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    Friday, November 20, 2020

    The Last of Us | Images that precede legendary events... (Posted on 11/12/10)

    The Last of Us | Images that precede legendary events... (Posted on 11/12/10)

    Images that precede legendary events... (Posted on 11/12/10)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:07 PM PST

    The Last of Us Part II for the win! #TheGameAwards #TheGameAwards2020

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:23 AM PST

    So the PS5 now tells you how much time you've spent on games...

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:11 AM PST

    How it is / How I see it

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:12 PM PST

    The collection so far!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:59 AM PST

    Here's an Abby sketch I did a while back

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 12:38 AM PST

    Here’s an Ellie poster I’ve nearly finished working on!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:32 PM PST

    I had a huge breakthrough in my therapy due to TLOU2.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 04:39 PM PST

    Just kinda wanted to share a long story that happened to me a few weeks. I'm still feeling really high from it.

    A little background: I'm 32 and have been dealing with social anxiety for my whole life. I am very outgoing and love to be the life of the party or roasted by my friends, but I cannot deal with being in situations where I can't leave easily. City busses, haircuts, Uber rides, standing in line at the store... Panic always ensues.

    Anyway, things got so bad a year ago that I finally got around to seeking help. I met my therapist and got right to work; we spent a year talking about the self, subconscious, compassion, catastrophe, negative thoughts, OCD, self-love, the works! It was really helping me visualize and understand myself, but I was still hung up on one big thing: I hated my anxiety. I hated it with all my being. It felt so foreign to me, so silly to be afraid of riding the bus...?! It felt like an entirely different person, certainly not me. It was someone else coming into my body and making me freak out. My therapist would often explain the primal need for anxiety and how it keeps us "safe from things like tigers in the grass", which yeah, made all the sense in the world I get that. But I would have gladly given up my anxiety in exchange for being attacked by a potential tiger. I hated my anxiety that much. I wanted it to be gone forever and I would never give it an inch. I said this often.

    About three weeks ago I was having my weekly video call with my therapist. This time though it was a little different: I had scheduled a haircut right after my therapy session and was having some troubles with a slight panic attack. I let my therapist know what I was feeling and we went through the typical coping mechanisms. Eventually though I couldn't even talk about anything because my panic attack was becoming so bad. I was fighting it tooth and nail for it not to overcome me. My therapist noticed and asked for me to backup and simply witness my panic attack. But I couldn't— I couldn't give it an inch, for my own safety. I was in a dead lock with it. I was in the middle of a giant wrestling ring and I had to wrestle this panic attack into submission or else it would kill me. It's a death match: me or the panic. No words were getting through to me because I was so engrossed in the fight, so focused on stabilizing, so fixated on fighting the attack and holding its head underwater with my hands gripped around its damn neck. I didn't ask for anxiety but I sure as shit was gonna finish the fight.

    Then my therapist said, "Jordan, you're in the ring right now. You're fighting your villain. Go up to the very top seat in the stadium and just stay as a witness. Think about the villain coming out to the ring— Doesn't every villain have an origin story?"

    And I nearly got whiplash. I immediately stopped. Everything came to me instantly and so clearly, the emotional wave was nearly overwhelming.

    I saw my villain, my anxiety for what it was. I saw the entire backstory. I saw it knee-deep in the water at Santa Monica. I saw it emaciated. It's head was shaved. It was cold. It was misunderstood. It was begging for mercy.

    And it was myself.

    And I just fuckin burst you guys lol. I burst into tears. I felt exactly like Ellie on the beach, looking down at Abby, like I had just burned my life trying to fight and kick and kill this part of my life that I misunderstood entirely. I was so upset with myself and so obsessed with hating myself for having anxiety that I couldn't move on from it. And then the clarity just came out of seemingly nowhere, as I could see it for what it was. The real answer was extending compassion to myself and having real love for myself and for forgiving myself. I think a lot of people think of "self-love" as some bubbly thing where you say nice things in the mirror and spend money, which are good things, but when I saw my anxiety in that cold water and it said to me "I don't want to fight you" the only thing I wanted to say to it was "I'm sorry". I'm sorry I fought you Jordan for so long. That is real self-love— listening to yourself and holding it close.

