

    So those of you who have watched them, what do you recommend? It's a long series so I want to make the most of her time!

    submitted by /u/anagnost
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    Trying to get the Ellie/collector's edition

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 03:25 AM PST

    Yeah, yeah,,I know, we all hate scalpers to hell and back...But I am a simple woman- I see Ellie, I cry and hand over all my worldly possessions. I'm on ebay trying to grab either the Ellie or CE of Part II, the only thing is that some of the prices seem so suspiciously low? Like, what's the chance that they're just scams?

    This isn't me mistaking bids for buy-now's either, some of the listings for the Ellie Edition are just £200 and then you get some at £700 and anything in between. Never done anything like this before (as in- I've never even ordered a single thing on ebay myself) so I don't know how likely it is that some of these are lies or not...my gut tells me yes but also...what if, yknow? Low prices sure are helpful!

    submitted by /u/shakingnight
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    Huge plot hole: The infection-to-turn time is too slow to for a believable apocalypse without actual zombies

    Posted: 13 Nov 2019 02:59 AM PST

    So it takes hours (up to 2 days) and the infected try to kill and eat people (we see it) rather than just infect them. So to spread the infection, a scenario will always have to be where an infected bites but the victim survives the attack - possibly killing the infected and thus reducing their number - and then survives more without killing oneself or being killed by another human (which we can see people obviously do) or another infected (who will continue try to kill a human as they do with Ellie). Which would become rare after very short time when people realize what's going on, and this would not even cause a pandemic - just a localized outbreak at most. It's already implausible the standard undead zombies would seriously threaten humanity, but at least zombies multiply whenever any human dies (sometimes without even biting but just from any death, reanimating instantly, and/or turning very fast after any bite - like 10 seconds in The World War Z, all of which makes it more plausible for them to get their numbers) and here it's just impossible because the infected would be just dying without almost ever increasing in their number at all.

    It could've been avoided with a better writing. The original Night of the Death has "space radiation" reanimate all recently deceased and anyone who dies from this point on which explains the initial numbers, but the "ghouls" were still put down easily after people realized what's going and exterminated them - that same night (later retconned in the sequels where the zombies somehow win, and this "somehow" explained by the breakdown of law and order in the cities where people kill each other thus creating more zombies and also people refusing to destroy corpses, but even that needs a major suspension of disbelief to be an extinction level problem). In TLOU, really all that was needed was for the infected to not try to eat their their victims, to 'turn' quickly initially - later slower as people got some immunity, and the initial global outbreaks to be alluded by an organized effort to wipe out humanity by for example ecoterrorists to avert the climate change (12 Monkeys style).

    And how do the infected stay alive later anyway? Even if they do eat someone on an extremely rare occasion, it wouldn't be enough to substain them for any prolonged period of time as they keep being active. But that's another question entirely.

    submitted by /u/SupremeReader
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