    I know that was kinda a long winded story, but I've just been thinking about it nonstop. I feel like I can walk around with a new understand of myself. And so much of that is due to playing TLOU2 and playing out those exact themes. We learn about obsession, about misguided anger, about regret, about self-love, compassion, and genuine forgiveness. Thank you Naughty Dog for the best narrative experience in any media that I have ever consumed. Thank you. And thanks for reading /r/thelastofus

    submitted by /u/Buy_An_iPhone_Today
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    A top tier birthday gift for sure.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 11:11 PM PST

    People were talking about some rare little threats Ellie can make so I jumped back on the game to see for myself

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:35 PM PST

    Finally beat Part II. Love that the home screen changes.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:04 PM PST

    Ellie & Dina sketch by myself (@ashlee.draws.stuff on Instagram).

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:36 AM PST

    While I didn’t completely enjoy part two, i liked the atmosphere and soundtrack, so here’s my Ellie sketch i did on my phone :)

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:31 PM PST

    Anybody else find this in Ellie’s journal entry

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:24 PM PST

    Try shooting a ps3 controller. Go on...

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:10 PM PST

    Imagine if Laura Bailey wins best performance

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 06:37 AM PST

    The amount of people crying like babies and I am all for it. But she will get a lot of hate. Just had flashbacks of people harassing her.

    submitted by /u/notamused332
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    Use this picture the next time someone acts like the backlash was just civil opinion.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:03 AM PST

    Use this picture the next time someone acts like the backlash was just civil opinion.

    If TLOU 2 wins GOTY there will be a large backlash with a lot of conspiracy theories and Xenophobic comments repeated again so be prepared.


    submitted by /u/BallImpressive
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    Just finished TLoU2 and I'm emotionally devastated

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 03:05 PM PST

    I've been crying for 20 minutes now... So I'd like you to share with me your favorite happy (or at least light-hearted) moments of the game. This could either make me smile or cry even harder.

    I think mine would be when Dina and Ellie are riding together at the beginning and Dina says the horse is getting sick because she sounds hoarse. I miss that.

    submitted by /u/TipsyPotatoGirl
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    This is harder than Grounded Permadeath

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:12 AM PST

    I love the letters that people leave behind... They often tell hearthbreaking story...really gives you an inside look on how is it living in the world of TLOU2

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 02:26 PM PST

    Opinion on the goty nominee

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 05:12 PM PST

    I'm not sure how popular this theory is. But just hear me out.

    Back when part 2 first released. People who liked it said stuff like "goty" "best game so far" stuff of praise to the game.

    To which people who disliked the game said stuff along the lines of,

    "It doesn't matter if it wins, the game awards don't matter"

    Now that the nominees have been shown. This discussion has gain new traction. With a lot more people on both sides saying this stuff.

    I have a hunch that if part 2 loses. The same people I just mentioned that disliked the game will go on a rant that will sound similar to this.

    "Part 2 lost hahaha, deal with it 'insert actual winner` is so much better I'm glad it won"

    Despite earlier saying how they didn't care about the awards.

    And if part 2 loses. People who did want it to win will say what the others said in the beginning

    "It doesn't matter that it lost. The game awards don't matter anyway"

    It's going to be an interesting year. Even if it doesn't win. There's going to be a lot of controversy surrounding this years award.

    But let's be honest.

    We all know animal crossing is gonna win :)

    submitted by /u/CLN_7567
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    Some Appreciation for AnthonyCaliber! Amazing speedrun, amazing game!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 10:32 AM PST

    Does anyone know when/if we can play the game on the ps5 with haptic feedback enabled?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2020 09:23 AM PST

    I've read the articles saying that TLOU2 will support haptic feedback when played on the ps5, but from what I've read on this sub people have tried playing it on their ps5 to find that it's not supported.

    Does anyone know if this is something coming in a later patch, or is it already here? It seems odd for so many games websites/videos to claim that it exists & is a thing that they've tried only for us to boot up the game & not have it available. Is it a myth?

    I'd like to do my second playthrough soon but I want to wait for this feature to be implemented first, so I was wondering if anyone knew what was going on regarding it.

    submitted by /u/CommanderFuzzy
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